Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

You worry if you blink, you'll never see her again.

Evening Overcast
Dragonford Isles
09-10-2022, 06:04 AM
For @Vendrussel plz

When Death came for Villentretenmerth, he welcomed it. His life had been an eventful one, a good one, for he'd succeeded in many things. He'd settled with a fine mate, Myrgtabrakke, and built a stronghold along the Northern shores. He'd fathered her children and sent many of them off into the world when they came of age. He knew his bloodline would thrive in his absence, so he was prepared to go willingly.

Born to one coast, he was not surprised to have arrive at another in his journey to the next life.

A turquoise eye cracked open and a gilded ear swivelled atop his sodden crown, taking in the sound of waves lapping at the rugged shore on which he lay. The familiarity of it was a comfort to the wolf who'd devoted all his days to life by the sea; he pulled himself up onto his elbows and glanced around. Above, gulls circled, but Villentretenmerth ignored their calls as he finally gathered to his paws with a groan to shake the seawater from his dense pelage.

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09-10-2022, 11:19 AM
The isle of the sepulcher was always a strange phenomenon, Vendrussel thought. She remembered her prophesied dreams of the leviathan, but that wasn't the only part that brought a slight paranormal feel to it ; for it always seemed to drag others out of the sea, and onto it's shores. Awakening, both remembering and not, a new beginning like she had done in the past, far, far into the desert, until the dreams had guided her to what became now, as Dragonford. Many simply washed up, both who joined and many who also left.. Some simply disappear after some time, and she couldn't help by think that someone, or something, was taking them, just as they had brought them. Was it The Ancients doing this? A control of destiny, a helpful guide that would bring someone to reincarnation as they so deemed it.

How could she not see, a fresh golden pelt by the beach? "Hail stranger," she approached as Vendrussel came out of the inner forests, and greeted this man. Smelled thickly of the ocean, the sands along his pelt — almost strikingly. A golden the blossomed like the sun of the morning, a perfect peach ; she had to admit, he was handsome. He didn't seem like an invader..

"You are on Dragonford grounds."

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09-10-2022, 11:35 AM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2022, 11:35 AM by Villentretenmerth.)
He looked around, along the damp shoreline to the South then cast his aquamarine gaze inland. It was rugged and unforgiving, not unlike the coast to which he'd been born to in his previous life, but... different. Villentretenmerth hummed a low, contemplative sound as he shifted to step forward and away from the tide that swept around his feet, eager to seek dry terrain where he could rid his soaking pelt of excess water and find his bearings.

The gilded wolf lifted his ears to the approach of another, a she-wolf of blue-black and platinum, and he observed her with quiet curiosity. It was then that he realised sand had gathered in his maw and he licked the grittiness of his teeth, scraping the grains from his tongue which had been parched by salt.

“Dragonford,” he tested out loud, voice roughened by what felt like years of disuse. The sea wolf cleared his throat. He didn't know, precisely, what the stranger meant by the term, but he was quick to assume: “your pack lives here, then?”

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09-10-2022, 11:41 AM
He was a large wolf, that although the same size as herself ; stockier, a more power to his frame that indicated a powerful guard to his step. She was on the leaner side, muscles though firm were slipped in a more refined coat ; but that enough made her look smaller, then this man before her with a wider frame. His eyes reminded her of the sea — maybe he was truly a luck granted by so. Where they had lost one powerful warrior, and granted another. She would wonder if The Ancients would be that kind — for her luck was not. To be attacked by an ambush upon the coast.. Was this a pity, she wondered? Or but a coincidence for something greater?

She could not tell what was the path they wished for her.

"It is," she said, nodding, "I am Vendrussel," and announcing herself with a faint grin, "I am the Alpha of the Ford."

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09-10-2022, 12:12 PM
She confirmed his suspicion, and provided more: that she was its Alphess. Villentretenmerth dipped his muzzle then, a nod of quiet respect for her position, and he felt oddly embarrassed to have been found upon her claim in such a state. His furs, made unkempt by the sea that brought him to the Ford and the shore that'd gathered him, stuck out at all angles where he'd tried to shake as much excess water as he could.

“Then accept my apologies,” he offered, and noticed the curve of her smile - which he found endearing. The sea wolf mustered one in return, “I am Villentretenmerth.” A mouthful, he knew, but it was the only thing left of him from a life that'd been worth living.

A life he would mourn.

the staff team luvs u
09-10-2022, 12:24 PM
She smiled, "You are fine. It seems this was not intentional and that you simply.. Woke up, as many of us have before." Vendrussel said, re-assuring there was no real offense to the matter. She grew hostile on a few on occasion ; but learned by now it was but a matter of either destiny or coincidence. It felt wrong putting a defense on them when it was simply just that. Although she could not help but try and wave an air of dominance, for in the end, it was Dragonford claim.

"That is a mouthful." His name was something else altogether, where she had to pause for a moment and utter it under her breath, simply trying to draw it all out. Villentretenmerth. A part of her wished to cast him in a nickname, but she was someone well-versed in knowing how important one's is. She didn't really like nicknames, but some have dubbed her as 'Venny,' or 'Ven.' Usually let it slide to closer friends such as Kei, but some.. She didn't like.

"You have washed upon our shores as many others, assumingly with no where to go," she started, "I can offer you a place, a home.. Yet I must warn we are in war. I would not take offense if you left, and see you on your way off. It is a bit of a hassle to find the shore sometimes."

the staff team luvs u
09-10-2022, 12:42 PM
His apology was unnecessary, apparently, for the Alphess recognised his appearance on her island was outwith his control. Villentretenmerth appreciated her humbleness, and more so her swift acceptance of his word - for Vendrussel offered him a place among her pack. It surprised him, and the golden sea wolf pricked his tufted lobes forward. He did not answer immediately, however, for he took a moment to consider what she'd told him of wait.

His own pack, the one he'd left behind, had lived peacefully. Never in his long life had Villentretenmerth needed to think of putting his friends and family in danger, so he frowned deeply and studied the she-wolf's face. He wondered how many she'd lost to it, if she'd struggled to recruit - and if she saw him only as a body to stand on the front lines. “Why is it that you are at war?” Villentretenmerth asked of her, genuinely curious.

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Misc Skill
09-10-2022, 12:53 PM
"We had moved here without knowing another was, for they had no claim yet. They claim the mountain in the distance.. As well as said these waters and the beach." Her paws gestured to what was around. They were on an island, in the middle of the sepulcher that laid to various pillars. It looked like spikes, that hurled around while a forest glazed in the middle ; but it wasn't a luxury, voided of larger prey and likewise, so they solely focused on usually fish, and seeking elsewhere for substance.. Such as the brim, that they unofficially claimed as a hunting ground, with a generally relaxed border. Claimed, just so they will harass a bit less.

"Although I cannot say I haven't committed sins. One of their young had attacked me upon the main-land beach, and in haste had ended her life. That is what sparked the official word of war. My blame is there, they continue attacking the Ford members.. Spat on our faces, even when we saved their own from boars attacking." There was a clear displeasure that roamed to her face as Vendrussel spoke of it, she held a regret firstly but it swam to where anger was given. She was tired of it, but she was tired more of all that was done ; and yet the continual of. Never once, though, did she go to their land. She felt they did not deserve it, when she blamed plenty of it on their own.

It was a death-sentence, to what may not even end.

"Even if you leave this isle, I would recommend staying away from the upper coast, where we are at." Who was to say wouldn't ambush as they already have before? She disliked bringing innocents into it, as they already have. Loners who had nothing to do it with it — but look at where they are. She wondered if those who saw Northfall as friends, would think the same after knowing that?

Although she did remember there was promise to help.. It was now in a discussion.

Would war still come?

"I am sorry for thrusting this upon you all of a sudden — especially when you simply just arrived in a warring isle." She tried to crack a smile, lighten but such a heavy mood.

the staff team luvs u
09-10-2022, 01:11 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2022, 01:14 PM by Villentretenmerth.)
Vendrussel did not hold back, and divulged her fair share of a tale he'd known nothing of before that evening. She seemed keen to gain his favour, to maintain an alliance by offering the knowledge of her wrongdoing and whatever attempts she'd made to repair the damage done by her actions. The sea wolf's frown deepened as his thoughts turned to the young life the Dragonford Queen had claimed. He'd have had the throat of anyone who dared harm any of his own offspring, he felt - though he wondered of the parents that'd let their children roam outwith their territory without an escort. His cubs had been disciplined and respectful, each and every one of them, and he ached for those he'd left behind.

Villentretenmerth exhaled a sigh. He was of the opinion that a violent youngster, one who saw fit to turn their fangs on others, deserved to be punished - he figured he'd bite back too if he'd been assaulted by a rogue in the wilds. The finer details of Dragonford's strife with whatever pack they warred with were not yet known to him, but the golden one wished to see the good in Vendrussel. He wanted to believe that the death of her enemy's daughter had not been planned, and that her crime was one of recklessness rather than intent.

“For how long?” Villentretenmerth questioned the length of time since then and now, and continued to weigh his options.

the staff team luvs u
09-10-2022, 01:19 PM
"I'd have to say.. About a year now? It's been like so since I have founded Dragonford. There are some who I have spoken to who wish to mend the situation — they are packs as well that are friendly, if you wish to find shelter elsewhere." He had to reveal much, simply asking about and apologetic for washing upon her shores ; quiet and respectable. He was older then her, but not entirely an elderly age — but something about it made her feel she was talking to one.

She thrusted a lot upon him without knowing what are his interests, but at the very least she was warning those to stay away from the coast if they wish not to join either or. It was sickening for anyone to be drawn in a battle they need not to be, she would hate more then to see the blood of loners and strangers alike for simply being near. A bound-duty to warn any of the wrong-doings what has happened ; and she wasn't shy away to shrink of her own responsibilities on the matter.

She knew what she did. Did they?

She was smiling, tense-like, her tail swayed lightly as she raised her head and looked at the sky. An overcast..

the staff team luvs u
09-10-2022, 01:32 PM (This post was last modified: 09-10-2022, 01:37 PM by Villentretenmerth.)
A year, she told him, and he was surprised. A whole year of anxiety, of not knowing who to trust, of fearing the day when war would come upon their own shores. Villentretenmerth splayed his golden ears and flared his nostrils. It was a long time to make no progress in mending relationships between packs, or simply admitting defeat and moving on. He wondered if both leaders were as stubborn as one another, each refusing to abandon their claims and accept that their respective wolves were more important than any land ever could be.

Ah, these young Alphas.

He appreciated that Vendrussel did not demand his allegiance as she extended an offer of pointing him in a more appropriate direction, though it was clear to him that she was in need of some guidance. She had floundered around in her waters for far too long, and Villentretenmerth believed that she did wish for peace. He liked to think she deserved to find that, too.

“I will join you, Vendrussel,” he concluded, hopeful that he would not come to regret that decision. A distant rumble from over the mainland drew his attention away and he glanced skyward, where dark clouds threatened the approach of a storm.

the staff team luvs u
09-10-2022, 01:38 PM
More then welcoming any, for it was true they needed bodies but Vendrussel desired more then to have a home formed of many. Kin to call each other their own, and festives to truly call each other brothers and sisters in arms, that was her dream and desire. Her more down attitude changed to lightly uplifting, tail swaying lightly to match such an attitude as she said, "Welcome, to Dragonford."

But it was not the end of this discussion.. "Follow me, for those who join.. Follow through our trial." For she went passed him, her paws slipping into the waves as they dragged against her fur. The smell of the sea apparant, the winds brushing through and the salt overwhelming, but was all the more welcoming to embrace. She would grin at him, slowly as she continued to turn further and further into the sea.

To the Dragon's Reach.

the staff team luvs u
09-11-2022, 06:46 AM
She seemed happy, triumphant perhaps, to have gained his allegiance despite her warning. Villentretenmerth did not share in the Alphess' enthusiasm, for he considered what his fate might be should Vendrussel's enemies arrive at her shores to conclude their war. He would fight, naturally, in support of the wolves he'd been delivered to, but it didn't mean he was particularly thrilled about it.

The gilded coastal wolf followed the leader's movements as she swept past him, padding smoothly into the salt waters after her despite having so recently been washed onto Dragondford's beach. He'd hoped to rest for a while, to better get to know the island that was to be a home to him, but it seemed Vendrussel had other ideas.

“What does this trial entail?” Villentretenmerth felt the chill of bitter waves lap at his undersides, but he ignored the cold and followed obediently to wherever it was she wished to lead him.

the staff team luvs u
09-15-2022, 03:33 PM
"It is very simple." As they swam through like serpents, they would arrive at the isle. Simple in terms, but unique all the same, where the gates lay on-top, never-ending, frozen in a time. She wondered the day they would fall, or weather the ropes that tied one together would be broken by the waves itself.. An ominous day, Vendrussel imagined, as she pulled herself out of the sea and onto the rocks, looking at him. She wasn't sure what to make of him, all the more pleased he decided to stick so — they needed wolves.

"To jump off these peaks," she would say, a paw gesturing to continue toward the very top.

the staff team luvs u
09-24-2022, 11:53 AM
The trial was a simple one, apparently, and for that Villentretenmerth felt grateful. He could feel a familiar burn within his throat, as though he'd inhaled salt water through his nose. It was an unpleasant sensation, made more so by the strain of his swim toward the Alphess' intended destination.

His turquoise eyes took in the sight of Vendrussel's rocks, the strange yellowed serpent that linked the largest to a smaller one. He eyed it with both curiosity and mistrust, then shot his companion a sideways glance as she suggested her ascend to the top of the tallest peak. Villentretenmerth huffed a breath and pushed forward against the current, claws grappling the lower edges as she heaved to hoist himself up onto the stone.

Waves lapped at his hindquarters and with great effort, the gilded brute pulled himself up onto all four paws. He did not bother to shake the sea water from his furs and went sodden, figuring it would be pointless - he would be soaked through again soon. He could hear the water drip onto the slick rock from his underbelly, his tail, but turned focus on the task by rising with careful steps on the slippery arches where algae and seaweed clung.

At last, he reached the top and turned his proud muzzle toward Vendrussel before leaping without hesitation back into the cold depths that awaited his initiation.

the staff team luvs u
09-27-2022, 11:37 PM
He was a strange man, Vendrussel thought ; in a way that something felt off-putting. Like an air of.. She couldn't put a paw on it, something about it felt he was above her, something that reigned in a stronger sense that brought out a meek childness in her heart. He was shinning. She wasn't expecting for him to join, but perhaps some desperation leaked from her voice that called to him — and nonetheless, accepted so. He was a man who looked like the morning, a sun through golden pelt as it dipped into the eternal abyss.

She would follow down to the rocks, awaiting for his head to re-appear from these waters with a smile of acceptance, "Welcome to Dragonford," Vendrussel would announce with a repeated pride, even though some reason, she felt anxiety within her heart. Perhaps it was the hesitance that put her off, and in the end all she could do was cast it aside, "you are dubbed as the Thunder Dragon."

the staff team luvs u
10-08-2022, 10:30 AM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2022, 10:32 AM by Villentretenmerth.)
The sea was unforgiving, and he felt its bite seep between the dense layers of his fur as he plunged. Breath held and with eyes squeezed shut to avoid the sting, Villentretenmerth twisted beneath the waves to point his muzzle skyward. He kicked with his hind limbs and propelled himself up, out of the abyss, and sucked in a well-earned breath as he surfaced.

Blinking, his aqua gaze sought the smiling features of the she-wolf he'd vowed to serve. The golden brute swam forward, toward the rocks on which she'd perched to observe his dive, and hoisted himself up to join her. Water dripped from sodden furs that clung to his stocky frame and he regarded her quietly, ears perked to hear her give voice to the title he would carry.

The Thunder Dragon.

He accepted it gracefully, and bowed his head in gratitude to the Queen of Dragonford.

the staff team luvs u
11-01-2022, 11:22 AM

She smiled, all too pleased more to join. Part of her may have anxiety, but at the same time she realized that a voice that disapproved actions, was a wise choice to have in the Ford. Vendrussel remembered her friend @Kei and wondered how she was doing, whether her adventures took her to a destined place and she was happy. How the dragoness missed her company and the sass that was given, she was only voice that would truly go against her — as a friend, and as a packmate. Maybe he could fill the gap that was needed.

With so she would sway her tail, a nose pointing toward their main isle that was lushed with a forest. It had lacked some prey, and needed to hunt elsewhere for some moments but was otherwise a very pleasant place to choose. The Ancients guided her there so, and she remained the continual claim. The lacking of one part was substituted by the forest of the brim, a long-fight that at the point was needed just for fuel ; but the greed of others, was told that it was her own greed. Never-ending conflict, never-ending arguments, and blood to be spilled.

Vendrussel would then welcome him to the main isle as she guided to swim over to it.

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