Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

dead and awake.

Midnight Sunny/Clear
09-07-2022, 06:48 PM
the conditions of which Akuji enters canis has been staff approved. also, this thread is located within the sub-territory of Elkshire, known as Rosehip Isle. No characters were harmed in the making of this thread ~

All Akuji could remember was the feeling of misery. The type of misery that seemed to touch into this soul, and sometimes, he wondered if that’s what all this had been. A misery, so deep and so contagious that Mother Earth had grown sick. The heat had been so terribly dry, that even their largest rivers had turned to stone with time. The changes hadn’t been noticeable at first; not noticeable until it was too late.

Their rivers and their lakes, getting smaller by the day until there was nothing left. They began to ration who got water, and how much — but in the end, it hadn’t mattered. The misery and the heat, with the lack of water brought a new worry.


Pretty to look at, but it came with its own heat; a heat so hungry that it burned and devoured everything in its path. Akuji could still hear the screams of its victims as it ate and burned them alive.

There had been no evacuation plan that Akuji knew of or that had been discussed with him. No one had been prepared for the worst — they had no reason to be. The fires brought a new type of instant panic; the type of ‘instant’ that you didn’t even need water for.

It was easy to get lost in a panicking crowd, when everyone else was out to save their own skin, even if it meant trampling and climbing over others. With the fire closing in, Akuji was among the last group of canines to abandon their home; the screams of the fire were too loud for Akuji to hear the warnings.

He ran right into a tar pit that had already engulfed several other members of his pack, and the faster he struggled; the faster he would sink. And if sinking wasn’t enough, the fire had reached him.

…who knew that tar was so flammable?


It was a little past midnight and the stars were shining bright. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, but there was something else. Something big; something coming in hot and ready — like Little Ceasar’s Pizza.

Anyone who might have taken the chance to glance up might have been it. A meteor, having broken apart from a small meteor shower — headed straight for Quadrant 17, section 005, area 51; a planet called…


The meteor, or Cabal Drop Pod, descended quickly; dissolving upon contact; leaving an unnatural skidmark in its wake, and destroying everything in its path. The ground shook upon impact; creating what might have felt like a mini earthquake, followed by the sounds of the crash, including the sounds of wreckage as it tore through trees and other things.

(focus on the drop pods that come from the sky)

Dissolving on impact, the only true evidence of the meteor-drop-pod was the skidmark, and any of those who had been in the area to watch the meteor dissolve. In its wake, was left a cloud of smoke; and there, in the center of it all…

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09-10-2022, 01:32 PM
Restless in the night, the Queen of Elkshire was watching the stars upon the Jawbone. The highest that she could reach that was near the crown, safely tucked in comfort as she hung on the edge and looked above. Comfort, in the silence that came and the twinkling of the stars, but now.. She noticed a shift, a tumbling of one that roamed so, but she realized it was coming awfully close that she rose to her paws and watched in a startle. It never landed to her, to say, but it did land somewhere near. Far too near. The smell of smoke lifted from the peaks that she was, and if she gazed down.. A familiar land that Celnes yet to truly explore, was where it was located.

Down the mountains she travelled, curiously stepping to what was this mysterious fallen star ; for what could it be? Never once had she seen an actually a star up close.. When they fall its always so far away, a shooting star that no one could touch. Lightly, unlocked the slightly childish and curious side that was locked away for the malicious and political way Celnes adapted — and there upon the isle, there was something there.

She stood back in a caution for a moment, watching.. Waiting, before deciding to cross.

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09-11-2022, 08:25 PM

The sounds of the meteor landing could not be mistaken; the ground shook briefly, and there was a thin cloud of black smoke that lingered as the meter disintegrated within itself. Had it been human, it might have said something along the lines of Mr Stark, I don’t feel so good.

Instead, there stood Akuji, stretching his paws outward and giving them a little wiggle, following suit with a big ol’ yawn and when his eyes opened to blink ahead, there stood, some distance away, and coming toward his general location — a female dressed in dark brown hues, much like his own, though lighter and more visibly brown than he, who only looked brown under the direct sunlight.

He looked to Celnes with an arched brow, in wonder if she was coming to him or simply passin' by. He decided he wouldn't let the opportunity pass. Pretty ladies don't go unnoticed with Akuji.

“You're just in time, dove. Would you like to come and join me, under the stars? It's a wonderful night to stargaze.”
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09-15-2022, 05:20 PM
A star had fallen, when she gazed back up, it was a still night. The sky was shinning brilliantly to the land, and reflected from the waters. It was even a clear day where no cloud would block the view as the moon continued to shine upon them. It was by no means a meteor shower, but caution laid for a falling star to directly lay upon Elkshire's doorstep. By her memory, Celnes doesn't think anyone has personally seen one.. Only rumors of what could be: a wolf running across the sky, a stray rock, a sign of a God crying — but she wasn't expecting anything.. Normal, to say the least.

But it was everything that was — a wolf. One that got up like all was nothing, and.. Flirted.

"You fell from the sky," her expression looked at him with a light chill, suspicious of who, or what he was. She was mighty intrigued, but this was unknown territory..

the staff team luvs u
09-17-2022, 03:50 PM (This post was last modified: 09-26-2022, 09:01 AM by Melchior.)
Out and exploring was something he did quite often, today being no different. He had gone a bit past Elkshire, wandering slightly further south than he usually did. Everything was going well when he heard some strange noise, sounding like something falling from the sky, then talking, like none of that happened. Curiosity got the better of him as he stalked forward, keeping to the shadows as he watched the two that spoke. Everything seemed strange but also rather calm and it put the monochrome man on edge. He didn't like it.

There he would wait and watch, only coming out if spotted. Of course, he wasn't trying to go far enough to hide his scent, simply staying within the shadows of the bushes, his white coat likely poking out in some ways.

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  • Common [#8e44ad]
  • Latin [#756771]
[Image: aa83f52e-6eaf-11ed-84e1-5f82d5ab0db4.gif]
09-22-2022, 06:03 PM
^^A star had fallen and out came Tyrael Akuji, completely unharmed; his fur completely skin and free of debris. Not a cloud in the sky, and yet, this woman was telling him that he’d fallen from the sky.

He flickered an ear, glancing up at the sky, and then back towards her. She hadn’t seemed too keen on his offer, so he sat down with the tilt of his head. “Oh, for real?” What else was he supposed to say?

He glanced down for a moment, and then he stood, to look over his coat. Clean as could be, which didn’t seem very accurate for someone who’d taken a fall, right?

“Well, I don’t feel like I took a fall..” Akuji mused, sitting back down.

“I don’t suppose you’d know where we are, then?”

the staff team luvs u
09-28-2022, 12:58 PM
He was awfully uncaring to the situation. Like he didn't simply fall from God's Grace and land into this hell-hole of an island, and seemed nothing more then but an indifference to it all. Something about it was displeasing, a wariness brought forth and yet also a curiosity, for what else would be a sign from the heavens, then a literal wolf falling from? Celnes gazed to the sky, awaiting for something more, anything, by the guide of the High Elk — a sign of surely more, or what to do with this strange wolf. But as always.. Silence, seemed to take over, and the only apparant being was ; ah, but perhaps not alone.

A smell filtered through the embers, as she took a look behind her shoulder to see white pulling through, a smell of an ally. She made sure to make eye-contact to wherever his head was, an acknowledgement that Celnes knew he was there. Then, turned back to the man, "You are in Primordial," would she dub so, "a land of unknown, but this part.. Claimed by Elkshire."

the staff team luvs u
10-03-2022, 05:33 PM
ik i'm uber late but ain't no way doc can miss out on this kinda stuff, LOL. he's just gonna casually geek out.

It'd been a typical day with an uneventful end... until something bright caught his eye up above. It glowed from the heat it emanated, followed closely by an unmistakable trail.

A shooting star— or more specifically, a meteoroid. Eyes blowing wide from behind his goggles, Doc followed its trajectory in a hurry. Maybe it was just your every day meteor, but his gut said otherwise. And his gut was scarcely wrong. Even if it were a natural phenomenon, he simply couldn't ignore this. Not with so many burning questions about this mysterious world.

A crash sounded up ahead, sending a shockwave through the trees, flesh, and bone. When he'd finally arrived on the scene, Célnes was already there, speaking to someone. Did... did he come from that damned meteor?! He had to catch his breath.

So focused on the intriguing scenario before him, Doc scarcely registered the other individual lingering nearby like him and how their scent was not of Elkshire until Célnes gave them a sharp look. He had to get closer, to observe and absorb as much information as possible. Thus, he emerged from the foliage and approached the pair, scanning the man like a machine. As he'd heard him say, he was completely uninjured, not a hair out of place despite the black skid marks marring the ground.

“Fascinating...” He breathed. “Sorry for the intrusion, but I saw the meteor and couldn't help but follow it. My name is Doc.” He held his tongue from unleashing a barrage of questions... for now.

the staff team luvs u
10-05-2022, 01:06 PM
He knew he was seen as soon as the Elkshire woman looked over at him, causing him to chuckle as he slithered out of the bush, like a snake in the grass. Coming to stand next to her, his ally, he would begin to say something, only to be stopped by a rambling wolf that made the man snarl in annoyance. He hated wolves like him that were all overly happy and excited. 

So, with a roll of his eyes, he would turn back to the male that appeared in a rather interested fashion, though Mel cared little about that. "Claimed by Elkshire yes, but neighborning to Labyrinthian." He would grin over at Celnes, though no malice was held there. As far as he was concerned, at least for the time being, she was a friend. As was everyone of Elkshire.

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  • Common [#8e44ad]
  • Latin [#756771]
[Image: aa83f52e-6eaf-11ed-84e1-5f82d5ab0db4.gif]
11-02-2022, 07:35 PM
^^A star had fallen; of course there was going to be an audience for Akuji. It made perfect sense, didn't it? Can’t go creatin’ that type of racket in a forest without creating a curiosity, yet Akuji held no memory. He felt more like he was just waking up from a nap versus having fallen from the sky.

Now there was an audience of three, for now. Three tall wolves of different colors. A brown woman, a white male with black accents, and an older gray fellow with weird… eyes, named Doc. What he had learned, so far, was that Labyrinthian and Elkshire were neighbors, and what was about it.

He still had no idea where he was, but he supposed that wasn’t important. He’d figure out his way from here.

“Well, Doc and Company of Elkshire and Labyrinthian, I am Akuji… of no where in particular, I suppose. Just, erm, here I guess, havin’ taken a..” He paused to look at the sky, then back at them.

“.. A tumble, I guess, from the sky.. Although I have no memory of it, or anything, really.. ”

Akuji frowned, shaking out his coat when something hit his chest. He looked down. There was a stone, laced to his neck.

“Has that always been there?”

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