The morning sun was rising to shed light and warmth on sleepy Cymru Keep. Given the white stone’s day-long exposure, the thickest parts of the structure’s rock tended to retain their heat throughout the night. At the top of a particularly warm rectangular column, whose broken but rain-worn top was shaped rather like an herbivore’s flat mashing tooth, lay Edgewise.
He had spent most of the night hard at work among the trees near the bone-zone, ascending trees and snatching sleeping starlings and titmouses (titmice?) and even a fat little shrew. The shrew he had eaten on the spot to keep his energy levels up, the birds he had brought back to leave in the food pile. He also brought back the report that the bird and rodent population seemed to be thriving there; an absence of major predators in the area, and the abundant plant life, all combined to explode the numbers of mice and rats and birds, and even snakes! Edgewise wasn’t interested in trying to catch any snakes just yet…
What he was interested in catching were some snoozes. He was right on the tail end of a quick nap on the warm stone as the sunlight started shining through his lightbrown fur, and through his eyelids. He had been having a fuzzy dream, a vision of a vast, dry expanse. He saw hills, but not hills of stone or soil. They were hills of tiny grains, small enough to blow in the wind, but great enough in number to bury giant stone structures, each like the Keep itself, but different in design and purpose. There were rocky outcroppings there, and creatures that wandered the cooler nights and hid during the day. Edgewise dreamed of cats out there, like him, but harder, windblown, with flecks of the tiny brown grains mixed into their fur, and with a steel in their eyes that shook him to his core. As the sun rose in the waking world, the light in his eyes invaded his dream; a sun rose over this dry place, and the cats there welcomed him, their claws reaching for him, their mouths wide in either words or a biting death...
Edgewise, on his back atop the tooth-column, opened his eyes, brought out of the dream-sleep my Snail’s polite greeting. He was still a little drowsy, still half-stupid from the dreamstate whose visions quickly fled his mind, so he said:
”Uhh, lemme check.”
Edgewise stretched his paws out, his little ribs sticking through as he extended his whooooole body in a big stretchy stretch. A yawn conquered his face, and is mouth opened wide, pink tongue extending and curling. He smacked his lips and looked up, and out, to the sun, and to the absence of any dry grains and buried structures.
”Yeah, I figure so.” He rolled over, nearly losing his perch and toppling down to the ground. He tried, and failed, to hide his half-awake stumblings.
”What, uhh… What are you up to today, Snail?” Edgewise asked politely.
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