Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

its darkness.

Late Evening Partly Cloudy
05-04-2021, 02:29 PM
The mood was dark, clouds casting over the light of the moon, and the sun settling hours ago. Night approached, and she still awake in the dead of it. A skulking, long-limbed wolf, her form slithering around the mountain as green-jades closely watch around, cautiously gazing at anything that was deemed suspicious. Her nerves were in a disarray, and anxiety within her soul ; Desdemona felt like something was wrong tonight, and thus, could not sleep.

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05-12-2021, 07:03 PM
It had been a long time since Leta had been in the company of Desdemona. Long, long ago, Desdemona and Osiris had come to visit her in... somewhere. And now, now they were pack mates. Excited, Leta followed her trail; Osiris had yet to return home from his own expedition, but she knew he would likely not be content until he at the very least caught the trail of a sibling... and then, at that rate, he would likely want to find them wouldn't he? 

So would she, to be fair. 

“Desdemona!” She called, tail swaying left and right as her trail grew stronger. She was certainly near, Leta believed. Her nose was in good enough order to know that much... just... how near seemed to be the real question. Desdemona was a guardian, Leta remembered. Perhaps the woman would be willing to teach her a lesson in such.
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05-18-2021, 01:22 PM
Desdemona remembered Leta; the girl from Easthollow. As much as Osiris hid it she could not deny how much his eyes refused to wander from the young lady, and moreso, the suspicion grew when he was brought along and ventured together into the plains. She couldn't remember if anything official happened, but the guard deducted one way or another, she was a future Ostrega. Perhaps even more, if the man young colorful Ostrega decided to further their family and make his own liege once more, but at the moment, he seemed content within the mountains. She suppose she should visit him one of these days, "Hello Leta."

The guard greeted with a light dip, "How have you been?" Though an unsettling may have settled within her pelt, she doubled down the anxiety and tossed it deep within her core ; ignoring the slight wariness that carried. Desdemona thought perhaps it was just an over exaggeration, and maybe a slight worry about this new land.. Everything seemed alright, for now.

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05-18-2021, 08:31 PM
“I'm okay,” she answered lightly, “I miss Osiris, but it's good that he's out there seeing if he can find any more of us. And also, good for me to get out there and meet more of the pack,” she said with a laugh, though was quick to admit: “...which, I really need to do. Just getting to know the place first,” with a submissive wave of her tail. “I'm happy I came across you... uhm... because, I want to be more useful. And learn how to protect myself, and others here,” she wriggled in place as she admitted as such. 

And then: “canyouteachmeanything?” she burst out, before slowing it down. “I mean, ...would you mind... teaching me anything... about that?” with a dip of her head, Leta bashfully looked away before her chartreuse gaze drifted hopefully back to Desdemona.
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05-24-2021, 10:14 PM
"He is gone?" She had wondered why the guard had not come across him - in the previous days she would often come across Osiris on patrolling, and the entire time had yet to see the fellow. She simply assumed maybe it was but bad luck on crossing paths, and continued to miss so. His scent, now unfamiliar with new land, was not detected upon leaving. She tilted her head slightly in a confusion, hoping for Leta to continue to say more on the matter.

Though she straightened then, and looked honestly at the proposal the other sought for, "Strengths are not only in battle - but I do not mind helping so." In honestly, Desdemona did not know what traits Leta held that contributed to the pack. Majority took on the roles of hunters and guards, though she didn't see the other particular to the two usual. She felt the other was more suited to light work, such as the healing arts of reading of sky and weather. There was quite a few things she could think the other could do, far more useful then of battle..

But she didn't mind teaching.

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05-26-2021, 02:30 PM
“For now,” she added, nodding. “Hydra had asked him to see if he could find any more of us beyond. She told me he has her nose, and his fathers knack and enjoyment of traveling,” here she laughed a little. “Dirge and Altair went after him some time after to join the search. They will be back, hopefully soon, but... I know Osiris will want someone to show for it,” she smiled at that, even if it made her a little sad that it might take him longer to return for it. At least he would not be alone when his father and brother found him. Leta, optimistic as ever, did not think it would be an "if". Least of all with the Ostrega family. 

Desdemona's comment earned a smile from Leta. “I know,” here her tail waved, “I enjoy hunting most of all. But I think it is important to learn how to defend myself, and others too,” and she paused for a minute, before she explained. “I was born and raised in a pack that valued peace. But... others attacked us. Hurt us. Trespassed and...” she shook her head, remembering Wests recounting of it. “I want to be able to do something other than just... watch. I don't want to lose because I don't know what I'm doing, or be taken advantage of,” which had happened outside of the borders, too, thanks to their nightmarish neighbors.

To her? She could not remember. Just that she could never do anything. She had never known how to. And her mother... her mother and father both... they had already endured much heartbreak. Leta did not want to cause any more by inserting herself in something she was sure to never win.
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06-03-2021, 01:24 PM
"I see. I hope they return safely." Quite a few had left to join the expedition, and hopefully, their adventure would be fruitful and bring others back. She hoped the most it was the youngest batch, thinking of Mira, Mintaka, and Caelum. Though as she had no personally met them so, the most Desdemona has done was keep out on their appearance, and hope they would end up to the mountain themselves. Though she may not believe in the Gods above, as her trust to them had died long ago.. But even she, would pray if it meant for safety. Pride meant nothing when lives were lost, and she never held firmly to that.

"I do not mind helping you, though perhaps it is best to build your muscle up firstly." Most within Empyrean had an impressive build regardless of stance. She herself though thin, held firm muscles from years of needing to be a forceful guard and warrior. Athleticism was important, especially to wandering through the mountain slope - it was almost natural to gain some. Leta though seemed average, not entirely being far-off from that momentum, but at the same time, she could see the other being more of an ankle-bitter fighter, then someone who would guard.

Hit and dash ordeal.

An easier train then to spar for days on end.

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06-22-2021, 01:04 PM
Leta nodded, quietly agreeing. She was typically a selfless girl, but her reasoning was selfish; she missed Osiris, who had become dear to her. His time away only seemed to reveal to her just how dear he was, though she did not wonder about the meaning of that. This seemed to be the perfect thing to do in the meantime... bond with her pack mates, and learn to do what she had come to do in the first place. Osiris had granted her the gift of becoming; she had always been a dependent girl, and her identity was not something even she had considered. 

She was finding it, finding herself, now. 

“Where do we begin, with that?” Leta asked, breathless in her excitement. It was true; she was a little softer, physically, even despite becoming stronger thanks to the mountain itself which demanded improvement of her. Hydra was all muscle, and looking to Desdemona... well, they were two wolves cut from the same cloth. Leta was aware she had much to do to arrive to that point, but she was willing to work to make them proud. And herself proud, too, which she recognized at last the importance of. But ever a people pleaser, she wanted then and there to do right by Desdemona... and so, she would do as she was told.
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07-08-2021, 02:37 PM
"My mornings consist of stretching, and throughout the day self challenges," so she started to explain. Some wolves found it rather odd about her stretches, leaning against the tree and opening her back to an occasional 'crack.' Though it greatly helped loosen her body for the days patrolling, and she rarely changed her routine, "the start to walk around the mountain for hours on end. Boulders across the mountain that you use as 'steps,' a kids game of don't touch the earth. Builds stamina and body."

Though simple as it was, Desdemona was earnest in what she was saying. It was what she did - often patrolling around the mountain without rest, and climbing up and down can create quite sore paws for those not used to, but helps build the muscle. Likewise what she did with Altair, long ago, and even another - hopping across the stones without touching the ground. A keen eye must be given to do the correct leap without falling.

"Restart if you fall off."

Desdemona didn't have a grand plan, just routine.

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09-08-2021, 11:12 AM
Leta listened to Desdemona, respect clear in her gaze even as it was averted. The woman was clearly her superior in every way at this... and other things, too, she understood. The challenge presented was one Leta nodded toward, hopping atop a nearby boulder and seeking another. It was a bit far, but... 

She bunched her hindquarters, settling on her hind for a moment before uncoiling like a spring; the muscles acquired in recent months propelled her forward, 'til she landed on the rock. A gasp of surprise that she was capable of that (which she would not have been, those same odd months ago... and which to the likes of Desdemona, was likely no difficult task), she looked to the spider-legged woman with a waving tail. Okay, I can do this... she realized, and though she had only just begun, she felt encouraged to continue.
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09-14-2021, 02:53 PM
"You can do anything, if you put effort." A nod of approvement, the game itself was a rather simple task, though it can be exhausting after time later. Though she been through this with Altair, the difference was an Ostrega, he already had his training, begun his body build at a young age.. From what she understood from Easthollow they were far more gentle, and loving - she imagined Leta hasn't had too much training concerning her own body. It was a step.

"Do not overdo it, muscles can be torn, and then you would truly be able to do nothing." Though Desdemona warned, she should not do it until she falls. Muscles are to be trained slowly and overtime.. Simply do it all at once can be torn, and muscles, never again the same.

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