Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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11-06-2021, 02:15 AM
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11-06-2021, 02:23 PM
 Exalted took time to herself to sleep in. She would rise later on to see if anything new had occurred during her time spent asleep. Most denizens of their fold were night-walkers like she was but some did get up to no good during the day. Whatever brought them joy and happiness, wreaking havoc or whathaveyou. So long as it didn't reflect negatively on the cult as a whole. One couldn't have them being open to attack when their numbers were so few.

 In any case, it was of no consequence now. Exalted slumbered peacefully in her den. She was sprawled upon her painted bear pelt, sleeping fitfully and undisturbed. Until the scream came. Her ears twitched and she blearily opened her eyes, unsure if she'd even heard anything at first. She listened, ears perking to try to catch sounds that drifted down the tunnels. There was nothing though, nothing beyond the normal night noises of the Sanatorium. She tried to close her eyes again but she couldn't. No, something had to be amiss.

 She rose to her massive paws and began to exit her den, she looked this way and that, trying to find if there was anyone around that might have disturbed the sanctity of their home... but no. It seemed calm. Another scream echoed down the corridor. Loud and pleading.


 Their Mother was not able to answer the call... but she was. The false Mother of the fold, until the real one could assume her rightful place again. Exalted raised her muzzle in a low, keening call. I am coming... It was for @Nyra's benefit as well as @Odium. They would both know that she was on her way to give aid in any way that she could. This was a child, seeking out comfort and she would do her best to fill the shoes of their absent Odium.

 She followed the sounds of weeping and gasping all the way down into the chamber of blood. Exalted would come right up to the weeping warmaiden and lay down beside her, one paw draped across her back. "My child, what troubles you so?" She was younger but her role her would have her ascend to greater heights, to take on the cloak of Mother to aid those within their ranks.

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11-11-2021, 10:36 PM
Never before had Nyra felt so vulnerable. 
Shaking and crying even as Exalted pressed close and draped a paw across her back, the Warmaiden took a few great moments to gather herself enough to speak moderately correctly in between gasps of breath. 

"I was looking into the lake a-and I saw a dark figure looking back at m-me...w-when I-I r-retreated from the edge, he rose as if standing on the surface of the blood, and all around him and the room swam demons. He said he wanted me to believe, and then he and his entities...vanished." She replied to the Interim Mother, looking to Exalted's face with a searching gaze. 
Searching for knowledge, for clarity. 

Did she see Death? Or something else? 
Would Exalted know?
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11-17-2021, 07:43 PM
 The white yearling listened as the woman explained what she saw. Such a strong warmaiden, reduced to tears and terror by this. A vision, for what else could it be? Death was showing her Its power, allowing her to witness what she had before turned her back on. Now she would know it in its near full entirety. Exalted was a superstitious wolf, so was every other soul that roamed the halls of Sanatorium. It was what kept them together, allowed them to believe in what they did.

 Nyra stared at her face, searching, and with eyes that seemed wise beyond her years the yearling stared back. She felt as if this was her area, her calling, what she would be helping the youth of their pack --when they had some-- understand. "Death showed Itself and Its demons to you. It deemed you worthy... or perhaps, saw your faith faltering." Which one was it. Which one, indeed...

 Or perhaps, this was her test to show that she was ready to be accepted back fully into the fold. Hmm... Exalted's eyes narrowed thoughtfully as she would listen next, very carefully, to what their wayward soul had to say. "You did not doubt Death... did you?"

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11-23-2021, 04:02 AM
The Warmaiden listened attentively to Exalted's words, to her verdict as to what Nyra saw. 
​​​​​Worthiness, or faltering faith?

​​​​​​Nyra had seen and heard spirits before, but had never truly been very superstitious until now. 
Honesty was key in this very moment, and in her desperation to understand, Nyra murmured as if ashamed of her truth. 
​​​​​​"I've seen and heard spirits before, but never something to this level...I was never a very spiritual wolf before, either, but...I...I think that's changed, especially by now." 
There wasn't much she was specific about, but perhaps by the look on the pale wardog's face, it might've been clear that wherever Alduin had taken her, that place had opened her up to the paths of a spiritualist, a visionary, an occultist
She kept her ears flat, still trying to gather the pieces of herself that had shattered in her first major vision.
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11-24-2021, 06:53 PM
 Exalted did not judge, it was not for her to judge as their deity did that for them. Did that now. Why waste time showing someone unworthy of their cause such a powerful vision? She remembered their talk back when the woman had done guard duty and they'd shared the peccary. She hadn't expected something of this sort to actually happen but here they were with the white warmaiden clearly having seen whatever the supernatural had showed her. It was a sign if she'd ever seen one and as such, she would follow it and listen to what was dictated above.

 Nyra had been here for a month or so now, had renounced herself of Alduin and pledged again to their holy cause, not only that but Death had marked her as one of their own. Both by her coat as well as the vision she'd now had. Yes, she was ready and worthy now. Exalted could not keep the betrayal in her heart and had to forgive. "Good, embrace the occult. Embrace your holy task under Death, you will flourish here." And then, the yearling would lean in and press her nose gently to the large woman's cheek in a tender show of approval.

 After leaning back she would withdraw her paw, straightening as she reached her verdict. "As I spoke before, this is your Trial. I cannot go against the will of Death, you are truly one of us again. A Disciple in Its name... Would you like your old rank back?" Or would she prefer something altogether new? "I will speak with Mother, she will understand." For who wouldn't with this new information?

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11-25-2021, 12:29 AM
Nyra was eager for Exalted's words, listening attentively as she spoke again, of Death finding her worthy again, a true wolf of the fold of Sanatorium once more.

She didn't expect this, of all things, but if this was how Death and the Spirits would have it...

Rising after the Interim Mother had nosed her cheek and withdrew, the Wardog answered, still recovering from the terror she had just withstood mere moments prior.
"I will gladly accept my old rank. And...maybe if I show myself further worthy to Death, I would like to also become a Witness." She voiced her desire as a goal to reach.
For that is exactly what it was to her, a goal.
Something, an ascent in rank through the cult, she felt would definitely take more time than this for her to achieve.

Nyra didn't look to Exalted with expectancy. With her usual balefire golden gaze, she looked to her for guidance - what can I do? To reach this goal, and also benefit Sanatorium. 
Unspoken as it was, she felt Exalted would understand. 

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11-28-2021, 02:32 PM
 "Then, welcome, Disciple of the Flesh." She said smoothly as she watched the other rise to her paws and cloak herself in discipleship once more. As for the second half of what she said?

 Exalted smirked at her lofty ambitions. "A Witness? For that you must impress Death... as well as me." And she had done well so far, a vision from Death Itself was nothing to scoff at... but Exalted still remembered the betrayal and would choose those closest to her wisely. "You are well on your way but work as well as time will light your path to the righteous." Of course, there were things to see her on that path and Exalted would not leave her floundering around in the dark.

 That gaze did not go unnoticed and so she would speak further,

 "Bring others to the light. Guide them to Sanatorium, especially those pure of coat, for only with more numbers will we rise. Speak of the goodness of Mother and of the eternal damnation of those who turn their eyes from Death and Its bidding." Yes, Nyra was a Disciple born of strength and a warrior but they needed all paws helping out where they could. Plus, a Sinner saved was still a Sinner they could utilize. They needed to become more numerous and, in that regard, "If you are willing to offer your body to that cause, then bear us more Pure children. That will also bolster our ranks." She remembered those words that Odium had spoken to her so long ago and when her first heat came, she planned to aid Sanatorium in that regard. She didn't know how Nyra felt about such things but if she were willing to whelp to pad out their ranks then that would be wonderful.

 "Stay with us, help us, offer your strength and your loyalty. For that, you will be rewarded." For once their numbers grew, those that had stuck with them through it all would be rewarded handsomely. Exalted would not forget their most dedicated.

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12-01-2021, 01:08 PM
Nyra listened and watched Exalted as she spoke to the Wardog's ambitions. 
Impress Death, as well as you...
Nyra noted this mentally, and would take in the rest of what Mother had to say about it with fervour. 
Work, and time... 

Nyra took in her duties with equal attention and thirst. 
Bring others to salvation...
​​​​​​Preach of the goodness of Mother, preach of the damnation of those who won't be saved...

The monolithic woman nodded to these words without verbal response. It would be clear she was paying attention. 

The suggestion of bearing children caught her off guard slightly, as was shown with the flight widening on her golden eyes, but her unwavering dedication quickly neutralized the surprise, and Nyra dipped her head in a bow, a show of service. 
​​​​​"I will offer my aid to Sanatorium however I can. I assume I'm looking for a suitor who is also pale-furred?" She asked, looking to Exalted again for insight.
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12-01-2021, 10:53 PM
 Nyra did not fight the tasks given. That was good for Exalted would not accept anything less than obedience if she were to become a Witness. Following orders and being a boon to the pack would be rewarded, anything else would not. Perhaps Death knew that this one would be an asset to the pack once more, so they'd granted the vision. Regardless, nothing more would be gained here.

 She was pleased to hear that Nyra was willing to offer her womb for the cause and to that she would nod her head. "Preferably... or mostly white, anyone else is unworthy of you." They were not so desperate as to accept any male to impregnate one of them. Only the best would do. There was only one exception... "Only accept anything less than a white coat if you find a male with royal features. In that case do your best to bring them here with you." Elongated fangs, the roman nose, five toes, any combination thereof. "Sanatorium is grateful for your service." She said with a smile, feeling quite gleeful to have control like this.

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12-01-2021, 11:23 PM
Nyra nodded with understanding as Exalted confirmed what she was to look for in her suitors, and what to bring back if she possibly could. 
With all said and done, the Warmaiden figured there was little, if anything, left to be spoken of here. 
The monolithic woman slowly began to walk out of the Mouth of Anubis.
She would come here again in time. 

To the Mother's words about service, Nyra looked back and responded "It is my honor to give it." with a tone that suggested a soldier acknowledging praise from a higher authority. As if this was what she was meant to do, what was her duty to do. 
She then turned her muzzle forward again and made to exit at a tired, slowed pace. 

Visions were so...exhausting...
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12-03-2021, 10:26 PM
 And with that, they were done here. Nyra would turn to leave and Exalted would remain. Her head would dip as she felt her chest swell with joy and pride. Set back on the path to righteousness. Yes, Nyra was well on her way to salvation and soaring to greater heights in the family here. Death and she would be pleased.

 When they'd spoken previously Exalted hadn't believed in her. But now? Now she thought that Nyra would actually succeed.

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