Located in Northfall
A mountain chain rests along the coast. The peaks of Northfall lay at the edge of a fjord at its north. Frosted by snow year-round, the mountains are bitter cold in the winter and pleasantly mild in the summer. The land is typically never without a good breeze. Any adventurers coming will be met with the only bit of forestry for miles. While the upper elevations are mostly snow, ice, and rock, the lower reaches are dotted with various evergreens and at the foothills supports a lush coniferous forest. Mountain goats and sheep are common in these mountains and in the forest below, caribou herds and moose graze.
Rock, Sea, Salt & Snow
founded: 11.1.21
acronym: NF
inspirations: GOT Night's Watch & Wildlings, Nords of Skyrim, Vikings & Norse Mythology.
pack colors:
Theme Music
Google Doc
pack relations:
acronym: NF
inspirations: GOT Night's Watch & Wildlings, Nords of Skyrim, Vikings & Norse Mythology.
pack colors:
Theme Music
Google Doc
current leaders: Ragnar, Freya
founding leader: Ragnar
former leaders: n/a
pack relations:
allies: Elysium & Duskguard
neutral: Everyone else
enemies: --
Major Events
3.35.23 After the 'Freeze' (site close), when Canis comes to life again with the spring, nearly all of Northfall's members (along with many others in Canis) are gone without a trace and so successfully disbanding one of the largest packs of the lands.
12.29.22 A little late on adding to the ranks, but let it be known a friend of Hank's- Doc and his companion, Cassian, have been a part of NF since the start of the trial in October.
12.12.22 It would be noticed by now, a few members have wandered off, including Oksana, Chantico and Serenity's two remaining children, Kailani and Callista. There has been no evidence of foul play.
10.16.22 A few days after Ragnar & Freya's return to Northfall, a meeting is held. Freya has been accounced Queen of Northfall!
10.14.22 While Northfall restlessly waits for the outcome, Ragnar and Freya travel to Elsewhen for the trial of Vendrussel. During which, she is struck down by lightning! The Alpha of Dragonford is dead!
9.25.22 Please give welcome to our newest member, Constance!
9.13.22 Eirene is no longer among the living, having been found dead in the mountains after tripping and falling off a cliff.
— All older events are listed on the gdoc
The Superiors
King: Ragnar
Queen: Freya
Regent: Sindri
The Royal Court
War Lord:
Prime Caregiver:
Head Huntsman:
Legate: Krakarak
High Priest/ess:
The Honored
Sentries: Ghidorah, Einar, Hank, Leviathan
Medics: Aarkron
Watchers: Lóki
Mystics: Aslaug
Elders: Constance
The Granted
Members: Elentari, Valmúa, Serenity, Oryx, Amata, Doc, Cassian, Reverend
Apprentices: Primrose
Whelps: Hvitserk, Wardruna Sylvi, Ragnhildr, Ariadne, Skathi, Elysia, Sigrid
The Superiors
King: Ragnar
Queen: Freya
Regent: Sindri
The Royal Court
War Lord:
Prime Caregiver:
Head Huntsman:
Legate: Krakarak
High Priest/ess:
The Honored
Sentries: Ghidorah, Einar, Hank, Leviathan
Medics: Aarkron
Watchers: Lóki
Mystics: Aslaug
Elders: Constance
The Granted
Members: Elentari, Valmúa, Serenity, Oryx, Amata, Doc, Cassian, Reverend
Apprentices: Primrose
Whelps: Hvitserk, Wardruna Sylvi, Ragnhildr, Ariadne, Skathi, Elysia, Sigrid
— For explanation of ranks, please see the gdoc
Pack Basics & Principles
One must have strength in yourself, pride for your home and loyalty to your people.
As its founders come from a place of worship, they believe in what is called 'The Gods of Old' as well as Norse Gods. Being adventurers, they have also come to know of other religions. You are not required to believe, but should not mock one's belief either. If desperate times require, a sacrifice may be made to the Gods and we wouldn't want you to be that sacrifice, would we?
Much if Northfall holds a Viking-like lifestyle, including its King. Wolves of Northfall have freedom of exploration and travel. It is not uncommon for members to be gone days, weeks, or even sometimes month at a time. Vikings should bring back knowledge, goods, gifts or even new members to their pack to help build & prosper. Spread the word of Northfall while your out and about!
As its founders come from a place of worship, they believe in what is called 'The Gods of Old' as well as Norse Gods. Being adventurers, they have also come to know of other religions. You are not required to believe, but should not mock one's belief either. If desperate times require, a sacrifice may be made to the Gods and we wouldn't want you to be that sacrifice, would we?
Much if Northfall holds a Viking-like lifestyle, including its King. Wolves of Northfall have freedom of exploration and travel. It is not uncommon for members to be gone days, weeks, or even sometimes month at a time. Vikings should bring back knowledge, goods, gifts or even new members to their pack to help build & prosper. Spread the word of Northfall while your out and about!
Honored & Granted are unlimited positions. Royal Court may only have one wolf for each position/title as these are the Leaders of that trade. The determining factor if more than one desires the rank at the same time is through ic activity, longevity, and/or ic challenges.
At six months pups can (and should) begin being trained by specialists in each field of skill set. It is usual to practice each for one month so when one reaches a year, they have learned the basics of all trades to survive on their own when they disperse or to begin mastering the chosen art within the pack. This can be done icly for character development or BTS teachings.
We fear no death, for Valhalla awaits the strong and bold.
There is little room for weak wolves in Northfall. One must be strong- be it minded or physically. Everyone is expected to pull their weight in the north or when hard times strike, you'll be 'voted off the island' or eaten for survival purposes. Who knows.
There is little room for weak wolves in Northfall. One must be strong- be it minded or physically. Everyone is expected to pull their weight in the north or when hard times strike, you'll be 'voted off the island' or eaten for survival purposes. Who knows.
Do not harm your fellow packmate or ally. If there is a disagreement it must be handled civilly or the issue given to the Leaders to decide. This does not include dominance fights and spats. Have at it. Royal Court challenges may be made but the Superiors have the right to veto this. Challenges against the King & Queen happen rarely, though if the majority masses rally against their Leaders, dethroning can occur.
While we may pillage, we do not rape and pillage. While free love and all that is okay, taking someone by force is not. We're classy warmongers over here. If you do it, you'll get your bits bit off. During battle, if a youth submits they are often free to escape or taken as prisoner unless dire circumstances tell otherwise.
How many breedings for pups depends on the stability of the pack. The Superiors have first breeding rights over all, either as a couple or individuals. Members of the Royal Court have secondary right though it is encouraged to make the Superiors aware if pups are to be raised in the pack. All other members must ask for permission from their superiors firstly if they are to be adding pups within the ranks.