Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

[ ✸ ] yes, i did just climb out my window, what of it?

Morning Tornado 75° F
Little Haven
10-03-2021, 07:24 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2021, 07:56 PM by Flynn2.)

If the man had known any better (and he did) he would have stayed inside when he sensed the sudden change in temperature. Though, of course, in true Flynn fashion that just wouldn't do. Oh, no, never! As soon as he noticed the influx of heat, he was out and about, limping after birds and chasing fish in the front of their home. After catching a few trout and a plump quail, he could himself satisfied as he staggered back home to his thicker-than-a-bowl-of-oatmeal wife that was more than likely curled up somewhere cute as fuck.

Though he was pretty sure he could hear her nagging him in his head about straining himself, even if he assured her he was fine. Until the rampaging tornado began to pick up his curls and he whipped around to face it, a few miles off, a feather-muted yell caught in his throat. Scrambling to get the remaining food, like a diligent (and stupid) husband would, he sent up a howl for those to make it to shelter as quickly as possible.

the staff team luvs u
10-03-2021, 08:02 PM
Bishop is in his den organizing the many rocks and gems he has in there by color because he’s petty and has nothing else to do. It’s warm, he can feel the breeze that blows underneath the the oak tree he calls home, but it becomes weaker and weaker. An odd feeling settles in his chest. Suspicion grows in his mind then too. It’s so still outside. The birds have stopped chirping. There’s no noise. Which is ungodly weird since the Hiraeth is usually quite lively with animals of all kind.

Not now though.

So with that suspicion, he stands and moves out into the opening of his den. Looking like a whole as meerkat, his ears are pricked up high as he looks up at a browning sky. The air is hot, stale, unusually still. His brows furrow then, as a panicked howl reverberates in his ears and he recognizes it as the one and only Flynn.

“Wot tha fuck, eh?” He whispers out more as an exaggeration than anything and with a sigh his body is moving into hyperdrive to find that motherfucker.

He runs and runs until he can finally see him limping towards the Hiraeth. The second that happens he also sees a giant ass whirlwind of dirt and debris in the shape of a foreboding and powerful cone behind him. His heart sinks and a subtle panic replaces the breath in his lungs with steel.

“Fuck.” He breathes and moves even faster to get to the hobbling form that is a very pathetic Flynn. The man can hardly run correctly and when he’s within distance he’s yelling out to him.

“Flynn! Flynn! Fuckin’ come ‘ere, mate! Let’s go!” He roars and skids to a stop next to him. “Mate, ya can’t even fuckin’ run!”

He looks back towards the tornado with a harsh expression and serious eyes. Meeting Flynn’s eyes once more he sighs. “On me fuckin’ back, come on now, hurry tha hell up would ya?” He says and nudges the other aggressively with a broad shoulder.
the staff team luvs u
“He is of mixed religion, therefore he is Godless.”
10-05-2021, 10:05 PM
 "Fllyyyyynnn! Meissa said she's been waiting for that food for over an hour! What's taking so... Oh, hi there Bishop! Waddling out of the cave they called their home, wagging her stub at the speed of light, Nimbus jumped happily around the two who seemed to be trying to hug one another. It was awfully windy out, wasn't it? Her little legs could hardly stay grounded! "I'm just playin' I think Mei is asleep! I'm sure she'll be hungry when she wakes though! Say, why is it so win--AHHHH!"

Barking "viciously" the little corgi stood her ground against the spooky windy tunnel, it was like a giant vacuum, but way, way worse! "Get back! Go away!" Digging her paws into the dirt to stand stronger, howling out as Flynn had done earlier and now she knew why!

the staff team luvs u
10-07-2021, 05:56 PM

Flynn, despite being weathered and obviously flustered from all sources, humbly declined the offer of... Mounting himself upon the back of Bishop. Perhaps he was being a stickler considering the circumstances, but if he squinted at the tornado just at the right angle it sort of looked like Nimbus was barking it in the opposite direction.

Or was that just him trying to find a way out other than hound-humping the man in front of him?

“Uh... It's, it's okay! We need to tell everyone to get inside if they're not already!” Accent totally out of the window, which was a clear sign of his distress as he attempted to act as if he weren't having a panic attack on the inside. He hobbled past Solomon, barking a command at the little dog even though he knew she wouldn't listen. “Go inside! The wind is damn near ta blow you away!” He spoke, and almost ironically, did he sink his teeth into Bishop's scruff as he felt his balance slip.

the staff team luvs u
10-11-2021, 05:16 PM
Insanity was what laid outside and as others began to discover so and tried their best to flee, there was one who had a different perspective. His hair had felt like it was standing on end just before a storm, but the feeling was heavier. It was the kind of feeling just before a storm yet it was deathly quiet due to the drop of pressure. This had immediately pipped Laertes' interest. What where the cloud formations like?! He had wanted to know as much as he could about the weather patterns in this grassland-like environment. It was one of his favorite things to discuss with birds. Contrails? High clouds? Maybe some sort of stratocumulus?! The very subject excited him and thus without hesitance the wolf found himself rushing outside, a beat to his step.

With high-strung energy, he zoomed past several members of the pack who were making their own ruckus. Normally he would have at least stop to observe who it was and make introductions since he was back on the horse of life again. However, he was far too excited for normal manners. So while everyone else ran back towards the cave, he moved in the opposite direction towards the tornado. As the wind picked up and the sounds of something fierce filled the silence, Laertes stopped to view with wide eyes at a tornado of all things before him. It was nature at it's rawest. Everything that the quick column of air encountered was teared apart and spit out somewhere else. Almost nothing could not succumb to the power. He had never seen one before and to have the privilege now was truly a miracle he was thankful for. No sense of self-preservation was here yet.

The young scholar became ecstatic as he bounced around in place while screaming "This is awesome! Look at the size of this beauty, hahaha!" He wondered what would happen to a mass of matter like himself when it encounters a force with such velocity. After said thought was pondered, a shift in ideas and goals was created. His expression became puzzled before slowly dropping into a frown as he realized for the first time that this was not one of his smartest moments and perhaps he was about to be claimed from self-applied Darwinism.
the staff team luvs u
10-12-2021, 01:24 PM

 It was the silence that woke Meissa.

 She lay in her nest, alone, wondering at the oddity of what she felt and heard. Or rather, did not hear. There were no bird calls, no sounds of joyous laughter or arguments or anything she might have expected to hear in the Hiraeth. Perhaps a distant snore, but even that felt muffled. Oddly... hollow.

 The queen lifted to her paws, slowly moving out of their bedroom, through the foyer, and into the open air of the Hiraeth, dampening with the mists of the waterfall. Her eyes traveled up the hillside then down, wondering at the noise.

 Then, the noise.

 It roared and she leaped in fright, legs taking her stumbling forward with a yelp. She saw others up ahead, on the top of the hill, and tried to make her way towards it to see what was going on - but instinct told her to stay still, remain, flee into the caves.. “What's going on?” she roared, confusion and fear in her voice though with the loudness, she doubted any but those within the sinkhole might possibly hear her.

the staff team luvs u
11-02-2021, 03:28 PM
 Why were they all just standing here while she was trying to bark the worly wind away? And now the Queen was coming outside?! She naturally started to herd all of them up, pushing them back further and further into the safety of their home. She couldn't do much more but bark and kick up dirt, but even she wasn't dumb enough to stay out here any longer and it was mostly because her little legs were starting to take flight. Despite her name, she really didn't want to be up there with the clouds.

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