09-30-2023, 04:13 PM
@Faust Sorry for the wait! <3 :D
She had to run...
... keep running.
Her legs felt heavy under her scrawny frame. Rhea's body conditions had not really improved while staying at Gwanwyn. She blamed her unhappiness. Her restlessness. Never allowed to leave the territory. Never allowed to hunt. Never allowed to do anything. She had to go. She had to escape.
She felt the shame. The shame of what might happen because of her actions. Rhea wanted to shove those thoughts away. Her legs felt too heavy to ignore. She slowed down, a walking pace feeling weird on her limbs as they had been running for a long time. She looked around. Rhea had been running blind getting as much distance as she could. These mountains... she had never seen them. Weird, she couldn't have ran that far to run towards mountains she had never seen before.
The girl pushed on, continuing at a brisk walk. Everything about her posture spoke of her being uneasy. Her ears were held back and she kept glancing around as if she was hunted. Her tail low, her shoulders and back high strung with tension. Gosh, she hated this feeling. Her steps still surprisingly light, making her footwork quick as she move across the plain.
the staff team luvs u