Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I said real love, it's like feeling no fear

Late Evening Sunny/Clear 54° F
11-08-2023, 09:37 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2023, 09:38 PM by Yvette.)

Seething pain is all that Yvette could feel. White hot pain that surged through her veins. It consumed every part of her body. It swallowed her whole. The fuck? Her mind hissed at her, confusion, pain and a terrible ache in her head pulled her beneath a wave of consciousness. No longer did she feel like she was suffering. No longer did she bleed.

And then she was somewhere entirely unknown.

A forest.

When she woke, she woke with a gasp. A start. Frantically looking around, Yvette's voice was soft, curious as she looked around. Tears pricked at her eyes, the feeling of adrenaline rolling over. Her heart beat so harshly against her chest she thought it would pop right through the bones that caged it in. That held her together.


But no response came.

Think fast.

Yvette was already on her feet. The phantom pain of a chest wound that had her bleeding out was only in the depths of her mind. She looked down, still feeling the sticky blood marr itself between her toes. But nothing. Nothing was there. Confused again, she wouldn't have time to focus on the stupid details. What mattered is that she was alive. Alive, but where was Wren?

"Wren!" She'd shout in a whisper, not that fucking stupid where she'd out herself in the middle of the woods.

She didn't know what monsters lurked outward in that valley.


She kinda wanted to figure it out.

In the shadows she would lurk, looking around, hoping to spot any form of life that could catch her eye. Maybe they would know if her sister had been here.

the staff team luvs u
11-08-2023, 09:56 PM
The wolf trotted rather carefree through the middle of Velaris' hunting grounds, a light pep in his step that hadn't been there hours prior. A successful hunt, no matter how small it might be, always put the wolf in a cheery mood -- especially since this one had been of sheer luck. He wouldn't have caught the quick little hare if it hadn't been for a hole it tripped in, giving Vahae just enough time to snatch it up in his jaws. 

Whenever the brute found a suitable place to settle down in and devour his meal, he dropped the brown, plump thing at his paws and pressed his nose against its thick fur, inhaling the savory smell of flesh that was revealed through the fatal wound he'd given it. His lips curled backwards and his teeth grasped one of its haunches, ripping it from its body. Vahaelarr huffed and lowered himself onto his haunches, holding the leg between his paws as he went to gnawing at it, humming warmly as he ate. 

He'd have to fetch something for @Gjalla on his way out of the hollow, he figured. They hadn't spent much time together as of late, both busy with their individual schedules -- he would make time for her tomorrow, he was sure of it. A smile floated onto his bloodied maw as he snacked. 

the staff team luvs u
Misc Skill
11-08-2023, 10:12 PM

Yvette almost gave up. She had reared the borders of this forest and it looked entirely deserted. Empty. Fucking waste. About to turn on her heel, she spotted something then. A figure of blue in the midst of the green field. Even during the night she could see it. She always had been particularly keen with her eyesight.

Judging on the distance between them, Yvette got an idea. A grim smirk grew on her face as she stumbled out of the forest, her legs carrying her at full speed.
"Help!" She'd shout, feigned fear resonating in her voice.

"Help! There's—" Yvette would let her voice bubble with something that could only be described as mortification. "A bear!"

Her feet skidded to a halt before the male. He looked as if he was carved out of ice— even his scent smelled cold. How chipper. She wondered what his reaction would be. With a pant and a downward curve of her brow, she looked panicked before him.
"I'm sorry—" she'd apologize to him with a light bow, polite as fucking ever, and let her eyes skirt across the ground to see the brown animal that he chewed on. "I'm sorry there was just...just a bear."

Yvette tempted to make herself appear rattled. But not too rattled. She still needed to be beautiful, after all. Her golden eyes matched this male's— violet ones. If she hadn't been so keen on filling her belly, she may wish to take him to bed, too.


the staff team luvs u
11-08-2023, 10:43 PM (This post was last modified: 11-08-2023, 10:43 PM by Vahaelarr.)
He hadn't asked questions when the woman appeared out of practically nowhere, shouting about a bear. His head had lifted, strong neck craning upwards to look upon the lady swathed in the midnight's touch, and finding his lilac eyes settling onto ones that perfectly reflected his own. For a moment, the air had caught in his throat and the wolf stifled a cough, jaws unclenching to drop the leg that'd been hanging within his mouth. Stiffly, it thudded against the hollow's grassy fields. 

He didn't care to know who she was, but his tail flagged upwards instinctively, abandoning his meal all together to carefully but urgently push past the woman who cried wolf, his eyes scouring the fields. No doubt, the vale offered pickings just ripe enough for a bear -- it was practically honey upon a comb. Life flourished wherever the eye looked, with prey aplenty and salmon that swam through the surging stream that swam through the valley. 

At first glance, he didn't see one. But he didn't doubt what she said. If she said there was a bear, why would she lie? A prickling sensation of wariness climbed its way over the wolf's large frame. “A bear? Where did you see it?” He asked, not bothering to turn his head to see what the woman was up to behind him. For, why would he? 

the staff team luvs u
Misc Skill
11-13-2023, 11:19 PM

The male stood up without a moment's hesitation. His tail was raised high, confidence practically dripping off his body and Yvette could almost be sick by the way it stenched. Metaphorically of course. He actually smelled quite decent when he passed by her— a manly hint of ice and lemon. Who would've guessed? Certainly not her. She didn't even think that he would believe her stretch of a lie. But...should she be worried that he jumped to her defense?

Were there bears out there?


Yvette will figure this out. She always does.

"Just past that ridge..." she said, feigning breathlessness. Shit. She couldn't let him go explore. With rushed steps, she would cut the blue-tinted male off, standing in front of him. Her eyes plastered wide with a beaming effect of 'puppy dog eyes.'

"Wait!" She'd wish. Please fucking work. "Stay...with me? I— I couldn't possibly defend myself against..." she looked down at the ground. Good. Now pinch the grass like you're gonna cry. She did just that, letting her claws flex into the soft terrain.

"Please." Yvette would practically whimper. Ugh. How she made herself fucking sick. All this for a chance to swipe his food away.


the staff team luvs u
11-13-2023, 11:56 PM
Did Vahaelarr think he was an idiot?


Was Vahaelarr an idiot?

... Maybe. 

Just past that ridge. Alright. Though he hadn't ever tangoed with a bear before and wasn't necessarily keen on it, he would if it meant safe guarding someone in need of it. And, as far as he could tell, she was looking for a guardian and Vahaelarr had a tendency to flock towards the helpless and the needy. To be needed was to be a man. He moved towards the ridge, a sudden urgency growing like roots around his legs, drawing him onwards. Yet- 

She stopped him with a panicked Wait! and Vahaelarr simply turned his head to look back at her, a quizzical look drawn across his ebony complexion. He was met with wide eyes that begged whenever she stepped before him, blocking him from moving forwards any further. “...Wait?” He asked, periwinkle eyes dropping from her face to her paws, dragging back upwards in observation. 

Stay with me. 

Vahaelarr's thick brows sliced heavily down above his eyes, drawing his gaze from her to the landscape behind her. He couldn't see anything, not with his blind eye. But it'd be best to go and look, to do a quick patrol-- 


His bit the inside of his cheek and relented with a thick sigh, ears folding upwards curiously. Guess it wouldn't hurt. 

“What is your name?” He asked, stepping backwards, putting distance between the two of them -- instinctively. He didn't like being so close to another woman if she was not Gjalla. “Where have you come from? I don't come across many strangers in this hollow, usually our scent wards others away.” 


the staff team luvs u
Misc Skill
11-28-2023, 09:33 PM


how did that work?

Yvette relaxed, worried that he'd change his mind any second. If he had wanted to see the woodlands for himself, he would come to realize that there was no stench of bear. Not at all, in fact, just Yvette and her pretty little lies that she spun on her tongue for the chance to nab a quick meal from a man who loved and cared so deeply for women. Boo. Next. Yvette has seen it all. Men don't actually give a shit about women. It was all a facade to have babies and shit— which she did not intend to have.

She watched as he took a weary step away from her. The fuck? Did she smell bad or something? Not possible. Yvette would be meticulous about her bathing. She'd go as far to pick lily petals and lather the water with them to drench her pelt in their scent. So she knew that it wasn't the way that she smelled. A wife, perhaps? Yvette wanted to let her head fall back with a laugh at the thought. It's not like she was surprised...he was a good chunk of meat that she wouldn't mind sinking her teeth into.

"Depends who's asking..." she raised her brows in a mischievous manner. To hell with this guy if he thinks that she'll just tell him her name. She's been hunted by too many men in her life to make that mistake ever again. Killed by them, too, she guessed. The worry about her sister got her wrapped around her throat.

"I woke up here...that bear scared me death and I just came running." She laughed carefully, a soft sound that didn't make her sound a like weirdo. Graceful as she may be, but she had to be calculated with her words. The bear.

When she took a deep inhale, she supposed that she was intruding.
"Instinct. I'm sorry to intrude—"


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