01-14-2023, 02:53 PM
For @Griffin, sorry this took so long! December kicked my ass
Exploring the vale has been fun. There are so many good potential places for performing. But today she's wandered slightly far from the Duskguard borders, up to the frigid lake that is permanently frozen over. She thinks, perhaps, this could be a great place to bring a few pack members for some fun sliding around on the ice!
Whistling, she trots through the snow that comes up to her shoulders, curled tail high and wagging. That's when she catches the scent of a stranger. She's been told that not everyone here is friendly, but that's gotta be fearmongering. She raises her nose to the wind and then catches sight of him-- a big man, compared to her, but that's not a great feat.
She barks a greeting. "Hey! Are you here to ice skate too?"
the staff team luvs u