There was a mortified sense in the air, dancing within the night breeze and leaving a cold chill wherever it dared to pass by. At first, it seemed like just the remnants of the Winter finally dissipating from the lands, but it wasn't a physical feeling. It was like the Dread Father himself was crossing her body right into her bones and leaving a shiver on her soul.
It was a good thing; she must've been in the right place, at least she assumed as much. Something or someone had pulled her from her world and into the next, and they wouldn't have done so without a purpose. Proxima was determined to follow whichever way her Lord of Death decided to guide her. She needed to fulfill his purpose, always. And apparently, he wanted her to cross an entire realm.
A heavy mist blanketed the forest, skimming against her skin almost eerily as she padded forwards. She had no destination in mind, though she would've appreciated getting out of this forest.
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