Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

make the days count

Evening Partly Cloudy
10-10-2022, 03:37 PM
A patrol alone was often how she found herself these days. Not that it mattered much in the end; Elysium was peaceful and also quiet. It was what she could hope for to continue. Tallulah stifled a yawn as she exited her den near the borderline, shaking off any dust and preparing herself for the evening patrol. She had been up late hunting for autumn's cache, then walking around explorin' and had found she lost track of the time.

No matter. She could do a patrol now. Walking to the edge of Fate's Respite, she spies Ms. Valeska hangin' about. The woman chuffed a greeting to the other, her tail wagging though a bit lowered due to rank difference. "Evenin', ma'am," she said as she drew near. Her head tipped in a nod "how're ya and yours?" Ms. Amaranth, their kids... It was just polite to ask considering their budding friendship!

— Plus the others she asked about were part of Elysium. She may not have seen Ms. Amaranth around lately, but she had met Harper and a few others.


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10-10-2022, 03:50 PM

Set before her departure to Duskguard

She wasn't at all surprised to encounter Tallulah on patrol; the rough-and-tumble woman seemed to meld into their pack as if she had always been one of them, settling in with a comfortable ease and taking up the odd job here and there to help out. Valeska was grateful for the extra set of paws considering how many hungry young mouths they had to feed, and her gentle eagerness was just the sort of geniality they were all about.

She wagged her tail in return, closing the distance between them in a few short steps.

“Everyone is well!” she responded pleasantly, noting the distinct lack of angry child-cries in the distance today. Either they were sleeping peacefully in the den, or up to something so foul they were trying to be quiet about it.

The thought made her nauseous.

She noted how Tallulah eyed some scuff-marks around her face and limbs, and smiled awkwardly. In her foggy haze she had forgotten to clean up, having stayed awake most of the previous night - a combination of insomnia, nerves, and stress, which meant she and Amaranth had a quick brawl as a way to settle their shared unease as of late.

It was a strange sort of therapy, but it had always worked for them.

“Amaranth and I - we had a 'spar' last night. I was very close to winning, but she fights dirty -” literally, she flung fucking dirt in her eyes - “Which is a viable strategy. She emerged the victor; I suspect you might have something to do with it, as she practiced a most unusual fighting stance given she does not normally... have one.”

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10-10-2022, 04:04 PM
She flinched when Valeska mentioned her wife's actions. Tallulah shuffled a bit awkwardly, glancing at the ground with an embarrassed chuckle. "Ms. Amaranth and I had a friendly bout, aye" she confessed uncertainly "while I did 'beat' her, I also taught her some defense... Though I didn't know she'd use it against ya, m' sorry." Though the 'fight' was more or less intimate for them, she still felt bad.

Still, some pride shone through. Ms. Amaranth had clearly listened to her advice and tutelage. It felt nice for her to follow through with her own 'training'. "She ain't gonna go 'round beatin' everyone up now, iz she?" Tallulah looked up, a breathless laugh escaping at the thought. It'd be quite funny to see, honestly "I cannae vouch for her dirty fightin' though. She didn't learn that from me." She shifted her weight, wondering how 'dirty' it had been.

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10-10-2022, 07:22 PM
Valeska stifled a laugh, seeing how the other cringed inwardly at what her teaching had wrought. She wasn't upset in the least - it would be a good thing for Amaranth especially to be able to defend herself in any hairy situations, and defense classes in general were always a good idea.

“She did well! I did have the upper hand, until she rolled over on top of me, and I could not move,” she said casually, as if simply barrel-rolling your opponent into submission was standard practice for wolf combat. “Well, if you have seen our children, I think it would not be amiss to have her going around 'beating everyone up' instead of myself for a change.”

The High Priestess yawned, lifting a paw to rub some dirt away from her cheek that had been rolled on from their tumble the night before. She remembered the sensation of her face plastered against the ground, snorting dust and feeling the air being gently squeezed from her lungs.

Next time, she wanted to win.

“Oh, she only flung some dirt in my eyes... but, I must ask, would you be open to training... myself?”

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
10-10-2022, 07:36 PM
This time, she did laugh. Tallulah threw her head back, roaring with laughter. "She did, did she?" Throwing dirt in her wife's face, how unsportsmanlike! It was pretty damn funny though, and she could not stifle it any longer "I dunno where she learned that from" Their spar had been nothing like that "though it suits her, aye, that sort of... strategy?" She didn't know Ms. Amaranth well though, but Ms. Valeska assured her it wasn't far from character.

Thankfully, her hat and scarf were nowhere to be seen else she would have respectfully declined Valeska's request. Tussling around when she could lose her items was unwelcome. She wanted to keep them for as long as possible. "Ye wanna learn some new moves" the woman murmured, squinting with a nod "I dunno if I can, ah, fight as dirty as Ms. Amaranth... But I'd first request a spar t' see how ye handle yerself before divin' into details?" Tallulah looked up at her alpha.

How many wolves would she have to fight before these seemingly 'peaceful' women were satisfied? She blew air from her cheeks, the thought quite amusing. Maybe it was her fault, bringing a bit of 'violence' into Elysium.

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10-10-2022, 08:54 PM
Tallulah bust out laughing as if that was the funniest thing she'd ever heard. To be fair, Valeska had been with her mate for so long now that nothing really surprised her anymore, whether it was her wily schemes or underhanded tricks to gain the upper hand; Amaranth was a crafty wolf, and nothing was 'too good' for her in the name of success. The High Priestess, by contrast, had always sought to take her victories honorably, but prolonged exposure had seen the gradual collapse of her moral compass.

But hearing someone else react to it - she realized just how absurd it was.

She chuckled.

“Amara has always been that way - she is clever, much more so than I, and I don't doubt she could devise some means to win even against an opponent twice her size,” she admitted ruefully, glancing down with a sheepish expression. Valeska herself just tended to brute-force things and hoped they worked out.

“Oh,” she started, catching the shift in Tallulah's expression. Not quite exasperated, but - she hadn't realized how much her pack was putting this poor woman to the test. “I do not wish to inconvenience you; I suppose it is important to mention that my interest in self-defense has come after a very recent encounter with a herd of boars. I and others were kidnapped, and we had to fight our way out with the aid of others who had come to our rescue.”

Valeska swallowed, feeling her heart race at the memory. The adrenaline - the rush - the white-hot fear gripping her heart like a vice, wondering if she would survive to see her wife and pups again - she licked her lips, her mouth suddenly dry.

“They wished to slaughter us. It has left me... fearful.”

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10-10-2022, 09:19 PM
She grunts, nodding as Ms. Valeska explained her wife's personality more. Ms. Amaranth had been one to not take compliments well, causing her to scold herself mentally - probably - when she lost against Tallulah. Even irked almost when Tallulah said she had 'done a good job'. The woman wanted to win, and she could respect that. Actually, both of them wanted to win. Valeska and Amaranth. "Well."

She gathered her thoughts. 

"If ya narrow yer eyes, it'll protect against most dirt gettin' in" which she said to Amaranth too "though I cannae do much than teach basics... I'm still on t' road to learnin' more, if that makes sense?" She tilts her head at her leader before attempting to place distance. For the sake of the spar, of course. She only stopped when a sudden change came over Valeska. Tallulah hesitated, lifting a paw to gently place her paw against Valeska's front leg. A gesture of comfort.


She didn't know much about 'prey' fighting back but... It was enough that Valeska was frightened by the memory. "A good defense is the best offense" she said this clearly "if ye train, yer endurance goes up. Stamina too. Yer able to hold out until help arrives, or wear yer foe out and retaliate." It would work for Amaranth in particular, but she had hope in Valeska's skill too. All the woman needed to do was dive into a bit of... subterfuge. She placed her paw back down.

"Yer smaller than Ms. Amaranth so ye can use yer speed against her. Or an'one really" Tallulah continued "m' smaller than most here, and I've won a few bouts" She shuffled consciously "s' all about learnin' yer own technique. Yer style."

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[Image: 53568461_UCgDR8zToPO5WLQ.png]
10-12-2022, 12:30 PM

ROUND 1. 25/25 HP. Rolled a 2 for damage against Tallulah.

It was difficult to explain without sounding ridiculous, she had to admit. She had been taken by surprise, lured in by one of Gro'Mash's children masquerading as someone who needed help, and before she knew it one of his kin had suddenly emerged from hiding and injured Mordecai before knocking out Valeska and whisking her away to their holding-pen with their other victims.

Their plan had been to terrorize and ultimately lord over the mountain region, but the Boar King had become too ambitious and roused the ire of multiple packs; to preserve his own life, his second in command then forged a deal with Vendrussel in secret to disclose his King's location and that of their victims.

He escaped unscathed, as promised, but Grimwald had yet to be seen since.

Ever since then, Valeska had taken a much keener interest in self-defense tactics - she had no desire to be in that situation again.

She nodded carefully at her friend's advice, realizing she had grown rather lazy and out of shape compared to her activity levels prior to having children - this would need to be remedied. Rallying herself, she sank into a defensive stance.

“My 'style',” she mused to herself, wondering what that was. Typically, Valeska didn't remember most of her violent encounters; she had a tendency to fly into a blind panic when threatened, and only afterward would she see the bloody aftermath of her struggles.

“If I could just silence the fear - it takes over, and I am not myself,” she admitted quietly. “But let us begin. Ready?”

Receiving affirmation from Tallulah, she made the first lunge forward, then banked on her heel so that she switched to an approach from the side in hopes of grasping hold of the woman's scruff - a tactic she had used on Amaranth, but this time, her cornering was not particularly clean. She felt distracted, strangely.

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10-12-2022, 12:40 PM
ooc; 23/25 HP
rolled 7 for damage to Valeska
Ms. Valeska seemed to be deep in thought. Tallulah didn't disturb her until her words lifted the tensely remembered air. She took the time to set her defenses up, puffing her neck and shoulder fur and pinning her ears and tail. Her eyes narrowed next, as she had no doubt that the alpha would use every tool in her arsenal to secure victory.

Thankfully, the pale woman's hold was lacking in focus. Tallulah was able to pull away from her jaws after Ms. Valeska clamped down around her scruff. It was a weak clasp and she yanked herself free fairly easily. It helped that her fur was spiked somewhat in defense too. It made grabbing skin in a friendly spar difficult. She went on the offense next.

After yanking herself free, Tallulah backed somewhat before bounding forward. She was smaller than the other wolf, and used her speed and agility to her advance. She rounded the woman and lunged at the side of the neck — her turn! She aimed to clamp down a strong hold on Ms. Valeska's scruff.

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[Image: 53568461_UCgDR8zToPO5WLQ.png]
10-12-2022, 01:21 PM
ROUND 2. 18/25 HP. Rolled a 10 for damage against Tallulah.

Tallulah was quick on her feet, easily shaking off her opponent's lackluster hold as she leapt away. Although somewhat taller than Valeska, the cowgirl was a good deal more agile owing to her lighter frame and keen athleticism; by comparison, the High Priestess was built stocky and more for short bursts of power, if she could just get a damned hold.

Frustrated with herself, Valeska felt the woman's teeth close upon her scruff and remembered the little trick Amaranth had shown her just recently.

Utilizing Tallulah's momentum upon impact, the silver wolf moved right along with her, sending them both in barrel-roll sideways across the ground, with Valeska using her superior weight to swiftly disengage her opponent's grip.

Now free, she launched her counter-attack, hoping Tallulah was still in the midst of getting her bearings back when she charged forward to slam into her side.

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
10-12-2022, 05:36 PM
ooc; 13/25 HP
rolled 6 for damage to Valeska
Her leader was vastly better than she let on. Amaranth and Valeska both had the ability to be fine fighters — if they could get over their doubts. Ms. Amaranth had done a good job fighting for her first time. Ms. Valeska was more experienced, truly, and perhaps instigated a few moves that she saw her wife do. Tallulah let out a huffing gasp as the woman barreled into her, causing them to roll in a tangle.

Valeska easily got a better hold now, shaking off her doubts and anxiety. Tallulah rose as fast as possible, being swung to the side half-up when the leader charged her. She didn't even try to side-step, knowing she was slower due to the sudden impact from before. The force behind it spoke of more experience than Valeska let on. Tallulah bounced back, using the pale woman's closeness to launch an attack of her own. She snapped with her jaws as she rushed the other -

And tried to close them on the smaller wolf's upper neck. Wolves fought to dominate, and spars were no different. Control the neck, get a hold, and you basically won. Sometimes.

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[Image: 53568461_UCgDR8zToPO5WLQ.png]
10-12-2022, 05:57 PM
ROUND 3. 12/25 HP. Rolled a 2 for damage against Tallulah.

Tallulah got her opening.

The feeling of strong jaws securing a hold at the top portion of her neck rendered her mostly immobile, now unable to twist her head and snap back at the offending woman. She flailed in a most ungainly fashion for a moment, kicking her legs and thrashing around like a trout on dry land.

Then Valeska sighed, relaxed her muscles, and stood very quietly - but did not say she yielded.

She wasn't at the right angle to fling dirt like Amaranth had, and Tallulah seemed smarter than that anyway -

Valeska was shorter, but she was built hardy. She kicked out her legs, hoping to knock Tallulah from her own, and moved quickly to position herself beneath her opponent's body before it could fall to the ground; then, assuming Tallulah was settled on top of her leader's back (jaws still presumably clenched), Valeska took off at a hard sprint and aimed to slam the woman against a nearby tree, hoping to dislodge her.

A soft tree.

She liked Tallulah.

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
10-12-2022, 06:02 PM
ooc; 11/25 HP
rolled 9 for damage to Valeska
Valeska was direct. She wouldn't, to Tallulah's knowledge, simply admit defeat without a word. When the woman took off, she was already prepared for the assault. They crashed into the tree together — or not. Once the woman was near, the rancher slipped off her back and let her throw herself at it. If the impact didn't phase Valeska...

Well, she had another idea.

Tallulah charged her, aiming to headbutt the woman. If Valeska bounced off the tree and swung her way, she was there to smack right into her chest and neck area. It could wind her. But if she was too fast, and Valeska was not turned, Tallulah rammed the side of her stomach. It would be enough to bruise come morning but cushioned better than the throat.

Fightin' creatively was a good strategy, but if both foes were doing it... It could lead to an impasse.

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[Image: 53568461_UCgDR8zToPO5WLQ.png]
10-12-2022, 06:32 PM
ROUND 4. 3/25 HP. Rolled a 6 for damage against Tallulah.

Valeska flung herself magnificently into the tree. Mercifully, at the last moment, she was able to correct some of her movement and ensure that only her right hind flank made impact, but it still smarted like a -

She grunted and picked herself up again, just in time to see Tallulah tearing across the clearing with murderous intent. The silver wolf had little time to react and only managed to fling herself partly out of the way, still catching the brunt of her opponent's attack - this time in her left flank, gods damn it, she would be a cripple tomorrow - and fell onto her back.

If Tallulah followed her momentum and managed to end her charge even slightly on top of Valeska, the latter would move to plant her hind legs underneath her stomach and throw her off.

She could tell she was close to calling it - but she still had a small spark of energy left. Father had always told her, finish what you start.

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[Image: m7jPOzS.png]
10-12-2022, 06:43 PM
ooc; 5/25 HP
rolled 10 for damage to Valeska
Both females were almost drained from the spar. Tallulah was trying to swallow her panting, trying to follow through with Ms. Valeska's request. But the combined efforts of all these fights were going to make her slow in the morning, or even for a week after. She had to relax after this, say 'no' — even to her ambitious leaders!

Tallulah lunged for the pale woman, a burst of high energy — and a second wind — fueling her. She did what she had done with Amaranth; she raised herself before planting her body heavily on top of Valeska. Her paws crashed down on her soft stomach, trying to wind and finish this. Though it wasn't entirely on her stomach; her upper chest was the goal.

It'd hurt if she did that.

And she also didn't plant both paws. She shifted her weight onto her left, just as Valeska wiggled under her, and planted it squarely in the middle. A 'tag you're it!' sort of deal. This time, it could have winded her... Even if she was thrown off by Valeska's hind legs, having shifted her weight awkwardly from the start. Tallulah backed away, on her paws.

She waited to see if her 'trick' hit true.

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10-13-2022, 03:48 PM
END. 0/25 HP.

The sound that came out of Valeska's mouth was closer to a duck call than anything a wolf should make. The air was forced out from her lungs all at once, and the weight of Tallulah's final strike had thoroughly taken the wind out of her sails; she lay belly-up on the ground, utterly spent.

She offered a toothy smile.

“Almost,” she quipped, rolling slowly onto her side to achingly draw herself back up into a stand. “I clearly have more to learn, but I think we shall hold until we are both less...”

Valeska gestured vaguely, wincing when the movement pained her.

“... Indeed.”

Her flanks still smarted, but the High Priestess felt like she'd definitely come away with useful knowledge after this latest spar; she was not a fighter by nature, though she had lately gained an interest in self-defense tactics. Motherhood and her run-in with the boar clan had done a number on her usually 'laissez-faire' attitude.

“Alright - let us go rest and patch ourselves up. I believe there is fresh deer waiting by the dens, if you are hungry,” she offered genially, flicking her tail for Tallulah to follow if she wished.

{Exit Valeska}

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10-13-2022, 05:06 PM
She never half-assed anything, especially when around her peers. Ms. Valeska was her leader, and it was only fair the woman got Tallulah's best when asked to do something. The piebald woman only hoped she learned something about her own style in the process of their fight. 

Ms. Valeska didn't seem sad or upset she lost though. It was starkly different than her wife's reaction. Ms. Amaranth had been obviously upset despite trying to hide it. "Ye fought well" she remarked to the pale-coated woman as she followed after her to the cache "yeah, yeah... Let's git some food." She chuckled weakly.

And someone to look at these bruises.

But it was left unsaid. Tallulah also felt she had learned a lot from the spar. Wagging tail and all, she trailed after the alpha and began to hunker down for the day. She'd have to rest for a bit — no spars or fighting unless it was serious! /end

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