Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

got to let you go,

Sunset Sunny/Clear 60° F
04-15-2022, 08:59 PM
The matriarch ranged from The Nameless Mountain for the eve, leaving the cubs with Dirge and Osiris for the time being. Hydra sought answers, if any could be found, though it was apparent that few new of the stars within Empyrean to the degree that might provide any clarity. Hydra thought of her father, and what he might think to see what she could night after night, now. Somehow, she felt as though it was his attempt to speak to her. And not merely him, but the shapeless stars that took no true form. Her mother, too, a woman who the stars could not even tether to shape anymore.

Build your empire, and do it here, in these lands. We still watch you.

Had she not always supposed the stars had favored her?

A pretty thought, but one that had proven true time after time. Hydra knew, though, there was more to it than just that. She worked hard, for each and every one of her successes. And that work would never end. Now that her cubs were older, she could begin to teach them more; how to lead. How to help in her endeavor to build this empire of hers. Perhaps in this way, she would find what was lost.

Her long-legged strides took her miles from home; soon enough, the sun was setting and she found herself in a place with rolling hills. Hydra paused, guarded, as she took stock of her surroundings. The stars would not emerge to run rampant across the sky for some hours yet, she knew, but the first of them did begin to dot the horizon.

the staff team luvs u
04-15-2022, 09:12 PM
The sun was setting.

And from beneath the sloping, moving, changing sky—

He skittered.

His steps light. His steps quick. His movements purposeful, and his movements bouncing. His head carried low, in line with his spine.

The only acknowledgement he gave her the twitch of his ear when he passed in front of her across the rolling hills.

the staff team luvs u
04-15-2022, 09:21 PM
She heard him before she smelled him, and then she saw him. The light suited him, and he seemed a man on a mission; Hydra remained still for a moment, up until it became clear his beeline would not adjust toward her. He did not appear malevolent, but nor did he appear to have a moment to spare; the truth of it was neither did she, and she would not waste the time of a stranger on the move elsewhere. Assessing her surroundings for any other indication of impending danger, one ear trained upon his then retreating form, the matriarch ensured that no other was following him that she ought to be aware of.

Nothing, yet. Hydra took a step forward, sniffing quietly; no blood. So, no danger, then—he was not running away from any malevolently physical force. Just on the move. Hydra shook out her furs, though remained guarded as she moved deeper into the territory. Hydra thought she might find answers from someone with their eyes skyward rather than straight ahead. Her ears twitched, still listening to her surroundings in the event that the other changed their course, or else another approached.

Which was just as unlikely; Hydra did not exactly scream approachable at that very moment herself, after all.

the staff team luvs u
04-15-2022, 09:40 PM
His ear twitched, and his brisk pace slowed.

Casting her, a side-long glance when she stepped forward and scented the air, then walked, silent.



The silence new.

The silence comfortable.

His ear twitched, flicked, both of them, this time.

And he continued forward.

His posture relaxed.

the staff team luvs u
04-15-2022, 09:52 PM
Hydra investigated the heights, but equally was invested in her surroundings. The stranger made no signs of coming nearer, nor did the environment indicate any danger. So she investigated the heights quietly. She sought evidence of disruption in the earth; she had seen the stars fall before, and had seen what they left in their wake. But in each territory she canvassed up until now, there was nothing to show this. The twinkling lights moved just the same, but there was no consequence for it that she had discovered (yet).

She thought back to the scent of it. Charred earth, like lightning, but different; more metallic, perhaps, though not at all like blood. The scent was so wholly unique that it could not be forgotten. And there was nothing like it here, yet. Her nose pressed against the earth, sniffing deeply. But the things in the sky left no trail that she could detect here, yet. She ranged to the top of a hill, licking her chops as she squinted against the light, looking away for a beat. The stranger was still on his way, though appeared to be more at ease.

The Ostrega looked around, looking for stargrooves or perhaps whatever it was that set the other on edge to start. Both those things, she realized, was what she looked for. Away from the light, it was easier to see—but from this low vantage point, even though it was higher than the rest of the hills in these lowlands, she found neither.

En route to Vanderfell, she considered pressing onward or heading back to collect one of her family members to join her on the journey. But since she was here, she was curious what the stars would look like in this place at night; if they moved any differently. If tonight, one might fall to the earth. Hydra looked for shelter, deciding this the best course of action if she wanted to find out, mulling over whether or not it might be wiser to return home for the night in the same beat.

But traveling in unpredictable conditions felt the opposite of this, and she knew Dirge and Jarilo both were suited enough to man the cubs together for one evening.

the staff team luvs u
04-15-2022, 10:04 PM
He cast her one last glance at her from over his shoulder—

And disappeared, over the rolling, boulder-adorned hills. No doubt long still visible in her sight, but she was already gone from his.

Exit Daighre unless stopped.

the staff team luvs u
04-15-2022, 10:13 PM
Hydra heard no other as she found a place to sequester herself for the night. She hoped by the morning to have more answers than questions, discovered by her own eyes. The woman worked at making the place as absent of any scent that would call any other to attention that she could, and only when satisfied did she settle in a place where she would be, ideally, undetected by any other.

Her gaze kept to the sky, and even when the matriarch dozed off, it was in a half slumber; one ear always seemed to work to catch the sound of any passer-byers, and she would awaken should any come too close for comfort. But before then, she would watch the lights above from her hiding place, reveling in the peace and quiet and thinking of Dirge. He would appreciate this just as much as she herself did; next time, she would invite him along.

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