Welcome to Canis Major

a wolf and animal rpg (role-playing game)

Canis is a writing community for play-by-post (forum-based), freeform roleplay set in a fictional dream world in the intrusion fantasy genre. Most characters on Canis are wolves; many play elements are focused around wolves and canids, but the world makes room for a large variety of other animal characters such as dogs, horses, cats, bears, deer, and many, many more.

Our community is focused on flexibility, creativity, and collaboration. That boils down to a few important features:

  • There is no set activity requirement to write
  • The setting and plot are member-created and staff-supported
  • The game is continuously improved to increase fun and decrease stress

Learn more in our Rulebook!


Compendium Entry

The Everfrost

Consisting only of lush evergreens, snow is a constant here as it clings to their branches and sweeps across the lands quickly covering up any previous tracks. Caribou, lemmings, voles, arctic hares, ravens, crows, and other various snowbirds give this place an abundance of life within the shelter of the coniferous trees.

09-05-2022, 04:55 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 07:23 PM by Erebus.)
for @Sorina !

He shook violently in the snow. Tossing and turning as though arousing from a terrible, awful dream.

His brother's blood and tears mixed into his pelt.

What had he done?

Was it anything at all?

His eyes opened, like burning fires against his pitch black coat- they stared into the snow and the distance. Surprised.
Was it all just a dream?

Sleep pooled from his head, he stood with cranium pointed downwards. Trying his best to pick up whatever scents lay atop the snow.
This wasn't home.

No, this wasn't even close to the mountain.

What had he done?

Confused, he took careful steps into the white abyss. Conscious enough now to notice the trees that surrounded him, their branches weighed down by the frost. Should he leave or wait for help to find him? He wasn't sure.

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09-06-2022, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 08:56 AM by Sorina.)
She saw a shadow in the dimming light.

Black covered him like a fine cloak, yet eyes burned of molten gold. The Queen blinked, he was not one of her own, no. Not one of her Denizens had eyes like him. So quickly, she moved forwards. She was lucky to catch him, any later and he perhaps would have been free to wander straight into the Everfrost.

Alas, her tail rose and a small growl, warning, rumbled from her chest. Step no further. Dark ears pinned to her skull. You are in Haldis territory. Hot breath whispered into the pale night. May I assist you?

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09-06-2022, 10:40 PM (This post was last modified: 09-07-2022, 07:25 PM by Erebus.)

Why, it must be a dream. For a woman stood before him, coated so beautifully in the most fine of black silk fur.
The fire-eyed raven sat with jaw nearly agape, taken aback by her stunning glow and perfection.

Her eyes were so cold in their appearance, so delicately purple, that her almost threatening stature didn't seem to make it through his skull.

"My lady.." He began, almost hesitant. Was he even worthy of speaking before such magnificent blackness?
"You are among the fairest creatures I have ever laid eyes upon." He turned his head but, his eyes wouldn't move from her visage. "You can assist me in any way you'd like." Of course the man couldn't pass the opportunity to flirt with her.

Even if she was just a dream.

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09-07-2022, 04:07 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 08:56 AM by Sorina.)
A hand extended to stoke a very broken ego, dark tendrils curled and gasped in a way that quelled the anger and dominance that began to boil within. His expression was indeed that of shock, bewilderment, as if she were a dark spectre or ungodly being.

Her growl ceased and dark ears swivelled forwards. You are among the fairest creatures I have ever laid eyes upon." Sorina was not used to this kind of flattery. So abrupt and forthright. But she did not mind it, either. Her first reaction was to simply blink at the unexpected comment.

It seemed genuine, too. As she stepped closer, the fire in his eyes burned wide and his tone was that of a bewildered whisper. You can assist me in any way you'd like." Dark lips dared to pull into a sly smile. In any way? Her tone was thoughtful. Musing with dark brows raised. She allowed herself to indulge, for she was entranced in such blind astonishment, it drew her in. Yes, she was a cynical and vain woman… who needed that ego stroked every now and then.
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09-07-2022, 08:37 AM

"In any way.." Cooed the raven, his paws making soft steps to approach her. The way they hesitated in the air for a moment, he looked as if he was trying not to disturb the surface of a pond.

"Such pure pitch, it may only come from the more noble of houses. Please, I must know your family name?" His head peered forward slightly, nose twitching to test her air.

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09-08-2022, 04:54 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 08:56 AM by Sorina.)
He approached, deliberate and provocative. Words crooned and melted like butter upon his tongue. Wrong. The warning in her mind-the paranoia screamed restraint. He was but a wondering loner, upon her lands. So, she took another step forwards; as he scented the air, so did she. He was not of a pack, no certain claim lay upon his scent. Thankfully, he did not belong to them or anyone else for that matter.

Such pure pitch, it may only come from the more noble of houses. Please, I must know your family name?" Dark brows rose as her head uplifted. Saxe-Salvatorè, She mused. A combination of two very, powerful Houses. Well… only one now, but he need not know that.

Salvatorè was a ghost. Herself and Iarna were named the last Princess’… though that heartless man probably fathered more bastards someplace else.

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[Image: dfeo71b-911a2cce-24b2-4a18-bbb4-e6a43b76...BhW7Iv8uLQ]
Erebus is allowed in any of Sorina’s threads.
09-08-2022, 08:33 AM

He seemed to repeat the name on his lips for a moment, though didn't make any sound. Surprisingly, he had never heard such a house, even though it sounded like the pairing of two rather than one singular.
The man remembered, as a child, visiting all the fair and right houses on their path of war. Every dark pelted family given Tenebris visitation, often baring gifts and the like.

"I'm afraid I don't recall that house.." he was clearly apologetic, his brows furrowed to show it.
"Regardless, your family must be so proud to have been given such a blessed child of the moon." Again his eyes trailed over her figure, how the black perfectly caressed her features. Blessed even was he to witness her.

"Erebus Tenebris, at your service, fair lady." He gave a curt and pleasant bow, one that was brief and meant only for the addressing of other nobility.

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09-08-2022, 01:53 PM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 08:56 AM by Sorina.)
As he spoke she shook her head, plush fur silken smooth under the dimming light. No need, I hail from a far off land… when I suddenly awoke here, no one knew of me. Though at first, of course for a vain woman like Sorina, it was a bitter pill to swallow. But now, it was a new beginning. She could shape her dynasty to her liking, without the ghosts and sins of her Sire’s past. Untainted. Pure. Here, I get to carve my own legacy from scratch.

She noted his wandering eyes and such flattering words. An amused hum lingered upon her tongue. Indeed, so much so that I should have inherited my Father’s Kingdom. But if course, that was never meant to be.

She now had a name. Lady Paramount Sorina Saxe Salvatorè, will suffice. Adding with a wink.

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Erebus is allowed in any of Sorina’s threads.
09-08-2022, 04:21 PM

"Sorina.." He whispered the name back to himself, though perhaps audible, he just wanted to hear it out loud again.

At first, he was surprised she didn't act more astounded to see the son of Sabir Tenebris. The family so well known and in such high regard, and all. However she mentioned the same happening to her, and the sting of not being recognized faded a lot faster.

"So you're a leader?" The man continued, the idea of a lady in charge intrigued him even more so. For it was only a strong woman, one who could take the reigns like that, who would be worthy of wedding with a Tenebris heir. Perhaps when he found his way back, eventually, if ever, he could convince his father to allow him to take her hand
She was such a beautiful woman, he was sure it wouldn't be a hard sell.

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09-17-2022, 08:38 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 08:56 AM by Sorina.)
Curiosity swirled in the icy depths of her pale purple eyes. He seemed perplexed, in awe of her. She of course welcomed it, for she was a woman.. often scorned for admiring herself and her ego. Bratty, whore. Words echoed in her mind as clear as day. Yet she paid no more attention to the petty words of ghosts.

The dark corners of her lips curled into a faint smile as he muttered what most be her name-or other tokens given. A small dip of her crown was given. Indeed. Her head turned, craning her neck to the left to gesture briefly to the Everfrost behind. Here, in the Everfrost. I have founded a budding Empire named Haldis. Her pride and joy, her rightful claim upon the world.

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09-18-2022, 11:38 AM

He listened intently, his mind curiously stirring as she spoke.
"Does the Moon favor your leadership?" There was a pause, a brief contemplation. If she did not know him, there was a likelihood she would have no idea what he was referring to.
"Has it been going well thus far?" The man continued.

To be without the guidance of the moon was a life the Tenebris man couldn't fathom. She was in every aspect of their lives, everything they did was in her favor.

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09-25-2022, 06:36 AM (This post was last modified: 10-09-2022, 08:57 AM by Sorina.)
"Does the Moon favor your leadership?”

Intense eyes of blazing orange seemed to burn into her, posing the question. Curved ears flickered as confusion briefly swept across her dark facade. The moon?Her tone peeked with interest. She would not have taken him for a religious man-no l, she assumed him to be much like herself; proud and aspiring to be more. Sorina swallowed the urge to laugh.

Religion was nothing but a dream the weak minded clung to.

As Erebus expanded on his question, the small smirk was wiped from her dark lips. I have been met with strife, She offered solemnly. Both on the inside and out. Yet, she seemed to shake the looming dread, the crawling guilt and more that wrapped around her heart. But we are strong. Forcing her eyes to widen, banishing the darkness. And small.

She would not let Haldis seem weak to outsiders.

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09-27-2022, 01:17 PM
"As is the way of all us dark ones." He responded, lifting his head and casting a look upon her that was full of pride- both for himself and her.

Again Erebus dared to creep closer, paws only softly rustling into the snow. He would stop when he was dangerously close(if she allowed it), to the point where she could smell him clearly without having to stick her neck out. One that allowed him to just barely peek down at her when he sat. Long torso held out, puffed up to show a strong chest.

He chuckled and cooed at her confusion towards his comment. "Pardon my faith." He dipped his head, a smile on his maw, with eyes closed. Charmingly lifting a paw and placing it near his chest in apology.
"Praising the dark goddess is a force of habit." Erebus made sure to look her up and down, a certain fire in his eyes when he said 'dark goddess'. Both an allusion to the true goddess, and, what seemed to him, an avatar of her in Sorina's likeness. If ever the goddess came down to live among the mortal world, she would look similar to this one, he thought.

"I'd be happy to elaborate, if you are truly curious." It was true, her teachings were well burned into the underside of his skull. Every little bed time story, poem, or song. All her virtues and laws. If his father was to succeed in anything, he surely succeeded in raising a religious son.
Though he wouldn't be hurt if she would refuse. There would always be another opportunity to share. Besides, he was more curious himself of her kingdom.

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10-02-2022, 05:56 AM
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10-05-2022, 07:05 PM (This post was last modified: 10-06-2022, 01:03 AM by Erebus.)
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10-08-2022, 05:46 AM
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10-12-2022, 02:48 AM (This post was last modified: 10-12-2022, 02:49 AM by Erebus.)
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