09-01-2022, 08:47 AM
The child had fallen asleep in one place and woken up in another; not an uncommon thing at this age, and seeing as she hadn't had enough time to get acquainted with her first life, her transition to the second was hardly a disturbance. If not for the change in temperature, she might have continued her early evening slumber, blissfully unaware of the events having just transpired, but seldom are things so simple.
The reflective patches of snow clinging to the tips of towering evergreens made opening either eye a task. She blinked her right open first, then tried the left, though by then it had become crusted over with sleep. A clumsy paw reached toward her face as an attempt to clear the blockage, but it seemed a strenuous enough task to prompt the girl back into a doze.
Oh, well.
the staff team luvs u