Astral Taiga

Astral Taiga

Nestled in a subarctic region famed for its incredible, starry nightscapes, the Astral Taiga is home to a luscious, emerald forest and a fortress-like mountain range capped in ivory snow. Behind the conifer trees, scattered like sleeping giants, the white-capped peaks almost resemble a towering castle. A decently-sized lake rests between the gulf and the alps, well-protected and seasonally frozen. Proud elk and testy mountain goats find permanent residence within the frigid landscape.


Nestled in a subarctic region famed for its incredible, starry nightscapes, the Astral Taiga is home to a luscious, emerald forest and a fortress-like mountain range capped in ivory snow. Behind the conifer trees, scattered like sleeping giants, the white-capped peaks almost resemble a towering castle. The base of the summit supports an intricate cave system, with sharp, perilous stalactites hanging overhead. It seems to loop indefinitely and has been known to confuse wayward travelers clamoring through the abyss. For those well-versed in the caves, a large center room can be found, damp and gleaming with chunky natural crystals. A decently-sized lake rests between the gulf and the alps, well-protected and seasonally frozen. Several herbs flourish against the forest's edge, and ebon-furred bears can sometimes be spotted swiping fish from the quiet shoreline. Proud elk and testy mountain goats find permanent residence within the frigid landscape. At night, the sky shatters into a thousand glittering stars, most visible by scaling the frozen pinnacle.
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+2 submitted by West Tyree 10-09-2023 Awarded by gerra 10-11-2023
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