10-07-2022, 02:35 PM
looking for any in Shadowcast
Wolves of Empyrean were dominating wolves ; they were a neutral party who was self-reliant on what made them stronger, and protective of not only their family, and claim. It was apparent that they would not be too pleased by any who would settle nearby, and as Ara was doing her rounds, her nose had caught the whiff of some wolves.. At first she thought it was but a band, and then she noticed there was a remaining tribe of sorts within these forests.
Too close, to her liking, perhaps even too close for @Hydra to like. However the daredevil yet to report this, instead she prowled down from the mountains herself to investigate these fellows. They were claiming far too close to Empyrean. She had a strong, steady movement, her head high within a dominating pride as she moved toward, seeking to find out what their intentions are within this forest.
the staff team luvs u