Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

cannon in D

Sunrise Overcast 45° F
03-08-2022, 03:30 PM
The sun peeks over the mountains as Cannon finds himself at the crest of a large hill. He's woken recently from a long nap, and feels the energy burning bright within him. Today he wants to discover new things. He's been steadily heading north from the temperate zone of the island, noting what he finds on the way. Today, he's onto something big. And as he crests the hill, he sees it. What he's looking for.

It seems very familiar. Man-made, designed to hold back entire legions of demons. High towers of stone with high walls. Within, he could be safe from any intruder, he's sure of it. There'd be a maze of rooms within, and all he needs to do is walk inside and find his place. He sniffs the morning air, checking for any predators. He can't sense them, but as he heads down the hill, he's aware that he's not alone.

He pauses, turns, and meows a greeting. "Hail! Have you come to see the castle beyond?" He tilts his head in the direction of the ruined keep. "I believe this is the place seen within dreams. This one is very eager to explore."
the staff team luvs u
03-09-2022, 10:20 PM
Gonna say this is before the meeting?

 He'd travelled a ways away from his companion but he knew where to meet her again. He wouldn't be long in returning to Quinn. The very idea excited him but it would excite him more if he had something amazing to show her. So far, he didn't have much. Just some prey running around the plains and less wolf stank but he felt that something was stirring on the wind. 

 Another cat in fact. He thought it was she-cat but when he crested the hill, he saw that it was instead another tomcat. 

 The other spoke strangely and it gave him pause for a moment as he tilted his head. "Had no fuckin' idea it was here actually but now that I know it is." He looked beyond the tom, to the abandoned twoleg dwelling. "I think I will go fuckin' see it." He came down closer to the other cat. Damn! He was fucking huge! He could appreciate that! Although, what he said next had caught his attention. "In dreams? You saw this before seein' it?" That was quite interesting. "You like a medicine cat or some shit?" Because they could use one of those.

the staff team luvs u
M for Language

03-12-2022, 10:29 PM
Another cat! Cannon raises his tail in greeting, a sort of easy maneuver that shows he means no harm. He keeps a few paces, then stops and lets his tail drop casually again. It's too much effort to act excited all the time. "In the dreams I had in the Time Before, I would see places like this all the time," he explains. "I do not know if that is what makes one a medicine cat. This one is Angelic Cannon. This one does not know of this world, but perhaps he is meant to be here?"

He tilts his head to one side, then turns his gaze back to the keep. "But perhaps the world wishes these halls to be walked. Perhaps we were meant to meet here." His nostrils flare slightly. "The people who built the castle are long gone. I cannot smell any humans. Come to think of it, this one has seen no humans since arrival." He starts heading down the hill. "The roads are not worn. The way is not cut. Humans do not walk upon the grass as animals do. Where could they have all gone?"
the staff team luvs u
03-14-2022, 10:46 PM
 Moosebellow mirrored the tail greeting, his own rising into the air as he approached. His remained up but it seemed to almost arch over his back as he became lazy about it. His ears perked as he listened to the other's words. Sounded like a bunch medicine cat mumbo-jumbo to him! "Time Before? You mean you got here from somewhere else too? You die or some shit too?" At least that portion made sense, but it was still wrapped up in all the other mythical shit. 

 Moosebellow turned his eyes to the "keep" as well. "Well, medicine cats get visions and shit from StarClan and just 'know' things because of how they feel. I don't know about you, but how you're fuckin' talkin' sounds just like a StarClan-damned medicine cat to me." With all of his swearing, one would think that he was upset but quite the contrary. He was grinning from ear to ear. Not only had he discovered more cats but had he just found a medicine cat? Hopefully he knew how to heal. Moosebellow could teach fighting and hunting --if needed-- but healing? Nah. That was not him at all. Made his head spin even trying to remember any of that shit. 

 He inclined a brow, seeming confused at the other cat's words. "The fuck are humans? You mean twolegs?" Must be some weird word for them from wherever this guy had come from. "I don't know where the fuck they've gone and I don't fuckin' care. Good riddance to all of'em! If they're all poofed then I'm good with that shit." He flicked his tail towards the dilapidated castle. "So, you wantin' to check that place out? You think it's good for a clan or somethin'?" He didn't particularly like twoleg-places but if they really were all gone then they could sue the structures to their advantage.

the staff team luvs u
M for Language

03-15-2022, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2022, 06:17 PM by Angelic Cannon.)
Cannon ponders the words for a while, glancing over the plants outside the castle. Good for a clan? Oh, perhaps there are more cats. "Humans, twolegs, the same thing I suppose," he says with a shrug. "They have their uses. But their dens are the most useful. This kind, called a 'castle,' was used to keep great leaders safe from invaders. Of course, we cannot close its doors, but..." He points up at the steeples. "High towers, to put a watch and see invaders from far away." They might be ruined and crumbling, not able to withstand the weight of wolves. That would be even more of a benefit. "Within there are rooms that can give one secrecy and privacy. Depending on how much of the humans are left, they might have left objects to hide under or in. Dens for queens, perhaps?" Though he had been born among humans, his life had been strange. All the other cats looked like him, with the same frame and coat. And while some of the kits would disappear (to the queens' relief, as they'd be old enough to hunt by that time), he had known several queens in his time. They liked their privacy when it came time to have kittens.

"And the walls will give one shelter from the cold. When the snow piles up, the den will be safe to sleep in. With water nearby, one could fish or catch birds, and one would never go thirsty in the heat of the summer months." He tilts his head to one side. "As for visions and medicine cat things, this one does not know Starclan. But this one does receive... visions. And knows much of worlds beyond. This one has come here from a land before, yes, and the memories are jumbled. But it tells much, and perhaps the future can be pieced from it."

Of course, in all his visions, he has been a hunter. But he has been a hunter with knowledge of taking care of others, and the wild, and tracking fiends. Perhaps this 'medicine cat' thing is not too strange. Perhaps this is how wild cats have lived.
the staff team luvs u
03-16-2022, 11:25 AM (This post was last modified: 03-16-2022, 11:45 AM by Moosebellow.)
 Moosebellow listened intently, realizing that this was likely some sort of kittypet or someone that used to be a kittypet. Perhaps a loner even that had stayed on the fringes of kittypet society so that he could learn so much about them. It was actually fairly interesting. ”A castle…” The tomcat rumbled as he stared at the dilapidated structure curiously, testing the foreign word on his tongue. ”You talk like a fuckin’ medicine cat but strategize like a warrior.” Interesting traits. Useful. ”We could use a spot like that. For queens, kits, apprentices, cats in general. My friend and I are thinking of a clan and could use places like that.” Might as well mention it, gauge interest.

 ”You’ve fuckin’ convinced me.” He might never have gone for a twolegplace in the past but he could see the benefits now. ”Then maybe StarClan knows you. Maybe they’ve got a plan for you with us and they want us there. My mother used to always say they can work in mysterious fuckin’ ways.” She seemed so right now… ”Wanna explore there?” He was down to see just how good it was.

the staff team luvs u
M for Language

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