07-17-2022, 08:02 PM
tags for reference!
Faust knew she had other siblings, in-fact there was about eight older ones in total. She had seen @Melrose and @Rohesia, although one seemed uncaring and the other looked at her in mild disgust. She knew of an older sister, @Vermillion, who carried both white and gray kinda like @Seaver, she was away to another pack, something named of Greenwood. Obviously so, though she knew of three the most, @Maral and @Warwick, the protectors, and @Edith the divine evil, who though blessed in colors was more sinful then any white she held. There was also vague whispers of another.. A lost child, smoked within none of the browns that any of them have, @Aldritch that was dropped once and never again. Almost like everyone attempted to erase him..
And then there was @Calhoun. She was around, and on occasion Faust would spot him but knowing well he may be acquainted and close to Edith she avoided him so, and often ducked out of cover. Yet some curiosity brought over to this brown-orange brother, who smelled a mixture of both Elkshire altogether and that of the pungent scent @Ceria held. Nerves have gotten the best of her — especially as by their standards she was of sin and not as elegant nor' divine as the rest of them.
But upon her strolling around did she come across his trial, a scent of that same brother and grew but a bit of confidence, as well as curiosity that came to. A deep breath ; maybe he would take pity just as brother Warwick has done. Yet at the same time that pity was something of a scorn, a tear within her heart — for if they didn't hate her, they pitied the young Faust.
She followed his scent, prowling through ; but imperfectly.
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