Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

I knew you were bad news, Moment that I met you.

Afternoon Sunny/Clear
Demonia Empire
11-04-2022, 02:25 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2022, 08:41 PM by Hel.)


Defeated. That's what she'd been feeling lately. Absolutely defeated. Her F-you to her mother had been thwarted and in her attempts to show the world she was able to handle her own weight she'd lost her tail. Where the once long plume of pride stood tall above her arches in a display of dominance over her smaller siblings (even if she didn't happen to be the dominant one), was a stump, a small nub no more then a wolfs maw long, a puny little thing that ached everyday, all day. It had only been a short time since she'd left the safety of her high home and beeñ attacked by that demoness of the night but her heart longed to roam. Her paws longed for the touch of grass and other things that the world could give, how the plush blades tickled her coal black pads with each dainty pawsteps for the brutish femme.

 She wasn't allowed to leave, her mother had forbade her from exiting their home and though she had probably been given permission to leave the den itself and roam the heights and sights below she felt nothing more then sadness and emptiness. She didn't come from this place, which was probably why her heart longed to find more then what these walls and halls offered, and she wanted nothing more then to leave. Not for good but she was just stir crazy, she didn't want to stay dormant anymore... But she also didn't want to face mother's wrath again... A heavy sigh escaped the massive woman's lips and she lay on her stomach staring out at the waterfall the flowed in front on their doorway.

 As she stared blankly at the water she envisioned lands beyond here. The stories of her real mother pushed forth with the strength of a tempest and broke her trace as flashed of brightly colored flower fields reflected on the moving water, wavering as the liquid passed it through. It was like a movie screen in the wind, flapping pictures and images in front of her nose, ones she'd never know. Massive winged beasts of many colored soared through trees and and blew fire on unsuspecting creatures below in hopes for an easy meal, the cries of many warrior wolves fighting untold battles screamed below them with howls and growls of the war.

 Her brows dropped slightly at the thought of home and she grew angry once more, this time at the world that had ripped her away from everyone she knew, everything she'd learned, replaced with the reminders of her entrance here in Canis. The memory of Reigns jowls around her near lifeless body, dangling loosely from her jowls as her adoptive mother bring her home to new things she wasn't sure she even wanted. Mother Reign was great don't make any mistakes, daddy Creole was nice too, weird though, like he didn't know what he was supposed to do around the young ones. It was almost funny to watch him stumble over his words and falter his looks to confusion.

 A beetle decided to wander across her paws, the poor fool, and broke her trance. She stared at it with a furrowed brown now, jowls flat on the floor level with paws as she muttered a gruff “F'I can't go nowhere you can't neither...” She growled with jealousy and slammed a large paw down on top of the creature, a sly smile crossing her lips as she bared her teeth with a malicious, mischievous, grin. “Gotcha bitchhhh...” She chuckled as she lifted her paw to the side to see her lifeless prize squished against her foot. She frowned and narrowed her eyes at it in frustration, placing her paw back on the ground and wiping the bugs gutsy contents on the dens floor with a disgusted “Eyuh... Nasstyyyy thang...”


the staff team luvs u
Misc Skill
11-05-2022, 02:44 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2022, 04:03 PM by Draven.)

He had begun to struggle with the sight of his reflection. It was constantly changing, something he had yet to accept. Cold yellow eyes stared back at him from the puddle, eyes that were once a soft blue.

A more interesting change in his opinion, and one he accepted with ease. Was the one occurring in his mouth. His first tooth fell out just a few days ago, and was quickly joined by another. Said teeth were now buried in an undisclosed location, until he figured out what to do with them.

Ideally he would have somewhere to put them , a place to call his own. It was an idea he had thought of before, a place to call his own. Away from the watchful eyes of his family, not that they bothered him much.

But for now that idea was absolute, he was here, in the Hiraeth. And he wasn't the only one. The voice of another could be heard from the spot of which he currently laid. He couldn't hear what the words being said were, but they interested him.

Draven got to his feet, padding over to his older sister. It led him to a strange sight, the girl wiping the remnants of an insect of some sort of her paws. The boy wasn't sure what the bug ever did to her, but he wouldn't question it right now.

“You look like crap” He said simply.

the staff team luvs u
3-3-3 rated
Demonia Empire
11-05-2022, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2022, 08:41 PM by Hel.)

I hope that second paragraph isn't too jumpy, I had to stop partway to finish something and totally lost track... Shouldn't have done that LOL
Also if you ever need to get a hold of me discord, if you have one, is the quickest and easiest way :)

 As she was attempting to wipe her paw clean she heard footsteps approaching her location and turned her red ears in the direction from where it was coming, her brother appeared, Draven to be specific, and and he came towards her with a snide comment of her looking like crap. She let out a loud “Hah!” in return and snorted with amusement, she probably did look like shit, it'd been a second since she'd actually washed herself, taking pride in her slightly disheveled appearance. It was her own way of getting back at mom, if she couldn't leave... TECHNICALLY she couldn't leave to take a proper bath... And her mother would have to suffer the rebellion she was allowed from the "safety" of their own den. She looked at him with eyes that almost matched their mothers and smirked at him devilishly, “Thas wot happens when yuh take onna hellcat... Dey take pieces wit dem...”

 Hel stuck her tongue out playfully at her brother who stood above her position on the ground, he was a mostly an orangeish color, the color of the fall leaves that blanket the ground in autumn. Draven was illuminated by the sun that shone through the mouth of their home, his chin darkened while he had a scarf of grey, differently colored then the rest, most of them were white and black, some a very light shade of pink, one the color of a coyote. Her siblings were a patchwork quilt of strange and she fit right into the mix with her bloodied pelt. Rolling on her back the large woman chuckled and reached a foot out to Draven in greeting. “Oi... 'Sup Mah dude...?” she asked as she stretched at him with a groan, doing her best to keep her nub off the ground.


the staff team luvs u
11-06-2022, 10:44 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2022, 04:04 PM by Draven.)

Nah, you're good, and no, sadly I do not have discord.

He wasn't entirely sure of the situation leading to her injury, but it seemed to be an interesting one. He pondered questioning further of this so-called 'Hellcat', but ultimately decided against it. That could wait for at least a bit, out of sympathy for her situation.

Her next move surprised him slightly, being caught off guard by the shift in demeanor. He didn't mind it though, even if it was one he struggled to adopt. Still he tried his best.

The demon spawn ignored the paw reaching towards him, not knowing whether it had been smearing bug guts on the ground moments ago. Instead plopping down parallel to the geisha, lengthy limbs outstretched. He tilted his head to the side to look at Hel, enjoying the cool feel of the den floor.

“Nothing, that's the problem.” He complained, he could only guess she felt the same, but he was nearly certain. His life had been becoming increasingly more dull lately, and he hoped this was a chance to rectify it.“Which is why I came to you actually” Well not at first, but he had an idea now at was sticking to it. “I assume you are bored as well, being cramped up in here, and I have a proposition. ”

the staff team luvs u
3-3-3 rated
Demonia Empire
11-15-2022, 09:13 AM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2022, 08:41 PM by Hel.)

Sorry, I thought I had posted this but I saved it in drafts... I hope it doesn't suck *headesk*

 He avoided her paw and she let it fall to the ground with a soft 'thump', her eyes watching as he laid out next to her. She listened as he explained he had searched her out in particular, which was slightly surprising since she'd been mostly undisturbed by her family, smiling at him she sympathized with his tunes of boredom, the flatline of his tones furthering the feeling behind the words. “That's da understatement of da year..” She agreed with a sigh, her eyes glazed over with her own dulled expression. When he told her he had a proposition it took everything in her control not to wag that nub of what was left, he lilac eyes glinted with a mischievous expression as she turned a glinted gaze at her adoptive brother with a toothy grin from the side of her mouth. “M'listnin...” she drawled, they were certainly a mismatched pair perched together side by side, darkness and light guarding thoughts that would only be for the two, hushed words out of reach from threatening parental ears.

Bored was something she'd tried to get used too but wanderlust was in her soul and she had to set her mind to imagining stories in her mind, twisting images with her imagination like a tapestry, threads wrapping around one another to tell tales of colorful fiction. Sometimes they were dragons and monster devouring planets and worlds, large wolves devouring suns and moons. Then there were the ones closer to home, pictures of her family waging wars and winning hard battles. Some were beautiful and magical, some were filled sorrow and death. The geisha was a master at her craft by now and it was something she planned to share once she was better suited to travel.


the staff team luvs u
11-24-2022, 12:57 PM (This post was last modified: 11-28-2022, 04:04 PM by Draven.)
I should be saying the same thing about this one lol. Also don't worry about it, your writing is always wonderful.

He took a moment to plan out exactly what to say. The boy was never really good at speaking, always saying as little as he could. He wasn't sure why this was a struggle, but it had always been a plight he dealt with.

This lie of thought easily brought him back to his current line of thought. Bringing to mind the odd woman and her strange words, and in turn the giant den that had led him to her. Now that night he didn't have much time to actually explore the stone walls, but he planned to today. But of course there was one major problem. Now in his case he never left during the day, only slipping out in the darkness of night. Mama was distracted then distracted by sleep.

But she wouldn't be sleeping in the middle of the afternoon. There was also the problem with Hel being kept under a watchful eye so that she didn't lose the rest of her tail (if that was possible, he wasn't exactly sure). Something would need to be done about that, but what?

Finally he realized he should be speaking out loud instead of inside his head, where his sister was oblivious to his thoughts.

“Have you ever been to the giant stone den, outside the borders?” He asked tentatively. It would be a much easier explanation if he knew the word castle, but that was one he had never heard before, and hadn't learned yet. “There's water there two.” He added if that would help.

Now this conversation would be a lot easier if he just out right said the words he thought, but that didn't occur to him. He wanted to know if Hel had been there, which could either help his cause if Hel knew more than he did, or impede action if she had no desire to go.

the staff team luvs u
3-3-3 rated
Demonia Empire
11-24-2022, 08:40 PM (This post was last modified: 11-24-2022, 08:42 PM by Hel.)

Thank you! And it's totally fine I enjoyed it as always :)

 He asked her if she'd ever gone to the stone den outside the borders, she shook her large head and replied,“Nah, only time ah ever went out da borders was in dis big ole field... Dad where I loss mah tail... Nowhere else doe...” Cocking her head she smiled a little at the mention of water near the area too. She enjoyed water, and that was almost ironic because she'd almost died in a storm at sea when she arrived here. But it was something about the sound and movement of the blue curls that sent her soul flying, a sense of freedom that always made her sigh contentedly.“We can go... I'm down...” The thick girl said before standing.

 She'd been lying still for hours, so when she rose her muscles felt the movement and strained, stretching with a groan she stretched out her front paws and bowed to the waterfall before the pair, she closed her eyes and turned her head up towards the roof , she bent her back down. Her belly nearly touched the floor before Hel stretched her back legs and took a step forward, she took her leg hind leg and stuck it out towards one of the walls before she sighed heavily and righted her limbs. The geisha shook herself out, fluffing her crimson pelt before smirking,“Less gooooo... Momma went out ta pee... Ehehehhh...” she chuckled darkly before heading towards the exit, looking to her brother to see if he followed, she didn't know the way so without his company she was practically doomed to loose another appendage.


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