12-11-2022, 01:43 PM
A lazy yawn for a lazy day. Dio didn't have any plans since then, endlessly wandering and exploring so, meeting a variety of different wolves. Lackluster as it was though, he thought of venturing further to the mountains he saw, or otherwise the forests within the south.. Surprisingly as he even ventured a bit too close to the east, even from the rock Dio laid upon, he could vaguely cast a glance to the arising dunes. A badlands of sorts with a dry area that he found was a bit amusing how close it was. Such a fresh ground, only to observe distances away..
He could see the horses avoiding it.
Rolling back his head and stretching, placing flatly onto the boulder, he felt a bit too comfortable.
He could see the horses avoiding it.
Rolling back his head and stretching, placing flatly onto the boulder, he felt a bit too comfortable.
the staff team luvs u