Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

returning to normal (just about)

Late Evening Partly Cloudy 15° F
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11-22-2022, 06:21 PM
For Coordinator

They've arrived at the island that Izumi has earmarked for the new clan, and she has to say, she likes this better than the other places. She's been searching the island all day for good spots, noting them down and keeping track of everything that she sees. She's also silently planning a ceremony that could establish the Fujiwara Dynasty's future. Here's a nice clearing of beautiful trees, one that could serve as a good meeting place... And there's a large cave looking into the sea that could store food caches.

Yes, she thinks, as she pours over the island, that's all that needs to be done. She ends her day on the beach, staring out over the waters. She feels safer with an ocean between herself and any enemies. They'd be easy to smell if anyone else tried to intrude. And that's when the beach lights up. Glimmering, beautiful creatures in the water make the sea almost reflect the stars above. Honoka gasps softly, and notes that for her festival.

"Yes. We will have to come here as part of the celebration," she says aloud, swishing her tail happily as she takes a seat to watch the waves roll in.
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"Speaking Common"
"<Speaking Japanese>"
11-22-2022, 06:34 PM
Traveling west, the scent of brine tickling at his nose, Osamu caught the trail of a lingering Fujiwara member heading away from the shoreline. He lowered his head and gave the sand a deep sniff, sending little grains swirling away, before looking once more out to sea.

There was an island close by, easily within swimming distance, and since he had already assessed his penchant for the activity (having been dumped into the ocean by a portal some moons ago), he decided to investigate.

Paddling with strong, confident strokes, legs working with practiced ease - just about the only thing he felt truly adept in right now, honestly - he finally made contact with the sea-bottom on the other side, wading the rest of the way to shore.

Osamu stood, drenched but pleased with himself at his own speed, pausing to shake the water from his coat. Glancing around pensively, the samurai eventually spied a distant form - unfamiliar to him, but smelling unmistakably like someone he should probably know further.

The grey wolf approached on silent paws before clearing his throat to announce his presence.

“The celebration?” he interrupts quietly, voice low but not imposing.

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[Image: W25Me6H.png]
11-22-2022, 06:46 PM

Seems like she was late to the part as she saw Osamu approaching Honoka. Aika hurried against the sand, finding herself stepping awkwardly as she tried to approach the two. She stopped as Osamu spoke, her ears perking forwards and brows pulling into a confused kint; “The celebration?” What celebration? What was she missing out on? Aika huffed.

ええ何のお祝い?” She asked, pushing herself further as she skirted the sand up and around her in an awkward manner; though princesses were supposed to be good at almost everything, Aika found herself snivelling at the ungodly might that simple grains of sand held against her. She shook her paws out; they felt absolutely [i]full of beach-dirt.

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日本 & Common
Misc Skill
11-22-2022, 07:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2022, 07:56 PM by Honokaa.)

Honoka jolts out of her reverie, staring at the man who just came from the sea. Oh, maybe she's not as good at spotting intruders as she would have liked. Well, that's why she's a lady-in-waiting, not a guard. She politely dips her head in greeting, then goes into a proper bow when Aika approaches. They both seem to question her, and that's when she realizes she had said that last part aloud.

"<Ah, Aika-Sama, sir,>" she says, "<don't think much of it. I was simply wondering if we should honor the reunion of the clan and the formation of the Fujiwara Dynasty. It would lift spirits and bring about a sense of unity, don't you think? A festival, in which we honor those that came before, and then hope for our best future.>" She gestures up the cliff face. "<We could begin it at the start of sundown, in the forest, in which we mourn and honor our revered dead. And then, as the sun sinks, we come down here in formation,>" she turns back to the sea, staring at the beautiful lights, "<and in the light of the ocean, we see our future, bright and beautiful as the waters themselves.>"

She smiles. "<And then each wolf can give their hopes to the future, and perhaps even be granted them.>" It seems a good idea, so she doesn't even ask. She's certain anyone with taste would agree. "<I've also done some work in mapping out possible locations in our new home. There's a cave that could work for preserved food storage.>"
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"Speaking Common"
"<Speaking Japanese>"
11-22-2022, 09:31 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2022, 05:31 PM by Izumi.)

“祭りだと言うんですね。 私も招待されていますか?” Izumi quips dryly, approaching the group as quaint footsteps pitter between the sands -- her attention lingering just a little longer on the brunette in question -- Honoka. So long had it passed since she'd seen her mother's lady-In-waiting, and even when they'd encountered each other last had it slipped her mind to give the woman a proper greeting. She was very much the same way as the crane remembered her as a child, strangely enough, and yet it seemed once again that time had froze since that moment. Wasn't she supposed to be...older?

The crane shook the eerie feeling off.

When Izu finally approached the group, she'd bump her crown into the side of Aika's neck in greeting, and would stop to stand somewhere between her sister and mentor. Ignoring the fact that the sand made walking a tad heavier.

“私の唯一の懸念は探査で最初に解決しようとしているだろうが、私は家の温暖化パーティーは正確に傷つけることはないだろうと言うだろう。” she explained her concerns, eyes drifting towards said forest in deep thought of what unknowns could be lurking within. “それでも、私は好奇心が強いです。 これまで島を探索してきた中で、他に何を見つけましたか、ほのか?”

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[Image: IZumi1.png]
11-23-2022, 02:08 PM
Aika trotted over in a modest hurry, seemingly afraid to miss out on any tidbits of information that might be passed around. She frowned visibly, her brow setting in a hard line as she stopped a short distance away, trying to understand what had happened in her absence.

Osamu gave her a curious glance. She held the excitable spirit of a yearling within her chest despite her years, full of strong emotions and an inherent fear of missing out, flitting from one object of interest to the next. He thought the stark contrast against her sibling was interesting, however, and marveled at the way family could be so... different from one another.

By comparison, he was a rock wall. The man had been on his own for so long, the bustling dynamic of pack life was quickly sending him into a state of upheaval, and he struggled valiantly to keep up with the busy wolves he now called kin.

Honoka seemed eager to tell the others of her plan, touching upon her hopeful celebration in detail, as well as mentioning the potential candidates for their future home - he listened with great intent, but turned partway through to witness the arrival of Izumi.

The crane walked with as much dignified grace as the sand would allow, her expression skeptical but intrigued.

She voiced her concerns - naturally, as any leader would - but seemed keen to learn more.

"私は祭りがパックにお互いについての詳細を学ぶための良い機会を与えるだろうと思います," he mused outwardly, voicing an unusual willingness to socialize. It made sense - if these were to be his future pack-mates, then he should learn their names to their faces and begin making mental assessments of each.


Osamu paused for a moment. "私も、あなたのスカウトの努力を聞きたいと思います。 私は遠くを旅しましたが、ほとんどの土地はすでに主張されています-この島は例外です。"

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[Image: W25Me6H.png]
11-23-2022, 04:39 PM

A celebration to bring them together? Aika smiled, dipping her own head in a sign of approval after Izumi bumped her own against her little sisters neck; “私の唯一の懸念は探査で最初に解決しようとしているだろうが、私は家の温暖化パーティーは正確に傷つけることはないだろうと言うだろう。” Oh, that was true, she supposed; having a party while everyone was still trying to get sorted. She looked out over the blue, night-sky waves. This would be their new home, wow. Maybe the formation could wait for a bit while they were having their tropical island party.

Osamu then voiced his opinions; "私は祭りがパックにお互いについての詳細を学ぶための良い機会を与えるだろうと思います," “お前らには同感だが、泉はできない。 . . わからない . . ちょっと待って? 私たちは私たちのクールな素晴らしい島のパーティーを持っている間?” She beamed, bringing out her pleading puppy dog eyes for a moment, until the two spoke again; “それでも、私は好奇心が強いです。 これまで島を探索してきた中で、他に何を見つけましたか、ほのか?” Her sister spoke, and Osamu quickly piped in.

"私も、あなたのスカウトの努力を聞きたいと思います。 私は遠くを旅しましたが、ほとんどの土地はすでに主張されています-この島は例外です。" Huh, it seemed Honoka was doing a by far better job than her, though nonetheless, she was proud instead of jealous, even though Aika liked to believe that she put in some hard work, too . . . She gave a mental sigh, though a smile remained on her face as she looked at the roan woman. She looked . . . so young. “ほのかさん、教えてください!”

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日本 & Common
Misc Skill
11-23-2022, 04:51 PM (This post was last modified: 11-23-2022, 04:52 PM by Honokaa.)

The presence of the Empress causes Honoka to freeze, then bow deeply. Reverence is to be expected, and Honoka's a stickler for order. Let it not be said that she's a slouch! She takes the scolding with a bit of embarrassment. "<Of course, I was to propose this when we were more settled,>" she says, keeping her head bowed slightly. "<But as he says,>" for she doesn't quite know Osamu's name and she's kicking herself for not knowing it, "<it would be a good way to introduce the new and the old. For there are some faces I don't quite know among this group! And surely you cannot blame me for wanting an easy way to learn them.>" She adds, a little quieter, "<And it helps me a bit, to think in terms of things I'm quite good at. Organization is my best suit, I think, and I am no great warrior who can establish our borders.>"

But the topic of discovery comes up, and she thinks along the thoughts of her island. "<I found a clearing of trees up there, in the forest. If you'd like, I can show you it. I think it would make a good meeting grounds, and a place to hold the Dynasty's discussions. Then there are other, shadier copses I've found that could serve as solitary places for meditation, training, or perhaps even birthing, should anyone have children. Further inland, the ground should be easier to dig into and make dens for sleeping in, or for finding shelter during a storm.>" She's already planning out the details in her mind; it's the least she can do, when she's not good at fighting or ranging.

Regardless, she stands, ready to leave in case anyone would like to see the clearing. "<The clearing, by the way, even has a felled tree for a speaker to stand upon. It seems a rather convenient place.>"
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"Speaking Common"
"<Speaking Japanese>"
11-23-2022, 05:31 PM

One could say Izumi had grown overly protective as of late....and you wouldn't be completely wrong. She was still trying to get the hang of forming what was soon to be theirs, and the crane was adamant that everyone was as safe as possible during the process of that. Her anxieties were at an all time high -- she did not wish to loose her clan to misfortune again. Yet she kept those anxieties at bay, hidden in place with the confidence she'd need to lead and not cause worry in others.

A sigh left her chest and her dark eyelids would close, seeking serenity in her thoughts instead of the jumbled "what ifs" that were causing her mind unease. Perhaps it was better to put a little faith in Honoka, along with the rest of her packmates if they were to work together. The last thing the cranebird wish to do was to loose them to her own smothering based upon irrational fears -- and besides, Honoka had worked close beside her mother during the clan's reign, so it might've only been natural that she knew of this kind of stuff.

She could practically feel Aika's puppy eyes boaring into the side of her head, so bright that she swore that they emitted UV rays, and Izumi's own lavender gaze trailed off to the side as if to avoid impact at all costs. “分かった分かった その目で私を見るな..” the crane mumbled to her sister, in reluctant agreement to the possibility, but more of a plead to direct "the s t a r e" away from her. A little gathering during formation....wouldn't hurt anyone, right?

“私たちの古い遺産や伝統の新人を教える機会さえあるかもしれません.” she added to encourage the woman, now a little on board with the idea (or dipping a toe within the waters, at the very least.). An island territory was new to her, and so were the flora and fauna that might've been native -- what was safe to them, what was harmful, and what they'd need to avoid. “私たちが回らない限り、ええと。..私たちが慣れていない奇妙なものに触れる.”. She nearly sounded like a mother watching her kids at a grocery store, without even noticing.

Though the cranebird couldn't help but be impressed by just how much Honoka had already explored -- the brunette swiftly reminded Izumi exactly why she used to be the Empress's second hand. A chuff of approval casted towards her efforts thus far. “やっぱりほのかさんを疑うのは間違っていたのかもしれません。
the crane admitted. She then looked between Osamu, and then Aika, before stepping some distance closer towards the flower maiden.


Note: Ranger

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[Image: IZumi1.png]
11-29-2022, 04:26 PM (This post was last modified: 11-29-2022, 04:26 PM by Osamu.)
Honoka wasted no time, despite her initial hesitation, in outlining the many helpful details of the surrounding landscape. He wasn't sure how long she had been here, but the woman had clearly had enough time to scope out a range of useful sites for their potential future needs.

Up to, and including, it seemed, the prospect of future litters, and it dawned upon the samurai that pack life would likely entail children within his proximity. He was already about as jovial as a two-by-four with the stare to match, and he had never enjoyed much opportunity to be around them in general - but perhaps it might not be so bad.

If he began their training young, they would surely blossom into fine warriors.

"私は藤原氏の伝統を学ぶことに興味があります," he said, his voice low and soft so as not to rudely interrupt. "特に彼らはすぐに私のものになるので、同様に。"

There was a certain finality that washed over him as he said the words, realizing with a start that this was it. He was joining a pack - he was committing himself, body and soul, to the wellbeing of a collective unit, including the ladies whose company he presently enjoyed. It seemed surreal.

A life alone - relegated to a soon-distant memory.

He nodded silently in agreement with Izumi, wordlessly expressing his desire to scout the grounds with them.

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[Image: W25Me6H.png]
11-29-2022, 04:57 PM

“分かった分かった その目で私を見るな...” Another win for Aika, of course, and she hummed triumphantly, sitting back on her haunches as she awaited the rest to speak. Aika felt like a child amongst all the other, quite more mature adults before her, though she and Izumi were two of the eldest. The lady remained placid as they discussed back and forth, seemingly coming to an agreement. “私たちが回らない限り、ええと。..私たちが慣れていない奇妙なものに触れる.” She chuckled.

“臆病者になるなシスター!” Aika grinned brightly, not really understanding how the term 'wuss' could be offensive, especially against the new empress, but that new empress was also her sister, and though Aika was a pacifist, she most certainly wasn't going to just snivel and bow! “やっぱりほのかさんを疑うのは間違っていたのかもしれません。そして、おそらく私はあなたが私にあなたが訪問した場所を示す気になるだろう、どちらか。” She took this as her cue to leave, so standing and bringing herself back, she'd cast a few more curious looks.

Was she needed any longer? Hm? Aika cleared her throat; “もういらなくなったら今行くわ。” She smiled politely with a small nod. Maybe she could go explore the Isle now, if they didn't mind her departure . . .

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日本 & Common
12-07-2022, 01:48 PM
Seems that her skills will be appreciated. With a smile, Honoka stands and starts heading up the beach. "<Very well. Feel free to follow me, then.>" She'll show them the entire island if she can, though she's not sure the tour will keep all of them on their toes...

Thread Complete, continued here

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