A week had gone by in her new life as a mother. Seven sunrises that rose up to greet four puppies growing bigger by the day, and seven sunsets that fell to kiss the infantile concerns from their tiny, velour heads as they slept. Seven days that days almost complete and entire transformation within the sylph herself, almost into a woman she was no longer able to recognize.
Not that this was ever a bad thing, for the changes she was able to notice were deserving of their own commendation. As sleepless as she and Tiberius were in tending to their squalling brood of daughters, and how addled her mind felt from the experience of birth and postpartum, she felt more fire in her soul these days than she ever had in her life,
more than when she had left her birth family to venture beyond, alone;
more than when she had been taken prisoner by the great Boomba Bes;
more than when she had built a court out of thin air, with nothing more than her bare hands and a good cause;
Such things were not her destiny, but mere events on the roadmap of what her life was meant to achieve. Her four children (five if one included Archon, though he was now grown) commanded her presence, better nature, god-sense, and spiritual reasoning more than anything ever had before. They were hers (and Tiberius's of course) but they were hers to protect, to nourish, to mould into the types of beings that she would want to steward the world when her own corporeal being was gone and made into dirt. These four tiny, fragile, precious foundlings were the beginning of her legacy.
Legacy — something that she had never valued before, but now overwhelmed her every sense. Olive leaned back, blinking the tired from her verdant eyes, and settled her gaze to watch the grunting, squeaking pile of cubs suckle in all their glory.
Not that this was ever a bad thing, for the changes she was able to notice were deserving of their own commendation. As sleepless as she and Tiberius were in tending to their squalling brood of daughters, and how addled her mind felt from the experience of birth and postpartum, she felt more fire in her soul these days than she ever had in her life,
more than when she had left her birth family to venture beyond, alone;
more than when she had been taken prisoner by the great Boomba Bes;
more than when she had built a court out of thin air, with nothing more than her bare hands and a good cause;
Such things were not her destiny, but mere events on the roadmap of what her life was meant to achieve. Her four children (five if one included Archon, though he was now grown) commanded her presence, better nature, god-sense, and spiritual reasoning more than anything ever had before. They were hers (and Tiberius's of course) but they were hers to protect, to nourish, to mould into the types of beings that she would want to steward the world when her own corporeal being was gone and made into dirt. These four tiny, fragile, precious foundlings were the beginning of her legacy.
Legacy — something that she had never valued before, but now overwhelmed her every sense. Olive leaned back, blinking the tired from her verdant eyes, and settled her gaze to watch the grunting, squeaking pile of cubs suckle in all their glory.
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