09-18-2022, 10:50 PM
Black sand underfoot.
The impression left of paw prints trailed.
Gnarled, twisted, sea-beaten trees bent and bowed. Branches barren and bare. Dark angry pieces of driftwood washed ashore. The waves lapping and crashing. Foaming, frothing. White against dark grey.
Sea birds circled overhead.
Sparse and few in between.
“Moon-eyes!” He barked, at her, over the crashing and colliding of waves.
His paws and legs dark, wet, and damp.
Black sand clung to his lower legs.
The impression left of paw prints trailed.
Gnarled, twisted, sea-beaten trees bent and bowed. Branches barren and bare. Dark angry pieces of driftwood washed ashore. The waves lapping and crashing. Foaming, frothing. White against dark grey.
Sea birds circled overhead.
Sparse and few in between.
“Moon-eyes!” He barked, at her, over the crashing and colliding of waves.
His paws and legs dark, wet, and damp.
Black sand clung to his lower legs.
the staff team luvs u