Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

kid gloves

Afternoon Overcast
09-19-2022, 11:24 AM
ooc; nikki is not over the border, for reference. for @Archon

It was nice to see friends. Old and new, both were special. She looked forward to meeting more of Duskguard but would gladly respect their border. Another day had come, half over already, and she was back. Lady Olive said some in the Vale would be interested in fortunes, but if not... Nikki was just happy enough to share words with others.

She walked quietly to the border, looking up and down, spotting a yearling. She greeted him kindly, chuffing out a hello, and waited for an acknowledgment. Nikki was not looking for his full attention. If he was busy, she'd move on. The Vale was a huge place; she was only on the border. There had to be others around. The point was; did Lady Olive tell the others about her?

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09-20-2022, 02:21 PM
^^Lady Olive, otherwise known as Ma, had told the others all about the nice lady who told these things called fortunes. They sounded interesting and magical — yet not really on the same page as Zombies — and Archon, of course, wanted to know more.

Would this lady have the answers that Archon was looking for? Or was that something he had to find deep within himself? He had hoped that she would, because finding anything deep within himself sounded like a load of crap.

So, off he went, to the border; it was his place to be, anyway; to sing a song or two, but he found the girl’s scent — well, he had assumed it was hers, cus it was a new scent, and she had greeted him before he had even seen her.

He would make a terrible guard or spy.

He lifted his head and wagged his tail.

“Are you Nickie? The, uh, nice lady at the border, who tells things of.. another time?”
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09-20-2022, 05:06 PM
The young man greeted her back, asking if she was the person going around doing fortunes. She smiled kindly, nodding. "Nikita" she said slowly but "I do prefer Nikki - my actual name is a bit of a handful!" The woman winked playfully, sticking out a tongue "but yes, I can read fortunes."

She wondered what sort of items he would bring her... "Do you want one done?" Of course he did, or else he wouldn't look a bit excited about it! "bring me four items in total. From anywhere. You must feel a pull from them. A sort of... leap in your chest when you look at them. You'll know their worth."

She paused. "I'll be here, waiting." Just in case he thought she was trying to get rid of him.

the staff team luvs u
09-24-2022, 08:52 PM
^^Not even two seconds into meeting the new pretty lady, Archon had already fucked it up. Got the name wrong and everything, but she had corrected him in a manner that didn’t make him feel bad, so that was good.

She winked at him and stuck her tongue out, and Archon smiled nervously. She told him to bring her items, items that leap in his chest. The only thing he thought he could bring was Hawking himself.

He offered a soft little ‘hmm’ at her with the nod of her head and the wag of her tail. He could bring her Bam Bam, and and… some Hawking fur, and his own fur, and… what else? It wasn’t like Hawking had ever… given him anything. Perhaps he had kept something from the boars? He would have to go looking in their den.

“Uhh, okay! I’ll be right back! D-don’t go anywhere! ”

And off he went, rubbing back to their shared den.

as the marvel folks like to say: archon will return. (in this thread.)

the staff team luvs u
09-26-2022, 02:20 PM
ooc; pp approved by akando to say he's returned
for sanity; items involved are one antler, two mouthfuls of fur (wolf and deer), one piece of velvet
cards are drawn; death (self), temperate (past), the fool (present) and the hierophant (future)
She brightly smiled when the youth returned, bringing with him an interesting collection of items. She knew these to be from his den since it smelt strongly of him - but there was another scent here too. She watched as Archon placed the items before her. Instinct drew her immediately to the antler - or 'Bam Bam'. Why did it draw her in such a way? Ah, yes. Death.

"Oh, how nice" she chimed absently. Death represented many things, but often in one's self it was a good thing "you have gone through many changes in your young life. Relationships have come and gone, but you stand strong in what you have currently" Duskguard and his current connections, of course, she pawed the wolf fur "it is good to want balance and harmony."

The same could be said for many.

She focused on the deer fur next. "But sometimes when you feel the need to look at the future... You can be afraid of making the wrong decisions. This... is important to you" Nikki placed a paw carefully on the deer fur "but you also feel you don't have some control over your feelings. Are you influenced by the norm? Or what you perceive to be normal? You are uncertain. This, you focus on. Slow down and..." Her eyes drifted to the velvet.

"Don't feel too upset at others' potential and personal opinions of you and your decisions." Because not everyone approves. Not everyone gets along. She didn't expect a glean into a personal wave of feelings, but perhaps Archon gave her a subtle hint. This deer fur was important, so the animal was important to him. Perhaps, though she hadn't met the deer, the individual was important to him. In a subtle, nudging way... She was saying Archon was valid.

the staff team luvs u
09-30-2022, 07:36 PM
^^Archon hadn’t really known what to bring; he hadn’t really been prepared, otherwise he would have found her with the items on hand paw to begin with! He had to back petal a few times, because he kept dropping things, but alas, he had returned and explained what each of the items were, saving Bam Bam for last, of course.

The golden antler, taken straight from the golden buck himself, whom had later become Archon’s bestest friend and his entire world. So when the lady told him about love, without Archon even asking a question, Archon’s eyes went wide as he listened.

He listened to her, watching the way she moved; the paw on the fur as she spoke. He had not told her about the importance of these items. Just that it had been ‘some deer fur’ and she’d taken it and ran with it, in the right direction.

Slow down, and don’t care about what others feel. He nodded softly, slowly putting a paw on her paw, and scooting Bam Bam back towards him.

“O-oh, uh… thank you. How did you get into… the telling of the future?”

the staff team luvs u
09-30-2022, 10:29 PM

Nikki mused, leaning back on her rear. She raised a paw to her chin, rubbing it casually. How does one get into reading fortunes and such? She had picked this skill up just as casually, on the road. It didn't sound very impressive though, despite it being the truth. A brief moment of confusion entered her grey eyes.

"I don't remember what started it, truly" she confessed to Archon "I just know I traveled around, doing odd jobs from time to time. Eventually, I picked it up. But I cannot gleam into the future without first scrying into the past, the self, and the present. It messes up the reading." She lowered her paw.

She gestured to the items. "Energy flows and ebbs into each one. A connection to your very soul, since the items are personal to you subconsciously" and then "I think you need a sort of understanding for it to work. So even when I just picked up fortune telling... It wouldn't work. Does that make sense?"

the staff team luvs u
10-11-2022, 07:24 PM
^^Archon blinked as he listened to her, still recalling her entire fortune to him for a moment. It hadn’t really answered questions, but then again, was it supposed to? She spoke of odd jobs. He frowned in confusion.

“What makes a job… odd?”

He glanced to the things he’d given her. There was energy in them, that held a connection? He wiggled his nose, uncertain.

“Hm. Yeah, I guess so.”

It didn’t really, but that was okay.

the staff team luvs u
10-11-2022, 07:33 PM
"Hmm. An odd job is something that you take to survive" He was still too young to dampen, and she didn't want to bring him down "it isn't really your, ah, area of expertise. Mine is fortunes, mythology, and stargazing. An 'odd job' for me is anything with labor. Fighting, hunting... Something that isn't interesting to you but you do anyway. Does that make sense, Archon?" She tilts her head at him.

She could tell she was losing him, that her fortune was on his mind still. "It's okay to ask questions — though I don't know what sort of answer I'll give but an answer I know" Nikki adds kindly. Take it with a grain of salt, if you will! "so it's all about different perspectives and experiences. Mine are different than others in Duskguard." She smiles at him, wagging her tail. Maybe it was time to go... He was deep in thought still.

"I'll be around for a few days though" she adds as she rises "if you want to talk, or want another fortune told?"

the staff team luvs u
10-11-2022, 07:40 PM
^^Archon blinked at her with the tilt of his head. Why were they called odd jobs if it wasn’t… odd? If they were only done to survive..? That didn’t make sense, but he didn’t want to pretend like he knew everything.

She mentioned another fortune and he smiled weakly. He didn’t have another four items. He nodded his head anyway. “Alright. I’ll see you around then?”

And then he bid her farewell and gathered his Bam Bam, to head back to his den, with her fortune still on his mind.

/ exit archon
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