Hello friends! We are super invested in the general rpg community and would absolutely love to affiliate with you!
Currently, affiliate requests are OPEN — we only allow 20 affiliates (including topsite links) on our footer. Our affiliates are listed on every page of Canis in the footer.
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the staff team luvs u
Currently, affiliate requests are OPEN — we only allow 20 affiliates (including topsite links) on our footer. Our affiliates are listed on every page of Canis in the footer.
Our Info
<a href="https://canismajor-rpg.com/" target="_blank"><img src="https://canismajor-rpg.com/images/affiliates/canis.png" alt="Canis Major RPG" width="88" height="31" /></a>
- Must have a latest in-character post of less than one month old. This is how we qualify if your site is "dead."
- Before you request, you must have our affiliate image and link prominently displayed
- Banner image can be any size, but please note it will be centered and cut to the 88 x 31 pixel size that is most common. Why? Because it is the.. size. Deal with it.
- We can refuse your request for any reason - we will also be transparent about the reason
Post this code in a new reply:
[h2]Affiliate Request[/h2]
[b]Site name:[/b]
[b]Site link:[/b]
[b]Button link:[/b]
[b]Description/full advertisement:[/b]
the staff team luvs u