04-11-2022, 01:53 AM
for @Satan <3 other tags are reference!
It had been some days, maybe a week or two now since @Dairinn had been healing and takibng care of the massive she-wolf.
Nyra appreciated the care deeply, and was even healed enough that she could begin walking through the Nestle in its entirety instead of short practice trips from her makeshift shelter, or resting.
The guardian moved through the trees at ease, though slightly limping still, it wasn't a dire issue, and she felt it would lessen the more she worked her body over time.
However, her way of walking hadn't changed despite her amnesia. She still walked with a predatory nature, head level with shoulders, almost panther-like in a way...
She didn't see any issues with it so far though, and it was entirely subconscious anyway. Nobody had brought it up, either. But in the future, who knew what would come of the skulking, powerful way she moved.
Mind clear of any thought at the moment, Nyra lifted her head in a spot of the falling sunlight to appreciate the warmth Father Sun had to offer this evening.
A content hmm escaped her lips, and she was almost entirely relaxed in this moment.
Key word - almost.
Her ears still swiveled and her other senses still worked tirelessly to detect the movements and presences around her.
Especially for if those presences were a danger to Momma Dairinn and the other foxes of the coven.
the staff team luvs u