06-10-2022, 05:04 AM
Tension building thread for this next boss fight. Introducing King Gro'Mash. Set between the Borders of Northfall and Behmoths Brim. All welcome
It was a bad day to be a King. In fact every day was a bad day. Littering the ground where tufts of fur, and bones from some unfortunate lupine soul, the area generally reeked of death and unfinished meals.
It was a bad day because HE was hungry again. Hoisting himself to his feet, Gro'Mash's nearly two ton figure was once again mobile. Wiry hair began to stand in end, raised above his scarred body. Almost half of the massive swine, was covered in thick keloid scarring, only thickening an already dense hide.
Slamming a hoof down, it shattered through the dried skull of a a big cat of some sort. The tables had obviously been turned, as the predator had only added a couple of scars to the king, and been consumed by the towering swine.
Wretchedly squealing to the sky, the pig cried out for war. The whole world was meant to serve him, they would either provide their service or their flesh.
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