Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Long gone are the months of snowdrops

Sunrise Overcast
04-10-2022, 10:50 AM
The mare lay still beneath an ancient rustling oak, her legs folded beneath her as her nose blew warm air onto the long grasses below. It was only briefly that she awoke, coming to in the early hours of the morning, too groggy to recollect where she was. Nurcan left it at that, closing her eyes on the dark world for a few more hours of solace.

The atmosphere around was cold and clouds overcast the sky. It was here, surrounded by the gentle bird song and rustle of the trees, that the Cremello mare awoke and peered out onto the fields with fresh eyes. Blue optics looked up through white lashes, watching the morning sun cast it's golden glow upon the uneven terrain, breaking through the thick cloud cover like beans of light touched by the heavens. Now, Nurcan didn't believe in gods, she thought the concept silly. 

Instead, she watched as the herds of deer grazed, unfazed by the appearance of her resting form underneath the oak tree. She took this time to look around her, really look at where she was. Grogginess kept her mind was reeling but she still had the ability to take things in. Behind her was the dotting of old trees, sparsely growing across a patch of the field creating a wide canopy beneath each tree and their long arms. Though, they were still a little baron of leaves, it look as though they were budding. 

As if on new legs, the mare gingerly tried to rise. She extended her hooves in front of her and pushed up, following behind with a slight jump to bring her hind quarters up and level with her withers. It was only then that she shook out the dust that had settled on her back, her mane moving wildly on her neck before it came to settle on the side it had been trained to stay. The deer had moved away a fraction but remained at ease, she'd obviously spooked them with her movement. Expected, for sure. Nurcan swung her large rump around and tried getting a better look behind, her lips tightening and nostrils flaring as she tried to catch the scents of horses on the wild. 

Where were her field mates after all, surely they hadn't left her?

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04-10-2022, 01:34 PM
Uriel noticed a more.. Rush, or horses entering the lands itself. Though there was always so many around, they never interacted with herself as much as they done lately. The more she interacted the more it resolved in a case to stay away from horses — though looked docile without fangs, it was not the case by far. Their kicks were far more deadly then any wolves claws or teeth, and a single brush of their hooves can result in death itself. The golden dame was not a fool due to that caution, and kept respectfully away from them ; not even an attempt of hunting would go down, regardless if there was numbers or not. A herd would not shy away.

Though it seemed her sanctuary was kept at bay.. So she thought. The peace of the sparse forest was left for normally herself and the occasional visitors, as well as the fauna that wandered about. Glazed in golden beauty so was the land, a norm when it came. A stream gently tossed within it's territory, crossing between the trees and hedges.. Uriel took a moment to quench her thirst, as then she heard the rustling of a few deer seem a bit startled, for her ears flickered at their movement.

When she looked within her direction ; her eyes caught sight of a horse. White in beauty, glossed in a pale glimmering coat.. A surprise at the very making as she looked wide-eyed for a moment at the other. Unlike those she seen, there was an ethernal thought about them.. But in the end, a horse she must stay away. Uriel kept her distance in peace, even though it looked the other had some trouble standing ; it still brought doubt whether to approach it.

the staff team luvs u
04-10-2022, 03:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2022, 03:49 PM by Nurcan.)
A scent settled within her flared nostrils and the pink flesh could only widen more with the intensity of shock she felt. A predator, one so close that the mare could only stand her ground and hope it was not hungry. The mare couldn't claim to have met a wolf before but she'd sure as hell smelt them. Stinky things, often ones smelt of the local cattle she often watched the ranchers hustle into the lowlands. It was kill or be killed beyond the fence like and now Nurcan was in a place where a fence did not exist. 

Bushes were in their plenty, denser ones creating hedging here and there that could create decent enough cover. But she was not near them, no. She was beneath a tree, on the outskirts of the scattered woodland. Ears touched as they listened for more, and thankfully to the mornings light, the mare could gaze across the golden ocean with ease. Not only was it easy to see for her, she too would be easy to catch a glimpse of with her light coat reflecting almost iridescently with each ray of light that shone down. The sound of birds were easy enough to push into the background but hearing the gentle bustle of deer as they too found her target, she couldn't help but follow the direction they ran from. 

The stream, Nurcan could hear it bubble. She was sure that was where the deers had run from but there she could not see a wolf. The whites of her eyes were sure to be showing as her ears remained high upon her head. The mare was confused and so her tail whipped the air with frustration before a loud bellow of her nostrils sounded. To scare off her unseen foe. It was a fear tactic, but she knew not what else to do. After all, here she was, alone and without stability, the world slowly dawning on her that she did not know where she was.

As a prey animal, Nurcan was scared and angry, frustrated with herself for being in that situation of unknown.

This wasn't at all like her.

the staff team luvs u
04-11-2022, 06:25 PM
"I'm sorry, I don't mean to disturb you," the other seemed restless, letting air from their nose in what assumed for Uriel, was a sign of dominance. Much like how wolves raise their head and tails, appearing stronger then the other, trying to force the situation into their own paws. From what she knew of horses, a sign of aggression was a hoof grazing the grass, a wild tail, and the same nostrils flaring ; but.. This one didn't get up and try so, it seemed like a lower tactic. Some part of her wondered if this horse was like the rest of many wolves, wandering the lands, simply appearing from nowhere, and without a direction to go by.

For all she knew, at the moment, that was wolf-exclusive. The thought didn't come that other species were wisped away as well.

"I live within the Golden Glade," Uriel said, "but I am alone, there are not other wolves around," she said in a hope of reassurance. Though this wasn't a forever-home.. For the moment it was the base-center for herself. Falling for the scattered forests, where only mild animals could be heard and the grazing of deer with occasional bison. The sounds of the water streaming through, rivers and streams that were brought from the lower region of the plains, and dancing around as it waited for the morning, and evening glow..

But she was alone, except for the wolverine.

the staff team luvs u
04-16-2022, 06:05 PM (This post was last modified: 04-16-2022, 06:06 PM by Nurcan.)
It surprised her. Not because of the wolf, not because despite how close it was and how fast her heart raced, but because as soon as she spoke, Nurcan's chest froze. The mares ears swivelled uneasily, but what she heard was something she never thought she would falling from a wolfs jaws. 


She could understand the predator. 

It didn't set her at ease, but it made the situation easier to understand. Though there was distrust, the cremello mare was willing to hear. To listen. She'd never heard one speak perfect english before... Perhaps this place was different than her home life. So far, though she did not understand most of it, it seemed wondrous. Beautiful even and yet here she was looking upon a wolf and understand exactly what they were saying! It took her a moment to process her thoughts, but as she did, her body relaxed somewhat, her body softening from it's tense, threatening posture. 

"I... I have never heard another creature other than my own species speak.", there was hesitance on her voice as she lowly wickered. This land, where she awoke. Perhaps it could be a blessing and not just a curse...

the staff team luvs u
04-18-2022, 05:37 PM
A smile of sympathy, as Uriel too felt the same quite long ago, "this land is mysterious. Many of us share the same language, I do not know if you speak canine, or I speak equine." She couldn't really explain why though, as it simply.. Happened. She couldn't understand all other species, and it was like the realm picked and choose who it desired to share the same one. Though she would say, it felt like the land favored wolves just a bit more then other — as it was oh-so populated with their abundance, and how many packs shared it altogether, it was a wonder that war wasn't tearing some away. .. Though when she thought about it, the golden dame wasn't sure why she thought of that. Why would war tear them when most of the packs seemed peaceful? A past she couldn't remember, but perhaps was haunting her slightly.

"You'll find many like so, both wolves and other horses." Would she be pleased to hear there was others within the land? Uriel would hope so, as there was quite a few around.. Some she liked, some she felt particularly uncomfortable with however. Though she wasn't sure if there was that many herds in place, more just wandering mares and stallions — at least, the ones that spoke.

the staff team luvs u
04-19-2022, 05:08 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2022, 05:08 AM by Nurcan.)
A laugh bubbled from her chest and the mare giggled in response to the golden child's retort on language. Though a wolf, a cold hearted predator, Nurcan found herself warming to the idea of being at ease. "I suppose you'll never know but the image of wolves roaming around the place neighing is quite humorous," a delicate smile pulled at her pink lips and her blue gaze became alight with such humour she spoke of. What an image! Perhaps it was one she could use in place of.. what was the phrase? Picture them naked and all your anxiety goes away? Something like that.

Wolves did not seem so bad when they were speaking horse. 

What exciting news though! This woman was a light in this very dark tunnel it would seem and the cremello mare was all the more thankful. There were others of her kind wandering this world too, though Nurcan was not raised wild to know how to truly travel far and wide in search for them. It steadied her pounding heart to know that there might be others who simply awoke in this magical realm, though she did doubt that equine folklore existed. No Unicorns, Pegasi, or Alicorns. Not that Nurcan wanted them, she much rather know the world as she'd already believed it to be. 

A language barrier being broken was not overwhelming but fantasy invasions... 

As previously stated she was no a believer. 

"Thank you she-wolf. As with the gold of your coat, you have guided me with your enlightenment." the mare uttered, fluttering her long lashes as she fell to a bow; one foreleg extended before her and the other curled beneath the mare's chest. She did not look up for a moment, a sign of trust she hoped that extended to the wolf before her.

"I am Nurcan, and I wish to offer you aide in return. I can be an ear, or if the situation calls for it, a set of hooves ready to eliminate whatever fire burns around you," it was only then that the mare rose to her four feet, levelling her gaze with the woman's as she squared herself on all four feet. It was here she stood with pride, tossing her head to the side in order to sling her forelock from her vision, mane and tail carried in the gentle breeze.

"Should you find yourself feeling lost, or in need of help, I do hope you seek me out."

A horse's promise was not something to be toyed with. They lived a long life and similarly to an elephant, would never forget wrong doings or small offerings of help.

the staff team luvs u
04-24-2022, 02:16 PM
She chuckled lightly, thinking if @Rannoch would ever return and he would come as if he was neighing like a horse. She couldn't imagine a wolf trying to as their lips would move so awkwardly, "do you think a horse can howl?" she then thought even more so would be an amusing sight. Wolves always found themselves staring at the full moon, an unknown connection where some found themselves howling — wouldn't that be a sight if a few horses gathered under the moonlight to join that.

If red could show on the face, Uriel would be as one as a cherry, deep within the color. She was embarrassed, as she shuffled her paws and looked down, though also rather warm in so. She doesn't get complimented often (she does), or at the very least didn't feel she deserved it. She thought of herself as overall average, and though within a past she could vaguely see the outlines of other golden wolves — it seemed more of a rarity within the region itself. Only very few held some, and if so, different shades. .. She wondered how @Gwen was doing, another upon the light, peachier appearance, and if she was settling well.

At the moment though she wasn't sure to thank you or you're welcome, "I am Uriel," the golden dame introduced herself with a warm smile, "i'm often found within this forest if you ever find yourself needing to rest, or need a friend." Her paws felt warm, even her face as well ; the horse was a beautiful one, and someone that she would gladly enjoy being acquainted with.

the staff team luvs u
04-26-2022, 03:48 PM
Nurcan moved her lip as if imitating the lips of a wolf, pondering how a horse could howl if she could not perch her lips in the awooo shape. It was a funny sight for sure and a joke she likely would not openly repeat without anyone but this golden beauty. She couldn't help but giggle and feel the heat warm her cheeks. 

"Bless you Uriel, I might have to become your neighbour. I'm not much of one for travel and these woodlands... They remind me of my home." she looked to the oaks with a softness in her slitted eyes, her pale gaze wandering across the almost flat land made up of grass, thrush and trees. She'd likely explore a little before setting up shop but something told the mare that she'd be sticking around here a lot longer if such pleasant company would be around to greet her. 

"Do you know of any more of my kind wandering these plains? Perhaps they have awoken in this place scared and alone, not met a strange with such a kind nature. I wish to find them and offer them help until they find their feet. It would only be fair."

the staff team luvs u
05-05-2022, 08:21 PM
"No one claims these woodlands, so they are free to use." Though she would be sad if someone were to push her out.. She enjoyed the forests, finding it a place to return to when she set out — it felt like the inkling of a home, and though Uriel was hesitant to call it that.. She was afraid the day she would have no choice but to leave it, and wanted to avoid as much heartbreak as she could. Even with such thoughts she continued smiling.

"Oh, yes, there are quite a few mares and stallions around." She nodded, thinking of all those she met and the herds she stared away, "they too speak the same tongue." She hoped that would give something to Nurcan, especially if she was looking for a herd, or to build one. Most animals sought a new to be in groups and knew horses were relatively the same as wolves within that sense, but didn't know if that was simply her desire.

But at the very least, Uriel assured she wasn't alone.

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