05-26-2022, 08:04 PM
The beast lazed about, a mighty yawn escaping unamused jaws. Breath escaped from his chest like a puff of hot fire, erupting in a burst of foggy mist from the depths of his body. The large body stretched, long limbs pressing his canine form forward in a rather unenthusiastic 'downward dog.' The dust lifted from his bones as he moved, and he rose from his gentle slumber beside the lake. And he creaked to life like a machine, gears whirring and cogs turning.
Ares moved toward the lake, dragging his sleepy, cumbersome paws toward the edge of the water.
The water was quiet. Crystalline.
He gazed from the edge of the water, admiring the way the sunbeams danced on the still surface and reflected back into his molten eyes.
And he caught a glimpse of himself.
And he was lovely.
A soft smile graced handsome lips, flaming eyes sparking as those crimson brows rose up. That long, navy tail flicked gently behind him as he placed himself to sit at the water's edge. Oh, if only Narcissus could see him now.
Ares moved toward the lake, dragging his sleepy, cumbersome paws toward the edge of the water.
The water was quiet. Crystalline.
He gazed from the edge of the water, admiring the way the sunbeams danced on the still surface and reflected back into his molten eyes.
And he caught a glimpse of himself.
And he was lovely.
A soft smile graced handsome lips, flaming eyes sparking as those crimson brows rose up. That long, navy tail flicked gently behind him as he placed himself to sit at the water's edge. Oh, if only Narcissus could see him now.
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