01-17-2022, 10:15 PM
Just north of Cloudrest at the base of the mountains on the Tundra side.
Moving south of her once beloved Morðfjall, Valmúa wondered what her brothers had gotten up to in the time she had been away. Though she didn't often pay them any mind, they sometimes invaded her thoughts with vague curiosity and even a hint at joy. They had still not come to see her in the woods of the firebrand and her tiger prince.
She had begun to move westward after recently discovering that a pack, Vanderfell Woods, sat within the peaks above her home terrain. Surely there were others she did not know of after sitting for far too long in the great north. Her attention had been so focused on Tsukiishi and that foul little empress that she failed to see potential threats right under her nose. So overwhelmed was she in the throws of toxic passion that she had grown blind to danger.
No more.
She would move and scout, as she had once done at length. And in fact, it did not take long before she noticed a smell toward the base of the opposing mountain range. It was faint, which told her that whoever lived south of it lived beyond the wall of rock and stone. Narrowing her eyes, she investigated with her nose, trying to judge who was here and how many. It was impossible — the snowfall was fresh and covered whatever tracks she had hoped to garner.
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