Kaster felt at peace -- and not stressed out about something, for once. He smelled strongly of lavender -- having researched many plants and herbs on his lonesome, he found the violet petaled stems to have benefits in soothing the mind. The prince rested easily nowadays, ever since finding a feild of it within the mountains, and so did Phobe as she rested soundly upon his hip, snoring softly through two nostril holes that sat on her beak. Kaster had leaned over to groom the feathers on her forehead affectionately, before leaning back into his Pharoah position to watch the sun set.
The hen would rest as an owl did during the day, though Kaster was awake, yawning and stretching his forpaws with a single, simple desire to watch dawn turn into day. Just before they'd need to start moving again...
the staff team luvs u