09-11-2023, 08:13 AM
Steady had moved on from the hills early in the night after resting. He found moving in the dark suited him much more than during the day. His dark pelt blended in to the shadows, and so did what was left of his soul.
He came upon the southern edge of what he could only describe as a red forest.It may have been dark, but his eyes could tell the leaves were far from their usual green color. An usual feeling washed over him, as if telling him entering wouldn't be the best option. Had be been more of sound mind, he might have listened. But, his brooding mood propelled him forward, as if it wanted to be consumed by the eerie forest.
By the time he reached the northern border of the forest, the sun's ray were just peaking over the eastern horizon. He paused between two trees at the edge, the fog blocking his view of the land before him. He looked back into the forest, playing with the idea of heading back in a ways to find a spot to rest. He didn't want to be caught in the plains again on a sunny day, and he couldn't determine exactly what lay ahead of him.
the staff team luvs u
Steady had moved on from the hills early in the night after resting. He found moving in the dark suited him much more than during the day. His dark pelt blended in to the shadows, and so did what was left of his soul.
He came upon the southern edge of what he could only describe as a red forest.It may have been dark, but his eyes could tell the leaves were far from their usual green color. An usual feeling washed over him, as if telling him entering wouldn't be the best option. Had be been more of sound mind, he might have listened. But, his brooding mood propelled him forward, as if it wanted to be consumed by the eerie forest.
By the time he reached the northern border of the forest, the sun's ray were just peaking over the eastern horizon. He paused between two trees at the edge, the fog blocking his view of the land before him. He looked back into the forest, playing with the idea of heading back in a ways to find a spot to rest. He didn't want to be caught in the plains again on a sunny day, and he couldn't determine exactly what lay ahead of him.
the staff team luvs u