He had held himself away from the dove for too long. His Queen had not enjoyed the idea of joining a pack, and so he stayed away, not wanting to disappoint the delicate creature he found himself so drawn to.
Which was not to say that he didn’t find Katarina attractive too; he did, but it was something he would forever lock away. He could not betray his King like that. Would not let him self fall prey to the wiles of a self-assured, powerful woman.
No, he plainly missed the tiny girl’s innocence, the lack of a more primal sort of knowledge evident and clear. The heart within him was chomping at this bit to teach her, to ravish her, but not this night.
This night, he carried a single sprig of bluebells and a red rose in his teeth, setting it down only long enough to call for the girl.
Which was not to say that he didn’t find Katarina attractive too; he did, but it was something he would forever lock away. He could not betray his King like that. Would not let him self fall prey to the wiles of a self-assured, powerful woman.
No, he plainly missed the tiny girl’s innocence, the lack of a more primal sort of knowledge evident and clear. The heart within him was chomping at this bit to teach her, to ravish her, but not this night.
This night, he carried a single sprig of bluebells and a red rose in his teeth, setting it down only long enough to call for the girl.
the staff team luvs u