11-02-2021, 03:35 PM
It was quiet, for the most part.
Her offspring were here and they took the entirety of her attention, her focus fastened to their every need and desire. They were really quite demanding, weren't they? Two days old and already clingy as anything. They would wiggle and squeak and roll over each over nonstop. She could see aspects of herself and her husband in them all, from their physical features that often resembled herself to the curls that some had - from their father.
She spent most of the day sleeping and nursing her pups, occasionally eating whenever Nimbus or the others brought her something to nibble on to fill her milk supplies and keep her from going catatonic. Meissa found that if she didn't quickly clean up any messes, they would inevitably pile up. So often, moments after waking from fitful naps, she would need to do some house cleaning.
Finally clean for what felt like the first time all day, she laid her head upon her paws with a soft sigh.
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