10-26-2022, 11:28 AM
FUNNY REUNION TIME: ACTIVATE! backdaing to 10/12/22 in accordance with The Trial™, as @Hank, @Ghidorah, & @Sindri are stationed in the Moors. Tagging @Cassian too ofc, him being Doc's travel bud. ♥
He was pointed northwards, so northwards he would go. There were so many packs around here, it was overwhelming. So far, there'd been no sign of Hank, which was ironically perturbing, given his track record. But Doc soldiered on, circling around the main mountain range that made up this stretch of land.
So far from the southern border of The Edge now, snow dusted the ground here. In spite of the frost, life persisted— thrived even, for the rolling landscape was covered in a dense carpet of violet flowers. It did snow in the northern reaches of Nevada, but most Nevadeans had never experienced it before. Doc was an exception. There was a notable chill that he felt even through his dense, wiry fur. The cold was an unfamiliar sensation, previously being a desert dweller. Doc wasn't fond of it, but having a built in winter coat made it tolerable.
... And if he didn't like it, Hank certainly didn't, either. It was this judgment that led him to go no further north. Only if his search remained unfruitful elsewhere would he venture towards The Edge's northern border. He had to use something to guide his course, and he had little but his intimate knowledge of the man he knew in a past life.
His sensitive nose caught wind of a small group nearby, towards which he shuffled. Maybe they could point him in the right direction.
the staff team luvs u