Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore

Late Evening
09-13-2022, 10:33 AM (This post was last modified: 09-13-2022, 10:33 AM by Erebus.)

He stalked along, belly as close to the ground as he could get it. Dark form only a shadow that crept, over rock and through grass alike.
The man stayed closed to the borders of a forest, eyes prowling and scanning the treeline and the surrounding fields.

Deer would often come out from the woods at this time, to eat at young grasses in the fields. His nose sniffed wildly and while remnants of odd creatures here and there, he still searched for something larger. Something big and fat. Something to take home to Haldis and feed that beautiful queen.

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09-13-2022, 02:56 PM

Corvus was a creature who lived in the present. Soon after awakening in unfamiliar lands, he dusted himself off, picked a direction, & started walking. He did remember his past, but bloody & painful as it was, he didn't want to.

So he simply didn't dwell on it.

Exiting the woods that cradled his new body, he wandered into seemingly endless hilly plains. Tending to his basal needs was his only goal right now, so securing a meal was his plan. Nose to the air, he let his legs carry him towards the hodgepodge of prey, both big & small. He also picked up that of another wolf, but they had yet to be seen. So, though composed & hardly concerned, the beast within kept its finger hovering over the hair-trigger.

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When tagging, tag "@Vlad".
09-14-2022, 10:31 AM

A creature crept, some length behind Erebus when he stopped to turn and look. It was no deer, it's form much like his own in slinky darkness.

His fiery orange eyes only observed, not wanting to make a sound too loud for risk of alerting any prey nearby.

Instead he just stood, staring, like a creep, until they noticed him.

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09-18-2022, 02:57 PM
The movement of a dark figure was the only thing alerting him to its presence. Lifting his head, amber met amber. Mere moments in this world, and he was already staring down his doppelgänger— the only immediate distinguishing feature being the white wings marring his own chest, belying his bastard lineage. It appeared he'd stumbled upon the wolf he'd scented.

Daring to step closer, though a master at appearing outwardly calm, Corvus kept his wits about him. Muscles coiled tightly beneath skin and vantablack fur despite his lidded eyes and cheshire grin. Because if this man was anything like him, he had reason to be prepared for a fight at the drop of a hat.

“Out hunting as well?” He struck up simply.

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When tagging, tag "@Vlad".
09-22-2022, 06:54 PM

Having caught his attention, Erebus now inspected them closer.

A fine beast, this man would make, though that white spot caught the prince's eyes. He fixated and stared, the longer he did made a deeper and more noticeable frown on his face.


This land knew not any purity, it seemed. At least not very much.


The man's words were short, though his body spoke of malintent. Erebus began to stalk around, eyes latched onto the creature before him.
Erebus was still healing, and in no mood to fight, so showed barely a sign to lunge. Though he hoped to intimidate, or at the very least unsettle.
It was seldom often Erebus would overlook a pale spot, though one's character can sway his mood. He tested this man, to see if any worthy spirit still lingered in such a broken lineage.

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09-26-2022, 07:06 AM
Corvus didn't understand the other man's fixation with the white on his chest. Was he miffed that it made them different? The man began to circle after answering with a 'yes', implying he was hunting for lupines and that Corvus would do. He almost scoffed.

His fresh injuries did not escape Corvus' trained eye. Thus, he was hardly concerned, holding his ground while he tucked his chin into the wiry mane of his neck. All the while, his eyes trailed his sinister other self, calm yet calculating. He wasn't particularly itching for a fight at the moment, but as part of his strange inner code, he could not deny a challenge. But, whether they danced was on what this stranger chose.

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When tagging, tag "@Vlad".
09-27-2022, 01:34 PM

The man's fiery orange stared into the other's of similar fire. What it would look like to view himself in a mirror, had he not been born of the highest family. It was a strange feeling.

"Do you have a family name?" He offered, some way of a hand of mercy. Perhaps a bastard child of a respected house? At least then he would be more willing to hold his fangs.

For a moment he dreamt of Nefertari's suggestion. Subservience from the pale and white spotted. Though Erebus wondered if any creature of that sort would be worthy enough to be that close to him. He'd like to get to know better this creature, for the possibility that he could put them to better use in the future. Though it was likely that seldom any would have the correct temperament.

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09-29-2022, 10:06 AM (This post was last modified: 09-29-2022, 10:14 AM by Vlad.)
His question was unexpected, and Corvus pondered whether he wanted to give him an answer or not. In his past life, he didn't remember who he was before and was raised by a single mother. She had never told him her family name, so he essentially lacked one. But now, after awakening in this new world, memories spanning multiple lifetimes had flooded back into his mind. It was a violent recollection, crashing into his psyche all at once like a tsunami wave that he could not stop. But Corvus pulled himself back to the surface the same way he always did, then proceeded to bury these memories six feet under again. It was the only way he could bear the pain.

He did have a surname, one he was proud to bear. For he was once a king who struck fear into the hearts of many, later a count who did the same. So though bittersweet, maybe it would give him some sort of leverage here. “Dracula,” He finally offered. “Why?”

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When tagging, tag "@Vlad".
10-05-2022, 07:23 PM

The man tsked loudly, looking visibly disappointed. He had never heard that house before. Unfortunate.
"Ah, that's too bad. Out of all the impure creatures on this land, you would've made the most useful."
Erebus rolled his eyes and eased his tension, though kept his burning eyes intensely watching the other. If only he could beat this man into submission he would. What a good servant he would likely make. Though his wounds still burned at every step, and tearing them back open wasn't in his best interest.

That Harper woman would have her way with him if he had to go to her for help again. Though he did enjoy the pain.

He shook the thought from his head. It wasn't very becoming if he got all hot and bothered in front of this stranger.

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10-06-2022, 09:09 AM
He had no idea what this man was on about, what he wanted, or why his family name mattered, and his vague manner of speaking was beginning to irk him. Corvus gave him a quizzical look. He could have defended his family name, because it was laughable that this snob was so egocentric that he thought only families he was aware of meant anything. But ultimately, the stranger's opinion mattered none. He wasn't worth the wasted breath.

Walking off, Corvus said, “Well, if that's all, I've got hunting to do.” He appeared to pay the man no mind, though he kept an ear out for any sudden movements in case he decided Corvus would make a fine meal, after all. He would be proven wrong; and in fact, the tables may turn. For he was The Count Dracula, and eating his own kind was nothing new to him— regardless of his form.

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When tagging, tag "@Vlad".
10-12-2022, 02:52 AM

The stranger was dismissive, which furthered the broiling and simmering temper that began to rise in the man.
"I hope it kicks you in the face." He grumbled, too making a turn to leave.
Unable to fight, even though he so wanted to.

To knock some sense into the other would please him, but putting himself at risk would be stupid.

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