Her brothers were gross, she didn't like @Alder, just because she didn't, and @Dimitri as such a mama's boys who was an butt-kisser. Everytime he spoke she would mimic his voice in a mockery, because he was a weak annoyance in general. Her sisters were.. Weirdos, at least @Sreda kept to herself. Maybe Violet was jealous of @Narcissa because it almost seemed like the light followed her, so she was automatically hated too.
And her aunt sucked, was a mean to a child! Why defend against a gross, hairy beast then to agree with the cute niece? She was maidenless, and husbandless for a reason ; no one wanted her, a leftover amongst her mothers who found themselves then any other.
In general, Violet was a nasty, nasty lil pup.
She was outside the den, brooding, complaining, and dying her little paws. Splattering the berries on the ground and decorating her little tip toes while being angry at everyone around her. At least she was pretty.
the staff team luvs u