Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

in protection, reason

Afternoon Partly Cloudy
09-01-2022, 07:49 AM
Coming to see @Vendrussel. Please let @Krakarak respond first.

It had not been an easy journey. 

After so many days spent flying, her wings hurt. Why did wolves seem to believe that birds could fly without end; did they not tire too, as did other creatures made of muscle and sinew? Across the tundra she flew, upon the wind, upon a deed ushered by the great northern priestess @Olive, to deliver a message that legs alone could not handle. Even though Lounatuuli had not ever left the forest she inhabited in the mountains, she sailed forth.

It was quite an adventure — and, she had a travel partner. The pale priestess hadn't known the location of Dragonford specifically and could only give vague directives leading her towards the coast; it was upon her own thin shoulders to find the location of Vendrussel and deliver the news. The priestess had known the location of Northfall, and said there she would find further directives, and perhaps a secondary mouthpiece, since the charge was issued from Northfall themselves.

The owl spread her wings wide, and sailed to a branch that hovered low to the ground, but felt high enough to be appropriate. She twisted her wide face 'round and waited for her companion, a crass fellow cloaked in all ink and darkness, to confirm that this was the right time and place; and, of course, to show her how a bird might possibly call for the attention of a wolf. 

the staff team luvs u
09-08-2022, 05:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-08-2022, 05:44 PM by Krakarak.)
 Normally he might be a little miffed to be sent on a journey to Dragonford but seeing as there was drama brewing, he was far too happy to oblige. Anything to stir the pot a little. He would happily carry a message to the wolves of the isle on behalf of the wolven king, he'd travel wherever necessary for his dearest Ragnar.

 It was probably a good thing that Lounatuuli --uugghh, owls and their weird names!-- was with him. His raven tribe always looked at owls as being pompous but he was enjoying her company enough. Her feathers were nice enough to watch, gold and white, like some sort of shimmering jewels. Very pretty. Not as pretty as his own black and purple, but up there. He was all too happy to finally talk to another bird and happily chatted here and there in his native tongue with her until they arrived.

 He perched on the branch next to her, grinning a little smugly as she glanced over at him. "Счэе всэеа усшг удвэея оди ь угсвел," Here he winked. "Уьшъгр шгся ся гду щдк ъьвв шгепл" And then, he lifted his beak high and did what he did best. Let out a loud raucous caw, several of them. Far too deep to be a crow's and ominous in their own right.

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"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
09-10-2022, 11:15 AM
It wasn't unusual to see birds at the isle, they flocked to it rather, specifically usually seagulls only and occasionally something like a hawk of eagle. Hearing a raven of sorts cawing in the distance caused her to turn her head. Vendrussel was sorting through the caches, it usually always reaked of fish that tended to rot faster then the mammals. No one really liked when they weren't fresh either, but trying to hunt other then that was often a hassle. They'd have to resort to the brim, and hauling the prizes over — by finding the ghost path it could be easier, but it was still quite a hassle to drag something large over the stones. '

Discarding what was rot, she took a break to curiously go forth — to see that exact raven on the isle, and an owl as well. Something about that raven was awfully familiar.. Vendrussel only stepped in Northfall once, to bring back Ynness. Although there was rather chaotic moment, she vaguely remembered a raven hovering near, if not helping. Obviously so, she could not tell if this was the same one, but it was simply strange to see one comfortably with an owl.

She looked at them, on the tree, and raised a brow.

the staff team luvs u
09-16-2022, 09:57 PM
He was crass, but not entirely unpleasant. The thing about always having stayed within her colony was that she didn't know much of what existed beyond, and in this realm, the raven seemly exceedingly worldly. It was strangely comforting to have another to rely on, despite that other heralding from those who had issued the impending charge. She wasn't used to roosting alone, and hadn't looked forward to it on the front leg of her long trek.

At least this part was over, now that they had reached the lands that appears out of the sea. To her, it was the stuff of legends. 

The male flapped down next to her, gloating wildly in their own avian tongue, and Lounatuuli could only respond with a click and small chuckle, then shrug of her thin shoulders. Almost as if in response, he released his defining caw, and Lounatuuli felt utterly silenced until a wolf appeared in the general vicinity, eventually coming to stare right at them. The soft feathers on her chest rising, she pivoted her head to blink at Krakarak, then forward again.
"We come bearing a message for Vendrussel of Dragonford Isles.” she said rather plainly, swallowing thickly and settling heavily onto her perch. 

She would much rather be home.

the staff team luvs u
09-19-2022, 12:12 PM
 Theeerree was one of those filthy Dragon wolves. He didn't know this one's name --it was some stupid, frilly wolf-sounding thing-- but he knew her face and knew she was the ringleader. Even after the owl spoke her name, he made no effort to really remember it.

 His companion started in first and then after she finished, he chimed in, "You called for trial! Krakaw! Wolves in north call you to the court! Krak! To be judged for crimes of hatchling-murder!" He grinned wickedly, as if he were already imagining her being ripped apart by her fellows with her entrails out for him to feast upon. "You go to Elsewhen. Krak! To be judged!" He flared his wings, loving feeling all ominous and dramatic.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
09-19-2022, 01:51 PM
"Who sends this message?" They spoke — Vendrussel sat down and raised her head to look at them placidly as she awaited for them to continue, but the raven skipped no beat to announce what was. She had heard no news of the wolves she spoke to and their desire to mend the situation : and wondered if she would ever see them on the battlefield, as a few seemed quite close to Northfall itself. It railed against her mind whether she truly was to fight the north or the fall, and hoped not — for more blood would be spilled. An eye rose to the sounds of court, a trial to be headed..

"Elsewhen?" she muttered, "is there a time when this will occur?" Directly so, Vendrussel looked at them both as she knew not who would tell the information first. The raven seemed content for her be spilled, but she wondered — "and will this court conduct how Northfall has been as well? They have recent done an ambush upon myself, and brought an innocent into the fight." Her tail lashed lightly, she wanted to point out that while all of this has done.. They were bringing others into it. She was fully expecting a war, but a court to be.. A part of her knew how wholly she had been. There was no question nor' was there a refute against her own actions toward the mass. She was to await what would happen.. But would it be judged fairly, on not only herself, but them?

She would need to hear more of the details, and to inform the pack shortly after.

the staff team luvs u
09-28-2022, 06:28 AM (This post was last modified: 09-28-2022, 06:28 AM by Lounatuuli.)
Lountuuli craned her head effortlessly to look at the raven beside her as he pass on his message. It wasn't a glorious or exceedingly happy letter they bore, but their dispatch was valuable to the respective packs that they both served. He shared the information in a concise manner, and for the first time, the barn owl looked upon the seawolf with a glimmer of disdain. A murderer, she seemed to be. Even in owl society, her clan, such an offense was condemnable. 

But not all situations were so simple and easy to figure out, she nodded and blinked as she listened to the charged woman offer offenses of her own. Louna edged closed to the raven on the branch once his wings refolded, stowing away his corvid gesticulations.
"The charges have been levied by the pack of Northfall," she explained, offering depth to the situation before them. "I, myself, hail from Duskguard," Now it was her turn to press a feathered wing to her chest. "...and the court includes a representative from all packs of the north." Of these, the owl knew relatively little. This was her first time venturing from her crowded woods, after all. 

A briny wind blew, pushing past her sensitive nose and causing the down beneath her feathers to rise. Now, she almost repeated the words from the Priestess @Olive verbatim.
"It is a time for all voices in the matter to be heard and held in equal verity. Select one representative from your own faction to serve in your own judgement, as well." As to the question of when, the answer was obscure and amorphous. Something for the Gods to decide, the Priestess had said —and Louna agreed. "At the tail-end of summer, when the leaves of the south turn jaundiced, but the sentinels stay ever-green." and her eyes stayed upon Vendrussel, wondering what other wishes or questions this poor, condemned thing might have of them.

the staff team luvs u
11-01-2022, 04:39 PM
 "Krakarak is The Watcher of Northfall. He accompany Lounatuuli to bring this news. Krakakaw!" He fell silent then and let the golden owl speak. Ah, she was so eloquent and so flowery with such a firm grasp on the wolf's stupid language. In a wolf he might have found this annoying but from her? He marveled at her smooth words and cadence. And then, the wolf spoke, acting as if she was innocent and as if they were the one at fault. He clacked his beak together, clearly displeased at her words as he glared down at her. "Northfall not murder pups. Krak! That you, pup-killer!" And everyone would see just how awful and terrible she was! Not that he particularly cared at who's guilt was who's... he was on the right side, like always.

 "Bring your words! Krakaw! Speak them to all! Krak! But all will see who you are!" And he arched his wings, glaring down at her severely. Such arrogance to even think that anyone would listen to her. Pah! He would hope that they'd have her killed, then he'd have all sorts of tasty tasty food to eat.

the staff team luvs u

"Speaking in Common Tongue"
"Язеьнсхж сх Иьэех ШдхжкебФсиа Шдхжке!"
11-01-2022, 04:54 PM
Vendrussel ignored the rattering bird ; the one that was now assured came from Northfall's claim, not something she was idly imaging. Though she did think it was strange how involved was, especially when birds were one's who tended to be more brutal then wolves sometimes — especially owls who swooped in to eat the smallest morsel and baby bird. Although unphased the other one was, continually and smoothly retaining info to give to the Alpha who silently waited and listened with each word.

"I will be bringing the entire pack," so the dragoness announced, "our decisions are always unified, and each have a right to attend. To the oldest, to the smallest." Although curious on who else may attend, she thought she would see it once arrived. Calmly as she was answering, looking at the owl of Duskguard with a vigor and certainty in her voice ; nothing to shake from the decision that she knew would be questionable by the bounds of others.. But from the beginning to the end, the Ford was one and a whole, and the decisions and retributions would be faced together, and evermore.

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