Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Run with me

Late Evening Overcast 65° F
04-20-2021, 12:42 PM (This post was last modified: 04-21-2021, 11:44 PM by Siberia.)
North-East of the territory, a few miles away

Siberia had only been awake a few short hours, and in no time, darkness had taken over whatever little light was left in the day. The moon was swallowed by dense, gray clouds and not a single star managed to break from the overcast above. The silver eyed woman began to move, there was no point is sitting and being stagnant - she had to at least figure out where she had found herself. 

The blonde wolf seemed to stick out rather obviously, from the somewhat misty forest, full of shadows and dense foliage. Her body lithe and calculated in her movements, only a few rustles of leaves indicated her presence by sound. Avoiding the sticks that may snap and the logs that required a leap. 

The maiden was like a nymph of the forest, a ghost that haunted its trails endlessly. Silent in motion, gracefully slinking from one shadow, to the next. Platinum eyes shone like the full moon, wide and wonder filled as they took in the darkness of the foreign land she had found herself so carelessly lost in. 

A smile laced ink-black lips, a mischievous glint to the maiden’s eyes as her lace quickened. Small paws carefully pressing off the earth with increasing speed and tact - she was running, but to where, was unknown.

the staff team luvs u
04-21-2021, 04:32 PM
It was a rarity for him to be lurking outside the borders, but the man had wanderlust at the most inopportune moments. He'd barely explored the new lands at all since waking with a bloody skull, and for the few days Vengeance was home, Caligula intended on making the most of it. He never strayed too far, of course, but had somehow ended up a few miles away without realizing it. Oops.

Ah, it'd be fine.

Caligula's strides consumed the earth greedily as he moved, each paw swinging out in a nearly floating trot as he lumbered along. The only thing that gave him pause was the appearance of a woman in the distance; ah, wouldn't Ven be delighted if he brought home a recruit? The wolf barked to snag her attention, calling over the wind that was undoubtedly deafening her ears.

the staff team luvs u
04-23-2021, 09:50 AM
Siberia ran, ears slicked back while her head began to lower. It felt almost freeing, as if she had been locked away for a life time and finally released. The wind traced little splits and trails in her dense coat as it parted it in sharp, scattered ways. The woman grinned, platinum eyes narrowed while watching the obstacles of the darkened forest - but then a call. One directed to her. 

The dainty-footed wolf leapt over a fallen log, using the jump to slow her momentum until coming to a full stop. Siberia circled back, head tilted faintly to the side as she examined the larger man from afar. He was pale in coat, and marred with blacked tissue of wounds now long gone. A missing eye. A missing ear. But alive and standing. 

”Good evening,” she softly offered with a slow motion sway of her tail. Silver eyes bright and smile still present. Siberia pressed closer, until the yards between them, became only feet between them. The woman rose her muzzle, to make better eye contact, what did he wish to talk about?

the staff team luvs u
04-23-2021, 10:13 PM

Well, he certainly wasn't opposed to the show. Caligula may have been predominantly interested in men, but that certainly didn't mean he was unaware of a woman's beauty. She was delightfully feminine in every proper location and the ghost was powerless to do anything but appreciate from afar. Ah, yes, a hottie. Cali likey. Ven would undoubtedly appreciate her as well, so he made sure to wipe the drool from his lips and straighten up.

"You're close to my pack, ma'am, I was just wondering if there was anything I could help you with while I'm on patrol. I'm Caligula, General of the Nightwalkers." The wolf dipped his head respectfully, though beneath the facade there was a molten gaze of sinister gold. She would be coming home with him, he mused, whether she wanted to let not.

the staff team luvs u
04-23-2021, 10:45 PM
Close to a pack, the man had said first. And for a moment, Siberia zoned out accidentally. Mind roaming to wonder where she was, and how she had gotten there - it must’ve been a well established environment, considering a pack had already laid claim to a section of its valley. 

At the introduction, Siberia dipped her head, blonde cheeks lifting as a smile bloomed to her features. Caligula. A general. What to help her with? ”Siberia,” she returned, her tail sweeping her ankles. ”This may sound rather silly,” Siberia spoke, ears splaying in a meek manner - I mean, how do you even tell someone that you have NO clue how you wound up on their doorstep? ” but I haven’t a clue where I am. Or truthfully...how I’ve gotten here, at all,” the woman’s voice held a questioning tone, perhaps even asking if the general magically had an answer to the confusing black out of recent events. 

The lithe figured woman sat herself, silver eyes wide with curiosity - an answer to her sudden appearance would have been lovely. 

Blonde ears pricked up sharply, face lighting up with realization - ”If you or yours are injured or sick, I exchange my medical help for momentary refuge. I may be needing it while I gain my footing in this new forest,”

the staff team luvs u
04-24-2021, 02:20 PM
The disguise of gentleman seemed to be working well enough. Caligula wasn't a neanderthal looking to secure a many women as possible, but it had been a duty of his to pass on battle worthy genetics and occasionally his mind drifted in reverse. Secure a woman, breed with the woman, produce the night generation of soldiers. It was basic, and Caligula may as well have been drinking a Starbucks with how basic of a bitch he was.

But anyway, she was talking.

"No one knows where we are, truthfully, we've simply come to accept it and move on. Some of us have retained memories from before and some are completely wiped clean." He shrugged, but was curious to know which of those she was. What did she remember, if anything?

And then before he could even knock her out to take her home, Siberia was offering herself up as a healer. Oh hell yes, that was even better. "We are in need of a healer, actually. No one is injured at the moment, but we have none. A pretty thing like you would be an excellent asset while you stay." Which would be forever, thanks.

"You will need to be officially invited by our leader, Vengeance. If you would follow me, we can get you introduced and settled in if that interests you?" Caligula cocked his head slightly, studying her curiously.

the staff team luvs u
04-24-2021, 09:23 PM
The surprise was clearly written within her silver gaze as the scarred man spoke. No one knew where they were, all of them magically being dumped into a new forest. A new valley. A new world, it seemed. But.. it was livable. Food, water, and other wolves existing within the new life she was given. 

The golden blonde perked up some, eyes squinting with the smile she wore so habitually, she had to meet the leader. With a name like Vengeance, he must be quite a man to know, and to be to pledged to so loyally. Siberia began to walk closer to Caligula, her tail swaying as her hips swung with an even pace. 

The healer was needed, as they did not have a resident one currently. I suppose I should go have a meeting with vengeance, the up beat chirp in her tone was airy and light, the maiden was a ray of sun, even in the darkness.

the staff team luvs u
04-26-2021, 03:05 PM
The woman truly had no idea what she was getting herself into, did she? Vengeance was not just a man to cast aside as innocent and Caligula felt annoyance simmering beneath his skin.

"We will be meeting with him, yes," he corrected, his molten gaze narrowing on her form greedily. She would not soon forget that stare, he mused to himself, as he continued to lead her on. Caligula ran his tongue along his lips, wondering how she would react to the next bit of news.

"He is not a kind man, but do as you're told regardless of what it is and you will be safe. Come, your new home awaits." Caligula flashed a wicked grin down at her, eager to show Vengeance their new prize.

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