![[Image: UHuqzOb.png]](https://i.imgur.com/UHuqzOb.png)
It was close to midnight, and Valeska found herself unable to sleep, nodding off into fitful bouts of half-consciousness. Strange dreams plagued her (whenever she did manage to drift off), and there was a restless feeling that gnawed at her from within; something was happening, but she couldn't figure out what. Amaranth was nowhere to be seen, yet that was not out of the ordinary either - she often enjoyed late-night walks on her own once her mate was asleep.
With a sigh she rose on tired paws, hobbling a few short steps toward the entrance and poking her nose out to glance around. The sky was clear and full of stars, and a half-moon hung in the midst of Houtu's splendor, casting its light upon the rippling surface of the lake. There was a chill to the air, perhaps the final ragged gasp of winter before spring at last turned to summer, and she felt her fur bristle protectively to lock out the brisk wind.
“Harper?” she called quietly, toward one of the neighboring dens. “Sister, are you awake?”
A soft grunt answered her, and the tall, dark silhouette of their resident herbalist came silently into view. Normally @ "Harper" would put up more of a fight at being woken so late in the evening, but something seemed peculiar about this particular summons, and Valeska wasn't one to disturb her packmates without reason.
Valeska moved back into her den, expecting her sister to follow.
“Harper, I cannot sleep,” she said defeatedly, ears swiveled back to further express her frustration. “Is there something you would suggest - an herb, or a root, or even a breathing exercise? I feel as though I may lose my mind.”
The silver wolf glanced down at her swollen stomach, a tired smile teasing at the corners of her lips. It was probably their fault, but she couldn't be angry over it; they were growing, innocent, still blind to the world's woes and its terrors. Let her be restless, so long as they were at peace.
She chuckled. “You know - we have thought of some names. We would like a mix of nature, in honor of Sylvanus - and some of our heritage. Russian,” she said quietly. "It is important we never forget who we are. Even if you do not carry the same joy for your past - you are my sister, my blood. They will know you and look up to you as I do, and I would be... honored, if you would help me teach them our mother tongue. Мое сердце."
With a sigh she rose on tired paws, hobbling a few short steps toward the entrance and poking her nose out to glance around. The sky was clear and full of stars, and a half-moon hung in the midst of Houtu's splendor, casting its light upon the rippling surface of the lake. There was a chill to the air, perhaps the final ragged gasp of winter before spring at last turned to summer, and she felt her fur bristle protectively to lock out the brisk wind.
“Harper?” she called quietly, toward one of the neighboring dens. “Sister, are you awake?”
A soft grunt answered her, and the tall, dark silhouette of their resident herbalist came silently into view. Normally @ "Harper" would put up more of a fight at being woken so late in the evening, but something seemed peculiar about this particular summons, and Valeska wasn't one to disturb her packmates without reason.
Valeska moved back into her den, expecting her sister to follow.
“Harper, I cannot sleep,” she said defeatedly, ears swiveled back to further express her frustration. “Is there something you would suggest - an herb, or a root, or even a breathing exercise? I feel as though I may lose my mind.”
The silver wolf glanced down at her swollen stomach, a tired smile teasing at the corners of her lips. It was probably their fault, but she couldn't be angry over it; they were growing, innocent, still blind to the world's woes and its terrors. Let her be restless, so long as they were at peace.
She chuckled. “You know - we have thought of some names. We would like a mix of nature, in honor of Sylvanus - and some of our heritage. Russian,” she said quietly. "It is important we never forget who we are. Even if you do not carry the same joy for your past - you are my sister, my blood. They will know you and look up to you as I do, and I would be... honored, if you would help me teach them our mother tongue. Мое сердце."
the staff team luvs u