Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Board-Wide Plot: Disruption I

04-11-2022, 12:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2022, 11:37 PM by zina.)
Note: If you use a portal, make an OOC note describing which portals were used so that it is easier for staff to moderate! Thank you!

Those that were awake noticed something amiss. A terrible static was brewing in the air. Every creature knew that something would happen. Horses neighed. Cats yowled. Dogs barked at what seemed like nothing. A loud and horrendous clash of thunder opened between the hours of sleep and waking. Between the fell sparks and queer light, a moment of madness covered the land.

Morðfjall and thus all of Hrafnsvaktin at once disappeared from the world. The mountain that could be seen from the Tundra was suddenly gone, but there was no hole left in its place. A great gift was bestowed on the tundra that day. In place of the mountain where Morðfjall had been kept, there was something strange and wonderful.

There was a tropical forest. If one drew close to the new area on the tundra, they would not feel the warmth until they broke through its sacred outline. But across that barrier, they felt the dousing of happiness and calm climate. They heard the songs of birds of every kind, and could smell each scent of every flower. A paradise on earth complete with pesky bugs was present for those who had need of it. The animals called this gift the Moving Garden.

Where the wolves of Hrafnsvaktin had gone, no one knew.

Even after the storm had passed, the static that clung to the wind and sky remained. Astra, a great wolf made from stardust and galaxy could be seen whenever the clouds had cleared. They seemed to look upon the earth as though dazzled by its beauty in the same way that the wolves below were mesmerized by the god’s eerie light.

With Astra, there also came two unfamiliar shapes that no animal had ever seen before within the strange skies of the world. One was limber and strong, with great hooves that beat against the sky like bursts of moonlight. The creature had a great mane and long tail, galloping at all hours of the night light the equines did below.

The last was broad and aggressive, but aloof, stretching themselves with feline grace. When this god roared, it shook the heavens and sometimes sparks of lightning and crashes followed. This beast had no creature to mirror it anywhere in the world, and the other gods interacted with it only with hesitance.

All of these astral gods can be seen anywhere in Canis at any time of night pseudo-randomly.

If your character was previously at Hrafnsvaktin, you may select anywhere on the map for them to re-appear.
the staff team luvs u
04-11-2022, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2022, 10:21 PM by zina.)
Introducing Portals!
A portal is a magical point of interest that allows animals to pseudo-randomly move from one point on the map to another instantaneously. Portals can be used by any character at will.

Note: This event is for fun and totally optional! Portals cannot be abused by characters to aid in combat, unfairly give advantages, or to quickly blip back and forth between locations. Be mindful of other players when using portals.

Each biome has two portal locations that are very specific. Going through a portal will transport a character to one of the matching portal locations in a different biome. Which of the two is your choice as the player, but characters do not know which it will be and each time the destination location can change.

Portals will be open in Canis for one month and then will be closed. The portals are open as follows: Check the biome for specific portal location information.

For convenience, we've also added them all here.
Plains locations:
  • An opening in a sycamore tree found in Lapis Nestle
  • A boulder sitting in one of The Hiraeth streams
Tundra locations:
  • A cave in Frozen Ground.
  • A tropical forest sitting where Morðfjall used to be called the Moving Garden
Temperate locations:
  • A doorway of one of the old buildings in Reclaimed Roots
  • An fire anthill in foxfire woods
Mountains locations:
  • A burrow in one of the Rippling Heights hills
  • A tidepool in Whisper Key
Mountains locations:
  • A burrow in one of the Rippling Heights hills
  • A tidepool in Whisper Key
Desert locations:
  • An old well in Ciudad Muerta
  • A sinkhole in Altarcama
Desert locations:
  • An old well in Ciudad Muerta
  • A sinkhole in Altarcama
Temperate locations:
  • A doorway of one of the old buildings in Reclaimed Roots
  • An fire anthill in foxfire woods
Tundra locations:
  • A cave in Frozen Ground.
  • A tropical forest sitting where Morðfjall used to be called the Moving Garden
Plains locations:
  • An opening in a sycamore tree found in Lapis Nestle
  • A boulder sitting in one of The Hiraeth streams

the staff team luvs u
05-16-2022, 06:10 PM
Portals have closed
All portals have closed and the strange night sky has ended.
the staff team luvs u
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