09-25-2023, 05:13 PM
The cold was not what jarred her.
The cold comforted her, cradled her in something familiar, soothed the aches she felt bloom beneath her thick wisped fur. She did not bleed and nothing felt outright broken. Yet the bruises that began on hidden skin and underneath would bite like nothing ever had before. It was enough that she stayed here upon the snowy forest floor. Hardly able to catch her breath.
How had she come here?
It felt almost like she had slipped into a comatose state, sweet oblivion, and stirred to new air. New sights. New sounds. All of it should have sent her into a frenzy to immediately seek out a face that she could question.
Oh but she was so tired.
Exhausted with the pain she carried now. Dusted softly by the snow that managed to get in between the trees.
What harm could a little more sleep be? Maybe she'd wake up somewhere familiar again. It was far too easy to let her rose-tinted eyes close with a heavy flutter.
the staff team luvs u