Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


Afternoon Sunny/Clear
05-26-2023, 12:12 PM
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05-26-2023, 08:09 PM
Finn would be asleep underneath an outcove which was covered with a quick sharp incline of a rock, almost more like a half cave, if you could call it that. Her breaths quick and shallow, almost completely silent, maybe the only thing giving her away to anything was her scent, but nothing without a trained nose would find her.. not by smell at least..
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05-27-2023, 01:10 AM
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05-27-2023, 10:58 AM
Are we gonna play as if they've met, if not I'll edit it just lmk?

For a moment, everything seemed at peace when she woke up. The air was warm and smelled of oak, the sky sunny and clear and its beams rained down and warmed her fur. That was.. until she heard something.. a sound in the distance, a crack or a snap of a loose twig maybe? Certainly not something large, but it wasn't something small.. no this was something that could certainly be a threat to her. This was when she sniffed the air, sharp inhales entering her nostrils and traveling down her throat into her lungs as they expanded. There was something familiar about that.. about that scent.. she knew it from somewhere..


It was the stranger, the stranger she had met the other day whom had been 'claimed' as a 'pet' for the wolf, how exciting it had been for Finnegan. Yet still, she sat in silence, edging backwards into the corner where there was less light, a shadow concealing her almost completely. One that allowed her to see anything outside with ease, but nothing would see her unless they were specifically looking. No, she was far too hidden for anything to find her without paying attention to detail, the way prints were laid out on the stone where the pads of her paws had cleared the dust off.
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Misc Skill
05-27-2023, 12:01 PM
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05-27-2023, 12:11 PM
She heard the strangers voice twisting and turning through the winding trees and grasses, eventually arriving to Finn as it entered her ears, her voice as soothing as before, but there was a distinct sense of.. something.. sadness? "Sadness.. from that beast..?" She thought to herself.. Did Wake truly confide in the creature which some called sly.. maybe.. That was when she called back out to the female, "Possibly, does your heart truly long for me that much?" She questioned the stranger from the 'safety' of the shadows, regardless of the fact that it provided absolutely no protection. Her voice was taunting and playful all at the same time, trying to make it clear that the comment was empty and truly meant nothing as she knew of, and more importantly, respected @Esmerelda and Her's relationship.
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Misc Skill
05-27-2023, 12:24 PM
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05-27-2023, 12:30 PM
"We had an arrangement, fox."

The words were earsplitting as they were spoke, penetrating her mind like a blade into flesh. Yet still, there was a sense of curiosity in her mind as the wolf thudded onto the stone slab above her, choosing her next words carefully as she dared to speak once more. "And that deal was?" She spoke out in a lacking manner, pretending as though she had no idea what the figure was talking about, yearning to know what she would describe it as, the rush of adrenaline by taunting such a dangerous animal when she was only inches above her.
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Misc Skill
05-27-2023, 12:48 PM
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05-27-2023, 12:57 PM
“Did you forget so quickly? I have no use for forgetful things. It's a shame...I thought you were going to be more useful.”

The words, so threatening almost seemed to spook her, but no, she wasn't scared. Whether being of some physical or mental use of anything, providing a meal is just as fulfilling, no? Yet still she fought for her survival, retaliating at the females comments, "W-W-Well now now.. No reason to get all jumpy and start making conclusions yet. You never exactly specified what our 'deal' even was, only that I was of to be a service for you and possibly your lover. No harm in a little curiosity of exactly what you'd say." Finn would reply, almost begging for mercy as the figure searched the darkness. Almost out of an attempt to show that Wake could trust her, she reluctantly stepped out of the darkness, looking well fed and hydrated, much better than when they had met. The issue was.. she smelled like Esmerelda.. Not that they had even spent that much time together, but rather that her scent was just intoxicating, spreading to anything nearby and this worried Finnegan. She had seen what the female was capable of when she was hunting with her lover before and no matter how much Finnegan said she would be honored to be a meal, today was certainly not one she wanted to leave.
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Misc Skill
05-27-2023, 01:43 PM
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Misc Skill
05-27-2023, 01:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2023, 01:58 PM by Finn.)
Misc skill: Trickster

“I never mentioned my lover to you, But you've met.”

"Yes, we did, at a small pond. She is absolutely beautiful if I must say though, with all due respect to you and her, after all, this is your land, I'm just living on it. She knows of me and she knows you know of me." Finnegan made sure to mention whatever she thought would please the wolf, wishing nothing more than to really give to others, maybe she was a people pleaser.. or maybe she was just so used to being used and abused that it had become the nature of life in her mind.

“Being of use is the deal, though. So what have you done to be of use?”

"Well.. Nothing so far.." Finnegan had however been exploring and found an abundance of things, things that she would use later if it came to it. Perhaps keeping secrets from such a ferocious creature was a mistake, but it wouldn't be Finn's first, and hopefully wouldn't be her last. The words rolled off her tongue with ease, not even a hint of deceit in her tone of voice, after all, her kind was known for being liars, no? The place she had discovered, the waterfalls edge that led a stream, a stream full of freshwater and fish, probably the only reason she looked so well fed with flowers that she had never seen covering the ground edge to edge with colors and scents.. it was magical.. and for now, was a secret. If it came to a choice, she would certainly wait to show this place of beauty to someone she was fond of, a lover of her own. Maybe this is truly all she longed for, someone to love, someone who loved her back, someone she could get lost in.
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Content Warning
05-27-2023, 05:31 PM
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the staff team luvs u
05-27-2023, 07:19 PM
“Continue to do nothing and you will find yourself useful in death.”

"I found you a fresh water source! A-A-AND I HAVE A FOOD SOURCE!" She retaliated, stammering repeatedly as she sat there looking up to the figure, one that had become ugly and violent. She took a moment to regain control and took a deep breath before speaking again. "I have a renewable food source and I already found you a renewable water source, one fed from rain water?" Finnegan dared to continue speaking after being threatened like that, refusing to be spoken of as though she was useless, something that had no purpose. Then again.. maybe she didn't have one after all, why else would she have ended up in this new world, why would she have been taken from her family otherwise. 

"Look.. I'm sorry for lying, b-b-but you can't blame me! You.. well.. you're you, you're respected and if anyone or anything didn't respect you, they would be struck down. I don't have that gift.. that advantage.. You can't blame me for wanting to at least have a little bit of leverage!" Now Finnegan began to raise her voice, angered, scared, and sorry for everything that she was doing, but surely it would be over soon, no? She would either be killed or the stranger would spare her, there was no in between.
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Content Warning
05-27-2023, 07:54 PM
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the staff team luvs u
05-27-2023, 08:02 PM
“I can and I do.”

Those words, for some reason, seemed to be what hit the hardest out of this entire confrontation. Not the death threats, not the growls, not the showing off of the female's maw, but rather a stupid sentence about being blamed. It almost crushed her, shattering what ground she had thought she gained when it came to respect, let alone a friendship between the two, maybe even just an acquaintance, now, there was clearly nothing there.

“Show me. Now.”

"I-I-I don't remember where it is, please, just give me time to find the path I took" She would stand up promptly, having been knocked back onto the ground by the female's sudden movements, attempting to scan the surrounding area as she dared turn her back on Wake in order to find her previous tracks. That was when she saw them, the damp impressions in the mud that coated the forest like floor, and suddenly, Finnegan was walking.
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05-27-2023, 08:07 PM
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05-27-2023, 08:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2023, 09:05 PM by Finn.)
Finnegan would hurriedly show Wake the path to the area which she had found earlier after her lover had snapped and walked away. Finally, there it was.. the sound of rushing water. Finnegan darted towards the sound, using her cone like ears to pinpoint the sound until she could finally see the source of it. There, in her gaze, was a waterfall, crystal clear that was surrounded by flowers of all colors, ones that Finn couldn't even name. The waterfall led to a river that you could see the bottom of with ease. Trout, salmon, bass, coy, sunfish, and bluegills swam around, filling the area with life. The fox would wade through the water until it became necessary for it to doggy paddle its way across the riverbed and then slipping behind the waterfall, a visible gap enticing her closer. When she walked through the rush of falling water, but this time her footing would not be lost so easily. 

She stepped through, into the cave. Her eyes lit up once more. The cave was still filled with a vibrant blue light, bioluminescent creatures thriving in the place as it forked off in two directions. She didn't dare waste time with the right path as she knew it only led deeper into the earth, instead, she darted to the left, following a relatively flat path through the caverns. It was then she would walk inside of something beautiful.. it was the giant geode filled with amethyst shards, a clear mineral deposit for the cave that seemed to be lit up by something unknown.

"Here it is. Here is what I found." Her tone was solemn and her voice soft as she almost seemed to bow her head, letting Wake have ample amounts of time to process everything.
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Content Warning
05-27-2023, 10:19 PM
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Content Warning
05-27-2023, 10:37 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2023, 11:04 PM by Finn.)
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05-27-2023, 10:55 PM
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05-27-2023, 11:02 PM
I personally think that after everything, Finnegan wouldn't want to leave someone after that kind of thing. After all, it was pretty heavy, so I hope you don't mind me continuing and having her follow. Again, let me know if you just want to end it!!! <3

With as light and petite as Finnegan was, it was incredibly easy for her to follow the female wolf, for some random reason, almost feeling guilty about what she had said. "Wake, I'm sorry, stop it." Finnegan would call out, begging for the wolf to stop moving away, but she wouldn't stop, maybe because she had been deafened by her emotions, or maybe because she was simply ignoring Finn, either way, Finnegan would continue to follow her despite whether it was the best thing for her at the moment.

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05-27-2023, 11:11 PM
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05-27-2023, 11:18 PM
"I want to work together, Wake. I want to work together with you and whoever that other female wolf is, I just want to at least be given the decency to not be treated as something invaluable to you." No matter how stupid it was for her to keep going, she would push on. She wasn't one to leave someone whom she had just hurt in such a matter, despite the fact that it was probably better to let Wake get her steam out. Perhaps she would let her if this attempt did not work.
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05-27-2023, 11:26 PM
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