NF pack mtg! I feel like one is way overdue. Set for current date. One hit replies if you can please, even if it's just speech. If you cannot post just msg me and let me know what they might have said or whatever. I would just like as many members involved as possible.
@Serenity & @Callista would be excused for obv reasons.
Aarkon is PPed as arrived.
Adding tags to those who haven't responded yet. Will likely post Ragnar's response and close the thread this weekend. @Lóki @Oksana @Eirene @Primrose @Hank @Oryx
@Serenity & @Callista would be excused for obv reasons.
Aarkon is PPed as arrived.
Adding tags to those who haven't responded yet. Will likely post Ragnar's response and close the thread this weekend. @Lóki @Oksana @Eirene @Primrose @Hank @Oryx
It is late in the evening. The skies blotchy with clouds and bright light of orange and pink shining through as the sun readied itself for decention over the lands.
Ragnar sits within a clearing at the foothills of his home, where the pine trees surrounded and dany lions broke and floated through the area with each crisp breeze. The King in the North calls out for his people, his friends and awaits all their arrivals. A greeting is offered to all as they come and when the time was ready, he speaks.
“As many of you are aware, the threats of war with Dragonford, our neighbors on the islands south, have been clouding Northfall for quite some time. To be more specific, our war with its Alpha, Vendrussel. ” After all, the two packs were very small when this began. Not all might know the details of what they were fighting against.
“For those unaware of the beginnings of this fued: I had been made ware by Vendrussel's messenger that she wished to claim the islands south. Close, to be near another pack now bonded to one another, but in our new state we could not fight it. We agreed if they kept to their islands, there would be peace. Then they wished to claim the Brim on the mainland for their hunting ground. My young daughter was murdered for walking these lands.” He offered no more detail. It was enough and those he knew more personally already had known anyway.
“We have had a pawful of fights, but the Ford Leader has done well to evade us while also cozying up to our allies with talk of wanting this to end, with wanting peace. No offerings of peace have been made to Northfall, mind you.
With fear of what our war might cause for the other clans of the north, a bargain has been offered: That a court of the north, made by a representative from all the packs, be used for Vendrussel to stand trial for her actions. A decided punishment to be given, to prevent our march on the Ford and innocent lives be taken for their Leader's great faults. I do not know that this method will work, whether her due punishment be objected by her or if it will be objected by me.”
If the parents had it there way, she would be killed. Death was something the court seemed to keen to object, so only a punishment of equal measure would he understandable. Whether this would happen, he did not know.
“It is not my intention to force any of you into battle, though as Northfall is your home and these are your people, each one of you will help, whether it is to stay within the mountains and protect our children or lay in wait to retrieve those injured or dead.”
“I want to hear the voices of Northfall and know where we stand in all this as a pack. ”Together, they would stand and together they would survive. In the end, with war it doesn't matter who was right, only who was left.
the staff team luvs u