Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

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09-02-2022, 05:17 PM
Camillia lay in fluffy grass amid interspersed trees taking a well-won nap. She had just barely arrived in this land and had already done so much. It all made her tired. Her afternoon nap had turned into an evening one. Now she was threatening to not be able to sleep through the night. Not that that was entirely a bad thing. Didn’t wolves stay up at night or something? Camillia wasn’t sure about the ecological habits of wolves.

Sitting up, she lazily watched the wildlife that had gathered while she had been sleeping. Butterflies floated through the air, their brilliant blue wings coloring the area. She wished she knew their name. She noted the vibrant flowers which covered the ground. She also noted the sound of some sort of scurrying animal rushing through the flowers, perhaps a vole or a mouse. She had seen both, they were quite cute and quite delicious. Even when she had been a horse, she had had the taste for blood and knew what meals satisfied such hunger.

The trees around her seemed to be similar and the one she was sitting under was known as a dogwood tree. She only knew this because of the silly name and the bright pink flowers in the spring. Now it was thoroughly green and was considering whether it wanted to drop its leaves for fall. Camillia smiled to herself. This much was the same. If she had no choice but to live in this world and this body, she would have to make it her own.
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[Image: glciheO.png]
09-02-2022, 05:24 PM
Miriam travelled to unfamiliar territory, feeling it was time to extend her paws beyond the realm that was known ; discovering and exploring everywhere she could.. Her thirst for exploration sought elsewhere, a realm she didn't know and a place that was deemed something unimaginable. She dreamed to find something that would set-forth a new destiny, and always wondered, what plans does the Goddess have in store for her? A destined path she knew not, but today's guidance brought her to the forests. A butterfly, fluttering in the air and she followed to be enchanted by a forest —

Dazzled in blues and lilacs, it reminded her much of the grove within the temperate, absence of the other plethora of colors. A beauty to be seen, as the morpho's hovered around and even stuck to her ear, causing a faint tickle where she chuckled lightly. There was a lot to be seen — though a forest, around was settled by plains.. She couldn't help but think this must be the resting ground of butterflies? She was careful to step between the plants, to avoid any of the suckling morpho's on the flowers nectars..

"Oh, hello," Miriam greeted, as through her steps she noticed another in the distance, "quite beautiful, isn't it?" ah, she almost stepped on a caterpillar.. Gingerly stepping to the side, the maiden looked at her, and smiled.

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09-03-2022, 05:24 AM
A wolf appeared in the meadow ahead of her and Camillia instinctively tensed. She relaxed at the wolf’s words and reminded herself that she was also a wolf. Will I do this every time? The thought annoyed her, but she didn’t show any of her disgust with herself to the other wolf. Instead, she assumed her usual stoic expression and looked over the wolf in front of her. She was much more beautiful than Camillia’s strange colorings and solid frame. She was slender and graceful and reminded Camillia of a flowing stream.

After a beat, she responded. “Quite,” she said in polite tones. A butterfly landed near her, lit up by a beam of evening light. “Do you know what these butterflies are called? I’m not from around here and want to learn about the wildlife here.” She said, ending with a slight downturn to her lips. She hated asking things of others, her siblings had often used this to their advantage by bullying her or expecting something in return. She hoped this elegant wolf would be different as she did not have much to give.

Her eyes turned to the grasses at her feet as well. She could recognize a few types; buffalo grass specifically, but many were beyond her. She wanted to know more and more, maybe with that she would be able to protect herself in these strange lands.
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[Image: glciheO.png]
09-03-2022, 02:08 PM (This post was last modified: 09-03-2022, 02:08 PM by Miriam.)
She was an older woman within her years, something that reminded her vaguely of the High Priestess she left behind. Bathed in similar glory and beauty ; but knew by heart that the woman of the other realm would not leave the Orchid so easily, and not to mention the two would recognize each other. She sometimes wondered if there would be a day she would ever meet another from the same homeland, and just maybe.. Exchange what they have learned.

"They are blue morpho butterflies," Miriam said, as she gentle stroked a flower that one landed on, and watched it flutter nearby the other woman. Pretty things they were, covered in a dazzling blue, "it is said they are very rare, and as well as some of the largest butterflies." The thought just came as well, a rarity that these blue-ones were to be, and yet..? As the maiden gazed around with white eyes, she noticed the plethora that was around. It was unusual in general for them to hover so many around the plains, but for a species such as them..?

The land was truly fascinating, "it's a wonder to how they survived here," Miriam commented.

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09-04-2022, 01:47 PM
Camillia repeated the words in her head, hoping to remember them for the next time she visited these lands. Their rarity made Camillia all the more thankful she had been blessed with the sight of them. She observed them for a few more moments.

The other wolf didn’t seem to take advantage of her lack of knowledge and answered as if it was the obvious thing to do. This struck Camillia as odd, but she refrained from saying anything. Perhaps it was simply normal here.

“You seem knowledgeable about these things.” The monochromatic wolf complimented the other wolf. “My name is Camillia,” she offered respectfully. Her quiet nature was making it difficult to keep in conversation. After all, she had only really had experience with her half-siblings and father in her previous life.
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[Image: glciheO.png]
09-04-2022, 03:18 PM
"I was taught much in my home. Knowledge was essential for a fulfillment, and to a closer sentence to the Summerlands." Miriam smiled — it was an important aspect to learn all that she could. History brought down and passed between the maidens and earls, all so that they may be closer to an enlightenment, where their soul reached the pinnacle of what they were to learn and fulfill through lives, and finally, join the Goddess within the afterlife. She always wondered, whether her past reincarnations had done — and thinking that just maybe knowledge was easier to learn, to a past she could not remember.

But her mothers and Amma, as well as the High Priestess, was the truly ones to thank for moments, and to spread the same to others. She was smiling, so friendly like, happy to tell anything that she knew to a curious soul, "I am Miriam, Miriam Iris Willows, it is nice to meet you."

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09-05-2022, 05:01 AM
Camillia wasn’t sure what the pretty wolf meant by the Summerlands. The striped wolf had not heard of such a place and wondered why the gray wolf would want to be sentenced there. She let the confusion show on her face. She hoped the other wolf would pick up on her puzzlement and explain more.

Camillia realized she should’ve included her last name, ‘La Traviata’, but now it was too late. Miriam had quite a pretty name, different to the one Camillia had been given. But the dark wolf thought they were both pleasing to the ear. “It is nice to meet you as well,” she offered in a refined manner.

Shifting from paw to paw, Camillia wasn’t sure how to continue the conversation. She had so many questions she wanted to ask but wasn’t sure how to ask them. Then a thought came to her, perhaps she should offer a bit of herself first. “I left my homeland only a few days ago, but the knowledge I gained there mostly pertained to a mountainous region.” She internally smiled to herself. She felt accomplished in continuing the conversation.
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[Image: glciheO.png]
09-20-2022, 08:37 PM
"It seems like many of us are fresh to these lands, awaiting for new exploration. Though I dare say, it seems many were quite literally, taken away." She too was someone who ventured away from her home, but couldn't help wonder if she.. How did she end up? Miriam came to this land by the sheer coincidence of one day falling asleep, and when she re-woke, was in a new place altogether! How mysterious it was.

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