Sleeping Doe's Range

Sleeping Doe's Range

Often do herds wander into these golden open plains, relishing in the sun on cloudless days to nap in groups. Within the plains, celosia argentea flowers can be found, a spot of vibrancy to the otherwise rather dull area. It's delectable to ungulates who often will snack on these colorful flowers.

This location was discovered by our members!

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Submitted Awarded
+5 submitted by Calhoun 11-02-2021 Awarded by Zina 11-04-2021
+3 submitted by Calhoun 11-02-2021 Awarded by Zina 11-03-2021
+4 submitted by Célnes 10-24-2021 Awarded by Aso 10-25-2021
+1 submitted by Célnes 10-20-2021 Awarded by Aso 10-20-2021
+0 submitted by Célnes 10-20-2021 Awarded by Aso 10-20-2021
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