11-23-2021, 09:44 AM
He knew he had to be getting pretty far north now. The air carried a harsher bite to it, the sea churned, and the larger ridge of mountains that had once been more distantly to his east seemed to creep ever closer to the shore. The coastline shifted between thick sand to slick stones; there was less leeway between the boreal forests and coastal grassland too. Minor things that he took note of as he jogged further north, even if in the predawn they seemed more like charred silhouettes than welcoming woodlands.
Yet as the thinnest band of light began to wash over—the sun rising between horizon and cloud bank overhead—his gaze was drawn outward to the sea once more in spite of the piercing light. The trip had taken a bit out of him, truth be told, but he hadn't paced himself like he should have. The cooler air of the north that met him off the water had only spurred him along faster, if for the worry that winter would embrace them all, and swiftly.
Altair cut through a thin band of conifers, ducking below reaching spruce boughs and emerging out the other side of them; it was here that he first took in the sight of the bay itself, and of the towering stones that stood sentinel and near ominous. He hadn't seen them before, not with the way the darkened stones had blended in against a quickly lightening sky. But now? They were there, almost close, but worthy of capturing his attention to draw him in closer with the way they stood out from the pastel backdrop. Like the Ichorwood, it was a bizarre scene to take in... but that was becoming relatively normal.
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