Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Group Only
And you know that everything is moving now,

Morning Snow
Group Only
Misc Skill
11-15-2022, 12:36 PM (This post was last modified: 11-15-2022, 12:43 PM by Célnes.)
@Edith @Warwick @Remus @Teodora @Maral @Rohesia @Hendrickson @Adrastos @Iona @Rafferty @Mauve @Hawkinge @"Yael" @Akuji @Godbrand @Antornuat

children excused: @Faust @Weirs @Selwyn @Declan @Wapiti
those on NPC are assumed to be there (corliss, cynefrid, melrose)
those who are absent for IC-reasons are excused and not tagged (hawking, doc)

OPTIONAL event, it's assumed to those who don't participate do not eat today

The first snow hit. When she woke up the forest was blazed with white. The snow crunched underneath her paws as she removed herself out of the den, looking around to observe the winter wonderland.. Her breath soared lightly in the air, with every indication that the season had changed once more, and now they were welcoming the next. Survived the other and more, many changes had happened since the year before and now.. Whether good or bad, Celnes couldn't tell.

As traditions stand, Celnes howled to all of Elkshire ; for the first hunt of winter was here, "As per our traditions, we do not hunt elk or deer within these forests. However, the High Elk so graciously allows us to hunt only once a year, a great elk to discover. When the first snow hits, is the day we search and hunt as a pack. Those who do not wish to participate do not eat on this day, and children who are too young to join are to watch." She particularly looked at the single Divine that was around.. She was left in the forest while Hawking still remained absent. She made sure to repeat their customs for that instance ; that above all else, they were still off limits.

Just once, it was allowed.

For a moment she chuckled remembering last winter when Warwick rushed forward within near-tears to stop them from hunting. But it continued on, without much to it ; successfully nabbing down a great elk and feasting upon the day. Celnes climbed onto the Queen's Steps, as she announced so and waited the appearance of the entire pack.

the staff team luvs u
11-15-2022, 01:28 PM
While he had asked to assist in preparing for the Jubilee, there had not been much to do. The royal family had been doing this for longer than himself, and he felt awkward inserting himself. But if the queen asked for any personal assistance, Bran would have accepted without fuss and done as he was asked. In the end, that meant very little on his part. He did not mind. Perhaps another festival... He could do better for Elkshire. 

He made his way near the back, aware of his lack of rank and his standing in the pack. His amber gaze focused on Queen Celnes, soaking in her words. The explanation of such an event had to be paid full attention to. They did not participate in hunting here, but... In the Crown or not, Bran is absentee from such things anyway. He fully tried to embrace the High Elk's teachings. There was not much to say at the moment though.

He did not say anything, merely gathered as requested of one of the kingdom. Bran would wait for the hunt to begin.

the staff team luvs u

11-19-2022, 09:02 AM

Hendrickson was new and inexperienced to the ways of Elkshire -- from its customs and all down to the way it's system worked -- yet none of that really mattered to him. What mattered in the end is that he would learn, and see himself rising to the top, as the monarch believed he'd always belonged no matter the place. Unbeknowested to him, though, would his pelt prove an obstacle in this mission, but for now the blissful ignorance of such facta filled his head with unmatched confidence.

His gait was tall and straightened as he spproached the gathering, an eye lingering on a little bit of everyone that would cross his path, before turning that gaze towards the subject that caught his attention today; their queen. Dressed in an array of dark brunettes was she, who stared upon her subjects in an almost jack-o-lantern stare.

Hendrickson was new and inexperienced to the ways of Elkshire -- from its customs and all down to the way it's system worked -- yet none of that really mattered to him. What mattered in the end is that he would learn, and see himself rising to the top, as the monarch believed he'd always belonged no matter the place. Unbeknowested to him, though, would his pelt prove an obstacle in this mission, but for now the blissful ignorance of such facta filled his head with unmatched confidence.

His gait was tall and straightened as he spproached the gathering, an eye lingering on a little bit of everyone that would cross his path, before turning that gaze towards the subject that caught his attention today; their queen. Dressed in an array of dark brunettes was she, who stared upon her subjects in an almost jack-o-lantern stare. An undeniably gorgeous specimen, and one stared upon rather shamelessly. Yet this could simply be chalked up as Hendrick listening in on the announcement of their hunt.

Some few feet away from where he stopped was of dark russets and browns -- similarly to the lot who had gathered here....it was almost as if he was starting to sense a pattern...

Yet for now, he shrugged it off.

the staff team luvs u
3 - 3 - 3

11-25-2022, 12:54 AM
His first snow was interesting enough--distracting, strange, and even exciting, but when the Queen rallied for a hunt, Weirs was sure to follow along at attention. These were firsts of Elkshire traditions for him, too, so it seemed of interest to attend in some capacity. He wanted to see what was to come and more and more, he was learning certain dynamics when it came to the pack assembling. This would surely show itself in a particular way if enough of them were going to hunt together. The young Déorwine did not want to miss an opportunity to observe...

Quietly, he took his place where he could watch as much as he could and tipped his ears towards his royal mother. She revealed the surprising nature of the hunt, and he was not sure what to think, but yet still eager to see things get underway.

possibly just a tiny cameo to lurk on with

the staff team luvs u
[Image: WEIRS.png]
12-21-2022, 02:28 PM
making the rest just readable!

Some arrived and others didn't, she knew there were those in the Deorwine Clan that refused to hunt at all. And she didn't blame them ; but to her it was one of the sacred cultures she actually enjoyed. The hunt of the ungulates could be said was.. Fun, in a way. A new challenge between that wasn't the might of a moose or a boar of the like, not the headbutting of the ram but a grace of that those they cherish. So those who came, ran alongside the Queen as they searched through the forest, to find He who was chosen on this blessed day. A marking of what bountiful days were to be given, a promise of what was the season to muster.

Charging through, Celnes would signal her eyes had caught the opposer. A stray within the midst, who saw the fluttering wolves come to and starting his own chase. But, it wasn't to be. For the wolves who came would pile, and the young that would watch this feast — the snow continued to fall, barely piling on the ground as the air singed with it's cold grace.

But they were strong, and proud — and the beast had fallen.

the staff team luvs u
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