Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!

Group Only
He was something,

Group Only
Dragonford Isles
09-15-2022, 04:07 PM
Ghost was.. Was a member. Prominent, his gaze often simply sitting and watching, occasionally giving an eerie grin. Most members simply ignored such antics or grown used to, but she had to say. It wasn't pleasant when the middle of the fucking night. Yet, he proved himself greatly, and faced the boars. She was lightly ashamed to not come to him sooner, but with so much happening.. She finally found the appropriate time of relaxation, and a stress easing from her shoulders.

"Hey there @Ghost," she came from behind, her tail swaying lightly in the air, grinning at him, "you up for some training on the beach?" He was growing.. That's for sure. A yearling nearly, if not already. She knew it would be time soon to let him properly dive off the cliff, but.. It came the question, of what name would he be given? That was the true question, for Vendrussel struggled greatly on what was appropriate. He shown.. An interesting personality, to say the least.

the staff team luvs u
09-15-2022, 06:57 PM
 He was there, as always, sitting and watching. A silent sentinel. His gaze wasn't turned to the borders this time but instead at the waves. The sounds were calming on its ears, the water and sky and rocks were a pleasing backdrop. It was already in a decent mood so the distraction did not cause it annoyance.

 An ear turned backwards but the face did not.

 When she stopped speaking, the ear turned back forward. As if he were going to ignore her... but then, a few seconds after what was probably socially acceptable, the boy slooowwwllly turned his head around to fix those wide and staring eyes on her. He did not blink. He simply looked... and then...

 "I find this activity acceptable."

 Then, he rose to his paws equally as slowly as he'd looked at her and quickly turned his entire body around to face her. All the while still maintaining that unfocused yet focused gaze.

the staff team luvs u

[Image: ghostgif.gif]
Ghost will frequently switch between he/it pronouns. Feel free to use whichever your character is comfortable with.
09-19-2022, 02:07 PM
He was growing into his paws, larger then he was when first founded upon their beach, but she couldn't see him more then just a child. His strange nature never seemed to go beyond what he was, just lightly more talkative then on occasion, and especially a large drawing to the tigress. She was unsure when it started or how, but Olympia was more then happy to have a servant it seemed. He didn't mind either, and even watched and followed her often — a strange relationship that Vendrussel felt it was difficult to intervene with.

She turned toward the sands, a tail flickered and beckoned him to follow, "you're soon due for your drop," she said, a blue-eye glancing back, "you'll receive your own nickname soon." She would bring him to the place upon the beach where they could properly spar within the open sands.

the staff team luvs u
09-20-2022, 09:39 PM
 He watched her... and then followed along behind. He assumed that it would be another fishing lesson today, and was prepared to try to find the biggest fish he could. One that Olympia would deem as the perfect catch, anything less would not do.

 His gaze turned towards the blue leader when she began to speak. A nickname, hmm... there was some curiosity but he knew it would be pointless to ask now. Not that he wanted to, let it be a surprise. Let her guess and figure out those trivial names. The dorp though? His drop, yes, he knew that was a thing here but he'd never really attended anyone else's. Did he feel trepidation for it? No. Not really. It was a thing that would happen and feeling nervous would do nothing.

 However... there was a bit of excitement. It remembered the previous jump. The weightlessness, the freedom, the crash of the water. It was so close to death and yet it felt so alive.

 They stopped at the beach and, expecting what they'd done previously, the ghost would start to pad slowly to the water. It wondered why Vendrussel had stopped over there, perhaps waiting for him to show off his skills first.

the staff team luvs u

[Image: ghostgif.gif]
Ghost will frequently switch between he/it pronouns. Feel free to use whichever your character is comfortable with.
09-21-2022, 02:08 PM
"Today we are going to train how to fight." Her clan had found training with the water and the sand had already helped one learn faster. It was difficult to do either ; and mastering something highly improved attempting to fight through any forest or mountain-area. It was when it came to terrain most wolves were not familiar with, where most would end up with bad luck. Not Dragonford though, whose wolves were gradually intertwining with both the sea and forests, and he too, would learn of this.

"The boars came, but they aren't the only one's around that wish to hurt us. Already, have they ambushed and brought another into it. What was thought just against me is no longer true. That means they can go after you, or even Olympia."

note for babysitter lolo

the staff team luvs u
10-03-2022, 05:25 PM
 "Today we are going to train how to fight." It stopped middstep when the leader's words rang out to him. He was facing away, head tilted to the side as he listened to her words. What she said rang true and he remembered the sheer helplesness he felt when they'd injured his light. How he'd been tossed aside.

 How he'd been worthless to do his duty.

 It turned back towards Vendrussel, pacing over to her and then standing still in front of the blue woman. His vacant stare looked up towards her and he gave a single nod, quick and robotic. He would lay his life down if it meant protecting Olympia and she would be the one who taught him how to fight so that he may better serve.

 He didn't say it but it was clear that the blue wolf had his rapt attention.

 Teach me...

the staff team luvs u

[Image: ghostgif.gif]
Ghost will frequently switch between he/it pronouns. Feel free to use whichever your character is comfortable with.
11-01-2022, 11:41 AM
"Training on the sand is difficult, but it's often makes you stronger, and well-suited for other terrains." He never gave a confirmation, but at the point Vendrussel could read him lightly to what he wanted and what he was alright with. He went in front of her, nodding lightly at the acceptance of her teaching that prompted her to continue. When she was still a cub, she would be trained upon the sands to fight.

"The sands are tricky to stay upon. You do not want to use too much force in your paws or otherwise shift — your tail is a great asset. Using your hips to sway the direction you want to go, and using a tail to help pull in that area." Her tail swayed lightly in the backdrop ; soaked in the blue-steel of her tones with a platinum white.

"Though I said we are training how.. It's more appropriate to say gaining the basics."

the staff team luvs u
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